Background Material

NASA FY 1995 Budget Briefing

Hold for Release at 2:00 PM EDT Monday, February 7, 1994

                         FY 1995 BUDGET SUMMARY
                         (Millions of Dollars)

                                                      FY 1994        FY 1995

HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT                                    6,069.7        5,719.9

SCIENCE, AERONAUTICS & TECHNOLOGY                     5,847.3        5,901.2

MISSION SUPPORT                                       2,619.0        2,662.9

INSPECTOR GENERAL                                        15.4           16.0

          TOTAL BUDGET AUTHORITY                     14,551.4       14,300.0
          TOTAL OUTLAYS                              14,201.0       14,459.0

                                                      FY 1994        FY 1995

HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT                                    6,069.7        5,719.9

SPACE STATION                                         1,937.0        1,889.6
    Development                                       1,911.0        1,662.0
          Construction of Facilities                    [---]          [20.2]
    Utilization Support                                  21.0           96.6
    Operatio                                            ---            131.0
    Assured Crew Return Vehicle                           5.0           ---

U.S.- Russian Cooperative Space Activities              170.8          150.1
    Russian Support                                     100.0          100.0
    U.S. Flights to Mir                                  70.8           50.1

SPACE SHUTTLE                                         3,549.3        3,324.0
    Shuttle Operations                                2,570.6        2,420.1
    Safety/Performance Upgrades                         978.7          903.9
          Construction of Facilities                    [33.5]         [12.3]

PAYLOAD & UTILIZATION OPERATIONS                        412.6          356.2
    Spacelab                                            125.5           92.3
    Tethered Reflight                                     7.4            9.7
    Payload Operations                                   92.1           62.6
    Advanced Projects                                     7.2           15.2
    Engineering and Technical Base                      180.4          176.4

                                                       FY 1994        FY 1995

SCIENCE, AERONAUTICS & TECHNOLOGY                      5,847.3       5,901.2

SPACE SCIENCE                                          1,721.9       1,766.0

    PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY                                1,067.6       1,058.7
      Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility               241.3         234.3
      Global Geospace Science                             13.3          ---
      Relativity Mission Development                      42.4          50.0
      Payload & Instrument Development                    59.5          47.9
      Explorer Development                               123.3         120.4
      Mission Operations & Data Analysis                 420.7         441.7
      Research & Analysis                                 71.1          71.1
      Suborbital Program                                  69.5          67.2
      Information Systems                                 26.5          26.1

    PLANETARY EXPLORATION                                654.3         707.3
      Cassini                                            266.6         255.0
      Mars '94                                             3.5           1.4
      Mars Surveyor Program                               ---           78.4
      Discovery                                          127.4         129.7
          Mars Environmental Survey Pathfinder          [60.8]        [77.5]
          Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous                [66.6]        [52.2]
      Mission Operations & Data Analysis                 141.7         127.7
      Research & Analysis                                115.1         115.1

LIFE & MICROGRAVITY SCIENCES & APPLICATIONS              515.3         470.9
    Life Sciences                                        188.2         145.6
    Microgravity Research                                176.6         128.9
    Shuttle/Spacelab Payload Mission
      Management & Integration                           111.5         112.4
    Space Station Payload Facilities                      39.0          84.0

                                                       FY 1994       FY 1995

MISSION TO PLANET EARTH                                1,024.5       1,238.1
    Earth Observing System (EOS)                         318.8         455.1
    EOS Data Information System                          188.2         284.9
    Earth Probes Development                              96.4          82.0
    Landsat                                               54.1          62.4
    Payload & Instrument Development                      22.9          19.5
    Space Station Attached Payloads                       ---            9.8
    Mission Operations & Data Analysis                    97.4          97.5
    Research & Analysis                                  178.9         165.2
    Related Support                                       47.8          44.7
    Construction of Facilities                            20.0          17.0

ADVANCED CONCEPTS & TECHNOLOGY                           495.3         608.4
    Advanced Space Transportation                        121.9         103.1
    Spacecraft & Remote Sensing                          156.0         143.3
    Advanced Smallsat Technology                          12.5          47.9
    Space Communications                                  31.0          23.7
    Space Processing                                      16.5          19.2
    Flight Programs                                       97.4          91.6
    Technology Transfer                                   27.8          36.8
    Industry Technology Program                           19.7          18.9
    Small Business Innovation Research                 [111.5]         123.9
    Construction of Facilities                            12.5           ---

AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY                     1,102.2         898.5
    Research & Technology Base                           418.3         342.8

    Systems Technology                                   471.9         533.7
      High Performance Computing & Communications         65.6          76.1
      Materials & Structure Systems Technology            25.7          24.3
      Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation                    48.1          46.2
      High Speed Research                                197.2         221.3
      Advanced Subsonic Technology                        89.3         125.8
      Hypersonic Technology Program                       26.0          40.0
      Transatmospheric Research & Technology              20.0           ---

    Construction of Facilities                           212.0          22.0

                                                       FY 1994       FY 1995

LAUNCH SERVICES                                          313.5         340.9

MISSION COMMUNICATION SERVICES                           589.1         481.2
    Ground Network                                       311.3         273.4
    Mission Control & Data Systems                       205.6         175.8
    Space Network Customer Services                       30.0          32.0
    Advanced Technology                                   24.6           ---
    Construction of Facilities                            17.6           ---

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS                                         85.5          97.2
    Education Programs                                    54.3          56.3
    Minority University Research & Education              31.2          40.9

                                                       FY 1994       FY 1995

MISSION SUPPORT                                        2,619.0       2,662.9

SAFETY, RELIABILITY & QUALITY ASSURANCE                   34.3          38.7

SPACE COMMUNICATION SERVICES                             214.4         268.9
    Space Network                                         83.5         154.0
    Telecommunications                                   130.9         114.9

RESEARCH & PROGRAM MANAGEMENT                          2,148.2       2,220.3

CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES                               222.1         135.0

INSPECTOR GENERAL                                         15.4          16.0

                          FY 1995 BUDGET SUMMARY

                                                       FY 1994       FY 1995

JOHNSON SPACE CENTER                                     3,415         3,189

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER                                     2,457         2,348

MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER                             3,595         3,298

STENNIS SPACE CENTER                                       200           209

SPACE STATION PROGRAM OFFICE                               240           300

GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER                              3,881         3,856

AMES RESEARCH CENTER                                     2,126         2,149

LANGLEY RESEARCH CENTER                                  2,821         2,810

LEWIS RESEARCH CENTER                                    2,698         2,524

HEADQUARTERS                                             1,835         1,753

          FULL-TIME PERMANENT WORKYEARS                 23,268        22,436

OTHER THAN FULL-TIME PERMANENT WORKYEARS                   269           264

          SUBTOTAL FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT WORKYEARS       23,537        22,700

FORMER NON-CEILING WORKYEARS                               728           728

          TOTAL                                         24,265        23,428

INSPECTOR GENERAL                                          210           210

                           FY 1995 BUDGET SUMMARY
                           (Millions of Dollars)

                                                       FY 1994       FY 1995

HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT                                        33.5          32.5

SPACE STATION                                                           20.2
    Construction of Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory (JSC)                   20.2

SPACE SHUTTLE                                             33.5          12.3
    Modernize Firex System, Pads A and B (KSC)                           4.8
    Replace Components Refurbishment Laboratory (KSC)                    7.5
    Replace Mission Control Air Handlers (JSC)             8.0
    Replace Thermal Vacuum Helium Refrigeration System
      (JSC)                                                7.4
    Modify Launch Complex 39 Exterior Utility Piping (KSC) 1.2
    Refurbish Launch Complex 39 Cooling System (KSC)       4.0
    Refurbish Launch Complex 39 Secondary Circuit Breakers
      (KSC)                                                3.3

    Restore C-5 Substation, Launch Complex 39 Area (KSC)   5.0
    Restore SSME Test Complex High Pressure Industrial
      Water System (SSC)                                   2.3
    Restore High Pressure Gas Storage Capacity (SSC)       2.3

SCIENCE, AERONAUTICS & TECHNOLOGY                        262.1          39.0
MISSION TO PLANET EARTH                                   20.0          17.0
    Construction of Earth Systems Science Building (GSFC) 12.0          17.0
    Construction of EOSDIS Distributed Active Archive
      Center (LaRC)                                        8.0

ADVANCED CONCEPTS & TECHNOLOGY                            12.5
    Rehabilitation of Rocket Engine Test Facility (LeRC)  12.5

AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY                       212.0          22.0
    National Aeronautics Facilities Upgrade Program
     (Various Locations)                                 181.0
    Rehabilitation of Control Systems, National 
      Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (ARC)                              2.1
    Upgrade of Outdoor Aerodynamic Research Facility (ARC) 3.9
    Modernization of the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel
      Complex (ARC)                                       25.0          22.0

MISSION COMMUNICATION SERVICES                            17.6
    Construction of 34-Meter Multifrequency Antenna,
      Canberra, Australia (JPL)                           17.6

                                                        FY 1994      FY 1995

MISSION SUPPORT                                          222.1         135.0
JOHNSON SPACE CENTER                                       2.2           4.3
      Rehabilitate Utility Tunnel Structure & Systems                    4.3
      Rehabilitate Electrical Distribution System, 
        Project Management Building                        2.2

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER                                       9.8           1.5
    Modernize Payloads Hazardous Servicing Facility HVAC 
      System                                                             1.5
    Refurbish Vehicle Assembly Building/Pad Water Storage  3.0
    Rehabilitate Industrial Area Fire Alarm Reporting
      System                                               4.9
    Restore Class III Landfill                             1.9

MARSHALL SPACE FLIGHT CENTER                              11.1           4.9
    Modernize Metrology & Calibration Facility                           4.9
    Restoration of Electrical Power System                 2.6
    Restoration of High Pressure Air Compressor System     8.5

STENNIS SPACE CENTER                                       3.8
    Restoration of Underground Communication Distribution
      System                                               3.8

GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER                               13.6           5.0
    Restore Exterior/Interior Systems, (Bldgs 3, 13, 14)                 5.0
    Replacement of Central Plant Steam & Electrical
      Generation Equipment                                 8.6
    Restoration & Modernization of Chilled Water System    5.0

JET PROPULSION LABORATORY                                  2.9           4.3
    Modernize Condenser Water Systems, Southern Sector                   4.3
    Replace Chillers, Various Buildings                    2.9

                                                        FY 1994       FY 1995

VARIOUS LOCATIONS                                         10.7           8.0
    Seismic Upgrade of Research, Development, & Test
      Building (Dryden Flight Research Center)                           8.0
    Repair Decking & Roof, X-Ray & Staging Facility
      (Michoud Assembly Facility)                          1.5
    Replace Cooling Tower & Boiler (Michoud Assembly
      Facility)                                            4.0

