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Granger Statement on passing of former Rep. Jennifer Dunn - September 5, 2007

Granger Statement on passing of former Rep. Jennifer Dunn
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth), Vice Chair of the Republican Conference, today released the following statement after learning of the death of her friend and former colleague, Jennifer Dunn.
“I was stunned and saddened to hear that my friend and former colleague Jennifer Dunn passed away last night. My condolences and prayers go out to her family at this time.
“As the first freshman woman to be elected to the Republican House leadership, Jennifer paved the way for other women in the party and encouraged women across the country to get involved in politics and aspire to leadership positions. She was a vocal advocate for the party and her vision and determination made her the strong leader she was. 
“Her leadership and presence will be missed.”