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Energy Security

The energy crisis that America faces today demonstrates the need to move to more efficient, clean, and renewable sources of energy. 

That is why I announced a Declaration of Energy Independence. This is my five point plan to bring down gas prices in the short term and end our national addiction to oil in the long term. For all the details of my plan, please click here.

I was recently appointed Co-Chair of the New Democrat Coalition’s Energy Task Force. I look forward to leading this dynamic, engaged group as we craft policy proposals that will create the green jobs of the future.

I believe that energy policy is an environmental, economic and national security concern.  The environmental impacts of our energy consumption are widely known; by continuing to rely on harmful fossil fuels for energy, we are contributing to the deterioration of our ozone, and may one day see rising sea levels and widespread drought in certain regions of the planet.  This is particularly concerning to us in South Florida because, according to NASA experts, if the earth were to warm just five degrees, Florida would be under water.

The economic impact comes from greater investment in new energy related technologies.  Many have talked about the fact that in our economy today we have lost jobs overseas.  The science of alternative energy sources and the commercialization of that technology and those products can bring about a big technology boom in this decade and in decades to come.

Finally, with regard to national security, our dependence on oil has played a dramatic role in how we have shaped our foreign policy.  Currently, the U.S. imports 60 percent of its oil from unstable countries around the world that in many cases are taking some of the billions of dollars that we send over, and financing those who wish to do us harm. We should never again have to make foreign policy decisions based on where the next drop of oil is coming from.

You’ll be pleased to know that I voted for the Energy Independence and Security Act, legislation that will take a first step in putting our nation on the path to energy independence.  This legislation will also aid consumers and families across Florida.  Specifically, the legislation increases vehicles’ fuel efficiency (CAFE standards) for the first time in 32 years to save American families $700 to $1,000 per year on gas, makes an historic commitment to American-grown biofuels, and increases the energy efficiency of homes, buildings, appliances and lighting. This comprehensive energy legislation will help reduce energy costs for American consumers, enhance our economy and strengthen our national security by making our country less dependent on foreign energy sources.  This bill passed Congress and was signed into law by the President.

Additionally, I voted for The Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008, which repeals $18 billion in unnecessary tax subsidies for big, multinational oil and gas companies, and instead invests that money in tax credits for solar energy, cellulosic ethanol and plug-in hybrid vehicles.   This country needs bold ideas and innovative solutions to our energy crisis.  By extending green incentives to businesses and families in a fiscally responsible way, we are putting this country on a path to energy independence. This legislation is a bold message, on behalf of the American people, that we refuse to continue subsidizing Big Oil. 

Shifting our energy supply from fossil fuels to more environmentally safe, renewable sources is essential to the conservation of our planet. Please know that I will continue to support measures that work to repair and preserve the condition of our environment.

See Congressman Klein discuss energy issues on the floor of the House of Representatives.

Read an article about Congressman Klein’s efforts to pass broad, bi-partisan energy legislation.

Visit the Department of Energy’s site to learn about ways you can green your home and business.

Learn about the Small Business Administration’s Energy Conservation loans


Energy Plan ( 03/16/09 01:55 PM PST )
Energy Independence ( 03/16/09 01:54 PM PST )
MarDania ( 03/16/09 01:53 PM PST )
Sunsent Energy ( 03/16/09 01:52 PM PST )
Sunsent Energy ( 02/27/09 04:23 PM PST )
MarDania ( 02/24/09 03:26 PM PST )
Energy Independence ( 02/24/09 03:06 PM PST )
Energy Plan ( 02/24/09 03:03 PM PST )