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August 8, 2008 - Legislative Email Update: Urgent Action Needed on Energy Independence


I write today to update you on recent legislative activities in the United States Congress.  I appreciate the opportunity to contact you.

Congress Must Hold Vote on Energy Independence

After Democratic leadership in Congress left Washington D.C. for a five week recess without holding one vote to lower gas prices and increase our domestic energy supply, I recently joined many of my House Republican colleagues on the floor of the House of Representatives to demand that the Democrats move America towards energy independence.

Because the Democrats in Washington refuse to listen to the American people, Republicans in Congress continue to state a protest on the floor of the House of Representatives and have demanded that Speaker Nancy Pelosi allow a vote to increase the domestic supply of American energy.

In the 18 days since the Democrats left Washington D.C. for a five week recess, we have sent close to $7 billion to Russia, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to pay for imported oil.  Every single day that Speaker Pelosi holds America hostage to foreign oil is a bad day for Michigan’s economy and a dangerous day for America’s national security.  This Congress can do something about our dependence on foreign oil by passing an “all of the above energy plan” that produces American energy by exploring for oil here at home and investing in renewable resources here at home.

To read an article from the Lansing State Journal about this historic energy protest, click here.

As you may know, I have proposed a comprehensive Energy Independence Plan that would make America independent from overseas oil by July 4, 2015.  You can read all about my plan by clicking here.

Michigan Holds Promise for New “Green” Jobs

I believe the debate over energy presents an opportunity for America to innovate, rather than regulate, our way to a cleaner more secure energy future.  As you may know, I believe that we must have a new energy policy in this country, that focuses on using American innovation and American natural resources to create millions of jobs, bring down the cost of energy and make America independent from overseas oil.   

In Michigan we have the opportunity to lead America into a clean energy future.  Michigan's best natural resource, her citizens, hold the most potential to lead into a clean energy economy.  One example is the development of alternative fuel vehicles, like GM's Volt, which will be able to run on electric power and will use hardly any gasoline at all.  That is why my energy independence legislation creates a loan guarantee program to spur the development and production new technology, and why I am so committed to working to unleash the creativity of Michigan's automotive engineers, designers and workers to create an entire new world where clean, green cars run for hundreds of miles without using gasoline.

To read an article from the Lansing State Journal on the future of green jobs in Michigan, click here. 

Promoting the Energy Independence Act Across the Nation

I recently appeared on Fox News to outline my plan for American energy independence, where I discussed numerous topics including the current protest by House Republicans against Congress’ August recess.  To watch my interview with Neil Cavuto, please click here. 

I appreciate your continued interest in the legislative activities of your U.S. Congress.  As always, should you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let me know.

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