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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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“Over the last six months my unit has taken over 30 casualties in some of the most vicious areas south of Baghdad. The thought of their families having to face protesters after their memorials insights a rage I have never known before. These “protestors” mock all that we have accomplished here, the lives that have been forever changed, and the lives that have been lost, using our most valued doctrines of faith and freedom as their defense. I can not thank you enough for your dedication to this effort. I can only hope that your colleagues will join you in this battle.”

Sergeant Ashley A. Voss
Baghdad, Iraq

"Thank you Mr. Rogers for creating and seeking to help grieving families of our American heroes.  My husband and I support your act 100%.  Our son Sergeant Trevor Blumberg was killed in action in Iraq on September 14, 2003.  We know the pain and horror in losing a heroic son; no less than to have to face cruel, inhumane people who cannot dignify your time of grief."  Please continue to place these families in America's hearts and minds.  Nothing less is deserved."

Mrs. Janet M. Blumberg
A Proud Parent of An American Hero

"We support the Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act, my husband was in Flushing as part of the Patriot Guard.  These families deserve our respect and love."

Jim and Heidi Lemke
Fowlerville, MI

"I am a former Marine (84-88) and served on a funeral detail while in the service.  There is no greater act that to lay ones life down in the defense of freedom.  I am currently a Detective with the Monroe County Sheriff's Office in Monroe MI, and I have gone to too many funerals for police officers who have been killed in the line.  I cannot help but see the correlation here and cannot believe that this can happen in our country.  This kind of thing can only go on when good people do nothing about it.   Good luck with the legislation."

Dave La Montaine
Monroe, MI

"My son, Dillon, is in the Army serving in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division.  I live in Weld County, Colorado.  When this county lost a young man (also from the 101st) we were warned there would be protesters at his funeral from a church in Topeka, Kansas.  It angered and saddened myself and everyone I know.  Families of fallen soldiers should NEVER have to worry about this kind of thing.  I strongly support your bill and hope it passes."

Elli Rathbun
Weld County, CO

"I am a wife of an American soldier stationed at Ft. Campbell.  My husband and I are both originally from Muskegon, Michigan and have been to military funerals where these protesters have been.  It is wrong that these so called Americans can protest at these funerals.  Funerals are hard enough on families and friends without having people protest which is what these soldiers killed were protecting their right to do.  Thank you very much for standing up and doing something about the protest of our boys."

Katherine E. Jourden
Proud Army Wife



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