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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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Rogers: Moving Terror Suspects From Gitmo to U.S. Won’t Make Us Safer; Americans Won’t Feel Safer

U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, released the following statement today about a bill he is co-sponsoring that would restrain plans by the White House to release or move terrorist detainees at Guantanamo into the United States:

“No American family or community should be exposed to these terrorists who have sworn to kill Americans and destroy our nation. Some of those already released have returned to their terrorist havens and are again fighting to destroy America and its citizens. If the White House is committed to bringing terrorists from the prison in Guantanamo into neighborhoods near our families, schools, playgrounds, churches, businesses and workplaces, then each state affected should be given the option to say ‘no.’ And the President should be required to certify that terrorists brought into local communities do not pose a threat to those who live, work and raise their children in that community and the surrounding area. The risk is too high and potential consequences too horrible to leave to chance.”  

            Video: Does Closing Guantanamo Make Us Safer?

EDITOR’S NOTE: The Keep Terrorists Out of America Act would:

  • Affirm Congress’ Opposition to the Release and Transfer of Terrorists – Most Americans do not support releasing these terrorists from Guantanamo Bay prison and transferring them into the United States.  The bill gives Congress an opportunity to show that it stands with the American people on this critical matter, and opposes the release and transfer of these terrorists.
  • Grant Governor & State Legislature Pre-Approval -- The bill prohibits the Administration from transferring or releasing any terrorist detainees at Guantanamo Bay to any state without express approval from the state’s governor and legislature, and certifies to Congress that strict requirements have been met. The certifications must be made 60 days before any transfer or release.
  • Set Presidential Certification Requirements – legislation prohibits the President from transferring or releasing a terrorist detainee into the U.S. unless he provides the following notification and certification to Congress regarding:
  • The name of the detainee and transfer/release location in the United States.
  • The release/transfer would not negatively impact continued prosecution of the detainee.
  • The release/transfer would not negatively impact continued detention of the detainee.
  • The ability of federal judges to release detainees into the United States.

  Top 10 Most Dangerous Terrorists Housed at Guantanamo Bay Prison

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