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January 21, 2009 - Legislative Email Update: Congratulating President Obama

On this remarkable point in American history, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama.

The 2009 Inauguration is filled with historical significance.  As President Obama became our first African American president, he honored President Abraham Lincoln's efforts.  "A New Birth of Freedom," was the theme of President Obama's inauguration to celebrate this great triumph.

President Obama took office on the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth.  President Obama was sworn in using the same Bible Lincoln used during his inauguration.  Lincoln possessed a determination for equality unprecedented at his time.  He worked to keep our nation whole during our most trying times.

Hope and change have been words echoed throughout Obama's campaign.  And with the current state of America's economy, these words have become powerful and meaningful for our future.  Michigan has experienced very difficult and trying times in the last year.  I want you to know that I plan to work tirelessly with the Obama Administration to secure jobs for Michigan and get our economy up and running.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln, we must remember, "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth."

Again, I appreciate the opportunity to contact you.  If you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact my office or visit my website:  I look forward to serving you in the 111th Congress.


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