NIH Intramural Administrative Officers' Meeting

Bldg. 10, Clinical Center, Medical Board Room (10/2C116)

 Thursday, October 4, 2006 - 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.


Next Meeting: November 2, 2006 - 12:30-2:30 p.m. - Bldg 10, Conference Room 2C116


Adams, Ronald, CC

Hill, Kristie, NCI

Affeldt, Mary, NIDA

Maraiao, Ruth, NICHD

Betson, Ginger, NIDCR

Herman, Ariel, NHLBI

Bullman-Jarvis, Laurie, ORS

Burr, Matt, NHGRI

Burton, Jennifer, OHR

Fountain, Debbie, NBS

Harrelson, Susan, NIDDK

Mancuso, Joan, NIAMS

Perry, Katy, NIAID

Plummer, Jason, OTT/OD

Redmond, Randy, NCI

Rolfes, Ellen, NHGRI

Siegel, Donna, NCI

Strickland, Marlyn, CIT

Taffet, Richie, HR Liaison

Wiggins, Bruce, NIEHS

 Minutes: Prepared by Francie Kitzmiller, NIDDK


Closed Session (12:30 - 2:30)

1. HR issues - Richie Taffet, Acting Branch Chief, OD, Office of Human Resources

Chris Major is the OHR permanent director, effective 10/15/06. HR is recruiting for 2 classifiers for 14/15's and a 3rd classifier is also being recruiting a 12/13. HR is centralizing the Delegated Examinator authority and looking at a group of 5 for this group - 14, 3 9/11/12, 2 5/6/7

HR is looking into revamping the vacancy announcement format. Perhaps adding pictures, etc. to be more attractive.

Tier 4, e-mail regarding the policy for designating a senior investigator. This is for the top 2/3%. The question was asked, is there a quota per IC? The answer was: "Top 2/3% of the preeminent top scientists, there is no specific IC quota, There is no advantage in submitting your staff early"

The question was asked: "will the SDs be allowed to apply for this new salary, because currently it's more than what they can make right now." The answer was: "At this time, it isn't possible because the SDs are subject to the specific pay model for Deputy Directors and Scientific Directors."


 2. NBS Update - Debbie Fountain, NBS Change Management Office

We are in the final phase of acceptance testing - User Acceptance Testing (UAT). Internal phase includes the experts on the floor testing which involves approximately 80 some scenarios. External phase starts on the Nov 5 and runs through Dec.

Once this is completed, a recommendation will be made to the Steering Committee based on the UAT's. There will be no more changes at this point. Coming out with impact assessments to the community soon.

We are beginning the role mapping effort. There are about 15-30 roles for the IC's. Role mapping workshops are for the team members. The workshops start next week and only for the members. The workshops are a total of 5 and should be done by the end of November. The workshops give the basic information so they can begin to role map. Training begins in January.

Hardware Readiness will be sometime in February. The basics about how the individual stations need to be setup. It sounds like this is going to be minimal effort for the IT staff.


3. Miscellaneous Issues - Susan and Tim

a. Introduce new principal IAO

Trish Scullion was selected for the principal IAO job with NIAAA


b. Budgeting for awards in the new PMAP system

Awards were mandatory for persons receiving exceptional ratings, if the budgeting permits. Title 42 can get a 2% increase pay increase as well as the awards. If you give them an exceptional, you must give them a minimum of 2 ½%. The other increases have nothing to do with this. Ellen is going to do a test for us and bring back the data.


c. Medical Arts new billing process

Last month, Medical Arts came and gave us a presentation. They then went to the EO meeting and presented slightly different information. Susan has gone back to them to get clarification. Subsequently, instructions were sent for the new billing system to all the AOs.


d. AO/HR roles

Susan and Tim attended an ad hoc meeting yesterday to help clarify some of the AO/HR roles. This has been needed because of the inconsistency within HR as to who does what. Overwhelmingly the issues of debate between AOs and HR as to whose responsibility it was to do these tasks were PDs, KSA's, crediting plans, etc. Richie gave a wonderful example of what the HR rep could provide. The group agreed that it would be a group effort including an HR specialist, an AO (or other representative from the IC), and the selecting official.

The other issue that was discussed is the NTE list. Lucy Green said that HR can provide a better list of this information than what we have in our data. HR is going to ask CIT to provide a report that will show what personnel packages they have already received.


e. SES/ECQ training for AOs

Mary suggested that we have some type of training class for SES/ECQ training. There seemed to be an interest in this. She said she would follow up with HR to see if a training session can be brought to NIH AOs.


4. Progress on vision committee/possibility of IAO retreat, etc. , Jeff Domanski, NINDS & Laurie Bullman, ORS/ORF

We received input on the SOW, making the changes, mostly grammatical. The committee is targeting for the end of October to have a meeting. The general consensus is that there is an interest in an IAO retreat.

AO competencies now have a draft model. Before they role this out, they'd like this discussed at the retreat or have some sort of session with a presentation about it. It was agreed that we would discuss at our next IAO rather than the retreat.


5. Focus Groups for DDIR on AO support, Laurie Bullman ORS/ORF & Zoe Copeland, NIAID, demonstration of survey mechanism

Laurie brought a proposal for the retreat with ideas as to what might be covered, support for our regular meetings, etc.

Read over and give some feedback so we might figure out where to go from here. Jeff and Laurie are co-chairing the committee to plan the retreat and look at further changes to the IAO group.


6. Around the room - all

Laurie announced that Daniel Wheeland has been selected as the new Director of ORF.


Upcoming meetings:

October 10, 2006, Combined EAO/ IAO meeting in building 31, conference room 6, 9:30-11:00. Topics of interest include: A-76 Green plan, and AO Portal Demonstration. All AOs invited to attend, please encourage your staffs to attend.