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Granger, Cornyn announce federal grant to minimize flood danger in Haltom City

WASHINGTON, D.C., March 11 — U. S. Senator John Cornyn and U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, announced today that Haltom City will receive a federal grant of $1,470,000 to remove 124 flood-prone structures, eliminating health and safety risks to residents in the event of future flooding.  The funding comes from FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. Sen. Cornyn and Rep. Granger worked to secure the funding for the area.

“This is great news for Haltom City residents and I’m encouraged that the area is finally receiving this support to help diminish the effects of future disasters,” Sen. Cornyn said.  “This funding provides needed assistance to protect Haltom City against devastation that may come from future storms, and it will ultimately save lives. I will continue to do my part to ensure the federal government is providing the necessary resources to Texas communities for disaster preparedness and prevention.”

“In June 2007, a flood in Haltom City took the life of a 4-year-old girl and endangered hundreds of homes and lives. Senator Cornyn and I visited the affected area shortly thereafter. After seeing the damage the flood caused, we sought federal funding to lessen future storm risks. This much-needed grant will help Haltom City ensure that those kinds of tragedies won't happen again,” said Rep. Granger. 

The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program provides funding to states and local governments for projects that will reduce losses from future disasters.