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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Child and Family Services Reviews Update


Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2008

In This Issue:
Cross-State Participants
CFSR Data Management System Revisions
CFSR Data Management Technology Tips

Cross-State Participants

The Children's Bureau is continuing to accept applications for cross-State participants (CSPs) for the fiscal year 2009 reviews. The CSP Program provides State child welfare agency representatives with the opportunity to participate in the onsite component of a Child and Family Services Review (CFSR) before their agency's review. CSPs must meet minimum reviewer qualifications and must be able to fulfill specified requirements. The State sending the CSP also must assume responsibility for the training and travel costs associated with staff participation in an onsite review (including air and ground travel, hotel, and meals).

Information regarding qualifications and the application process is available on the Children's Bureau Web site at Applications are submitted to the Children's Bureau Regional Offices and forwarded to the Child Welfare Reviews Project for review and approval. The project then submits qualified applicants to the Children's Bureau Central Office for final approval. The Child Welfare Reviews Project works with approved applicants to arrange for training and participation on an onsite review team.

CFSR Data Management System Revisions

For the spring 2008 reviews, the following changes have been made to the CFSR Data Management System:

Other suggested revisions to the system may be sent by e-mail to

CFSR Data Management System Technology Tips

The following are tips to ensure efficient and accurate use of the CFSR Data Automation System:

Reviewer Tips:

Local Site Leader Tips