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House Members Express Support for British People, Reiterate Resolve in Defeating Terrorism - July 7, 2005

July 7, 2005  


House Members Express Support for British People; Reiterate Resolve in Defeating Terrorism

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Members of the Congressional War on Terror Team expressed their support and sympathies for the British people who were victimized by today’s cowardly attacks on London. The only goal of terrorism is to terrorize people and instill fear in society. America and her allies have been successful in dismantling terrorist networks worldwide both financially and militarily, and will continue fighting and defeating terrorism.



Members of the team released the following statements:

“I join President Bush in expressing my condolences to the individuals, and their families, who were injured or killed in the savage attacks in London today,” said Chairwoman of the Congressional War on Terror Team Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX). “As the British stood with America on 9/11, so America stands with Great Britain today. Today’s attacks on London are an unfortunate reminder that the war on terrorism, despite the great successes we’ve made, continues. As chair of the Congressional War on Terror Team, my resolve to fight and defeat terrorism is only strengthened by today’s brutal attacks.”

“This morning’s heinous attacks remind us all of the grave dangers inherent in not confronting terrorists who think nothing of murdering innocent people to further their cause,” said Vice Chair of the Congressional War on Terror Team Congressman Geoff Davis (R-KY). “The fact that these attacks occurred while world leaders are meeting to discuss solutions to the AIDS epidemic and ways to achieve a cleaner environment shows the terrorists care nothing for the greater world around them.”

“I extend my deepest sympathy to the victims of this heinous act, their families and the whole British people,” said Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO). “The British are our closest allies in the War on Terror. As they mourned with us on 9/11, and as they fight with us in Iraq, so will we mourn with them today and continue our fight against Islamic terrorists worldwide.”

“The devastating terrorist attacks in London this morning underscore the need for our continued vigilance in the War on Terror,” said Congressman John Kline (R-MN). “We offer our prayers and condolences to the individuals and families affected by today’s attacks as we assure them – and our allies throughout the world – that our commitment to ending terror is unwavering.”

“Our thoughts and prayers are with our friends and allies in London today,” said Congressman Jim Gerlach (R-PA). “These disgusting attacks on innocent people are further proof of just how far terrorist groups will go to advance their extremist agendas. We need to support our friends in their hour of need, just as they supported us in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.”

“The cruel and cowardly terrorist bombings in London today remind us that America is threatened each day by international terrorism, and that the only possible strategy against terrorists is one of constant offense,” said Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R-FL).

“My prayers and condolences are with all the people of London and, in particular, those individuals and families directly impacted by this most recent terrorist attack,” said Congressman Scott Garrett (R-NJ). “Only by continuing our efforts to defeat terrorists around the world can we end the threat of terrorist attacks at home. Out of the tragedy in London today, the message to terrorists remains loud and clear: You will not break our resolve with cowardly attacks on the innocent. We will not yield and you will be brought to justice.”

“Today’s attack in London reminds us that the war on terror is on-going, and all free nations must stand together to defeat it,” said Congressman Virgil Goode (R-VA).