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Artist's rendering of space exploration scene.

NASA Ames Exploration Technology Directorate Home

Ames Exploration Technology Directorate

The Ames Exploration Technology Directorate's mission is to be world-class creators and facilitators of innovative, intelligent, high-performance and reliable exploration technologies that will enable current and future NASA missions.


image of LCROSS
Mission to find Water on the Moon Moves Closer to Launch
An Intelligent Systems (TI) Division team is managing the Mission Operations team and providing the Ground Data System (GDS) for the 2009 Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) mission to the Moon, which moved closer to launch in January 2008, with the shipment of cameras and sensors to Northrop Grumman, builder of the spaceship.
photo of Dr. Patricia Cowings
Patricia Cowings Featured in Smithsonian Aerospace History Exhibit
Dr. Patricia Cowings, a research psychologist in the Human Systems Integration (TH) Division who investigated and developed countermeasures for "space sickness," is to be featured in an aerospace history exhibit at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.
image of Scolumbia Supercomputer
Simulations of Orion Crew Vehicle Shown at Supercomputing 2007
The NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division participated in Supercomputing 2007 in Reno, Nevada, showing simulations of the next-generation Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, and other examples of its high-end computing technologies that support critical NASA and university research efforts.
Artist rendition of CEV capsule re-entering earth's atmosphere
How NASA's Future Spaceship Will Beat the Heat
The new Orion spaceship will endure heat in excess of 4,800 degrees F as it returns from the moon or the ISS. The Space Technology Division is leading NASA's development of the Orion heat shield.


Exploration Mission
This is the home of the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters.
Constellation Program
Orion is the vehicle NASA's Constellation Program is developing to carry a new generation of explorers back to the moon and later to Mars.


ISS image
ISS Flash
Explore the International Space Station in this Flash-powered site.


Computational models of the Ares I-X test vehicle configuration will help NASA meet its 2009 launch target.

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