ATLAS 3 Public Affairs Status Report #13 6:00 p.m. CST, Nov. 9, 1994 MET 6/7:00 Spacelab Mission Operations Control Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, Ala. ATLAS 3 atmospheric instruments have finished another two days of observations to check the health of the atmosphere, and the four solar instruments are in the midst of their third set of observations. With the mission less than a day past its mid-point, the Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy (ATMOS) instrument has already gathered more data than it did during either ATLAS 1 or ATLAS 2. One of the gases it focused on in the last observing period was hydrogen chloride, which provides a direct measurement of the amount of chlorine available in the atmosphere for ozone chemistry. Payload Commander Ellen Ochoa explained this morning that ATMOS is unique not only because it measures as many as 30 or 40 trace gases simultaneously, but also because it can detect very small concentrations of those gases -- down to a few parts per billion. "Even though the quantities are small," she observed, "these gases can play a large part in ozone destruction." The ATMOS team has encouraged the crew to get as many photographs of the atmosphere as possible, and this afternoon Commander Don McMonagle made pictures as a sunrise illuminated Earth's thin protective blanket. Ochoa viewed the sunrise with high-magnification binoculars, and she commented that she could see 13 or 14 atmospheric layers above the clouds. The Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBUV) experiment completed a series of Earth ozone measurements to calibrate those being made by NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) aboard the Russian Meteor-3 satellite. A six-orbit period of solar observations began at around 1 p.m., with the Solar Constant (SOLCON) experiment and the Active Cavity Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) making very precise measurements of the total radiation arriving at Earth from the sun. The Solar Spectrum (SOLSPEC) instrument and Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) are looking at the sun's radiation as a function of wavelength. This morning, principal scientists for SUSIM, SOLSPEC and SSBUV announced that preliminary data for their first set of ultraviolet solar observations agree approximately to five percent of one another. This is the closest agreement ever achieved by three individual solar instruments without post-flight calibration. The correlation is especially significant since each instrument uses different physics to achieve their calibration. The scientists expect to refine the agreement even further during post-flight analysis. "It is important to obtain very accurate measurements of ultraviolet radiation, because it sets up the chemistry in the atmosphere, triggers catalytic cycles that make and destroy ozone, and drives heating in the atmosphere," said SSBUV Principal Investigator Ernest Hilsenrath. Changes in this ultraviolet output are very subtle, but their impact is of the same order as that of chemicals released into the atmosphere by industrial activity. To distinguish changes due to solar variations from those caused by human activity, both must be closely tracked. "Measurements made by the ATLAS missions and the satellite instruments they calibrate will provide a baseline for the future," said Hilsenrath. "They will be a legacy for environmental investigators in the next century, so they can look back at our data and compare it with changes they may observe in the atmosphere." While the Shuttle-based experiments concentrate on the sun, the Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere (CRISTA) experiment and the Middle Atmosphere High Resolution Spectrograph Investigation (MAHRSI) are continuing atmospheric observations from aboard Germany's free-flying CRISTA-SPAS satellite. CRISTA Principal Investigator Dr. Dirk Offermann, of the University of Wuppertal in Germany, reported his instrument has made the first global readings of atomic oxygen in far-infrared wavelengths as low as 62 miles (100 kilometers). "This is important because it will help us understand how atomic oxygen functions as a cooling mechanism in the upper atmosphere," explained Offermann. Though far-infrared readings of atomic oxygen at similar altitudes have been made during brief sounding rocket flights, and by satellite instruments at higher altitudes, they have never before been made so low in the atmosphere on a global scale. Atomic oxygen is produced in the upper stratosphere when solar ultraviolet light strikes molecular oxygen (the form of oxygen people breathe), breaking it down into single oxygen atoms. The MAHRSI team has processed preliminary data showing global concentrations of hydroxyl. Hydroxyl is very influential in the ozone chemistry of the middle atmosphere. Solar observations will continue until around 9:30 p.m. CST. An orbit-long communications period with the CRISTA-SPAS satellite will follow, and then atmospheric observations will resume.