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Granger Statement on National Intelligence Estimate - July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007  


Granger Statement on National Intelligence Estimate


  Caitlin Carroll
(202) 225-5071

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-Fort Worth), Vice Chair of the Republican Conference, issued the following statement after the release of the National Intelligence Estimate today.

“The NIE report released today illustrates the serious and continued threat we’re facing against terrorist extremists. The report makes clear that our enemy has not given up its fight and has only recommitted to pursuing attacks against our country.

“The report is a reminder that we have more to do to stem the tide of extremist activity as the threat continues to evolve.  The bottom line is that we cannot retreat in the face of this threat.  The consequences are far too grave.

“I am committed to ensuring we do everything possible to defeat the grave threat posed by Al Qaeda and extremists who want to do us harm.  My number one priority is to make sure this country and the American people are safe.”
