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Granger to Visit Troops in Middle East - August 5, 2002

August 5, 2002  


Granger to Visit Troops in the Middle East

From August 4th to the 14th, Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) will join six other congressional leaders in a visit to the center of our war against terrorism. The seven member delegation will inspect U.S. military installations and visit with soldiers in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and Morocco.
"This trip provides an excellent opportunity to see up close how our war on terrorism is progressing," stated Congresswoman Granger. "These countries are all strategic allies in Operation Enduring Freedom. I look forward to meeting with leaders in these countries and talking with our troops and military officers."

Congressman David Hobson (R, OH-7), Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, is hosting the trip that will include Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D, OH-11), Loretta Sanchez (D, CA-46), Carrie Meek (D, FL-17), Ken Calvert (R, CA-43), and Robert Aderholt (R, AL-4). Congresswoman Granger is the Vice-Chair of the Military Construction Subcommittee and has spoken with troops and inspected military installations in Asia, Europe and the United States.

Congresswoman Granger stated, "As a member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, I am interested in inspecting the military facilities in these countries. I am also looking forward to have the opportunity to eat lunch with the troops at three different military bases. This will give me a great opportunity to thank them for their sacrifice in the cause of freedom."

A few highlights of the trip include:

- Meetings with the U.S. Ambassador and Turkish leaders in Ankara and Istanbul

- A review of aircraft on the ground in Qatar

- Extensive tours of Navy and Air Force installations in the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain

- A briefing on U.S.-European military command by General Carlton Fulford