© Halstead Hannah


This Creek Care Guide provides practical information about day-to-day activities which are creek-friendly. Please take a look through this booklet to find out how to practice proper creek care and preventive maintenance; start to solve existing problems in degraded creeks; and seek out more information about creeks. 

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Practical Creek Care
Proper creek care and management is crucial, whether or not the creek adjacent to your property is healthy or shows signs of degradation.  The recommendations in this booklet are organized under four general categories: Final sections include A Few Reminders and Getting Help.  In addition, we have provided a number of creek-related on-line resources in our Internet Resources Section
Creek Care Guide for Residents and Businesses was adapted from several publications, including those produced by the Santa Cruz County Planning Department, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the City of Capitola, the Lindsay Museum, the Natural Resources Division of the Redwood Community Action Agency, the San Francisco Estuary Project, the Marin County Resource Conservation District, and the Oakland Museum. We thank all of these agencies and organizations for permission to excerpt from their excellent guides. Thank you also to the many reviewers who contributed to this publication.

This guide was published as a cooperative effort of the Friends of Alhambra Creek, the City of Martinez, and the Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program of the National Park Service, Western Region. Edited by Susan Harris, Erika Campos (National Park Service) and Janet Cox. Illustrations by Halsted Hannah and Erika Campos. Layout and design by Baseline Designs, San Francisco.



Creek Care Guide Cover Illustration - Media - Watercolor & Photoshop
by Halstead Hannah
1250 Addison Street, Suite 211B
Berkeley, CA 94702

1 800 742-4225

Illustration is copyrighted and may not be edited in any way.
Interior Creek Illustration - Media - Pen & Ink
by Halstead Hannah
Other Interior Illustrations - Media - Pen & Ink
Erika Campos
Design & Production of Creek Care Booklet & Insert
Mary Moehle
Baseline Desings
445 Bryant Street
San Francisco, CA 94107

415 974-1238
FAX: 415 974-1579

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