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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Child and Family Services Reviews Procedures Manual

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Administration on Children, Youth and Families
Children's Bureau



Chapter 1: Framework for the Child and Family Services Reviews

A. Purpose of the Reviews

B. Conceptual Framework of the Reviews

C. Collaborating During the Reviews

D. Structure of the Reviews

E. Steps in the Review Process

Chapter 2: The Review Teams

A. Composition of the Review Teams

B. Statewide Assessment Team

C. Onsite Review Team

D. PIP Development Team

Chapter 3: Statewide Assessment

A. Completion of the Statewide Assessment

B. Preparation and Analysis of Data for the Statewide Assessment

C. Technical Assistance With the Statewide Assessment Data

D. Use of the Statewide Assessment To Structure the Review

E. Interim Statewide Assessments Between Full Reviews

F. Subsequent Reviews

Chapter 4: Onsite Review

A. Onsite Review Activities

B. Preparation for the Onsite Review

C. Case Selection and Review

D. State and Local Stakeholder Interviews

E. Promising Approaches

F. Team Debriefings

Chapter 5: Determination of Substantial Conformity

A. Determination of Substantial Conformity With the Outcomes

B. Determination of Substantial Conformity With the Systemic Factors

C. Resolution of Discrepancies Between the Statewide Assessment and the Onsite Review

Chapter 6: Final Report

A. Preparation of the Final Report

B. Content of the Final Report

C. Procedures for Preparing the Final Report

D. Distribution of the Final Report

E. Calculation of Penalty Estimates

Chapter 7: Program Improvement Plans

A. Timeframe for Developing the PIP

B. Requirements and Content of the PIP

C. Measurement of PIP Progress

D. Strategies for Developing the PIP

E. TA on the PIP

F. PIP Format

G. PIP Approval

H. PIP Reports

I. Evaluation of the PIP

J. Renegotiation of the PIP

K. Financial Penalties


Appendix A: Web Site Addresses for Documents Referenced in the Child and Family Services Reviews Procedures Manual

Appendix B: Index of Outcomes and Systemic Factors, and Associated Items and Data Indicators

Appendix C: Timeframes for Child and Family Services Review Activities

Appendix D: Understanding State Data Profiles

Appendix E: Tips on Creating Onsite Review Schedules

Appendix F: Review Information Package Contents

Appendix G: Preparation for Interviews

Appendix H: Pathway to Substantial Conformity

Appendix I: Program Improvement Plan Content Checklist

Appendix J: Collaborating During the Child and Family Services Reviews

Appendix K: Suggested Breakout of Cases by Review Site