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  • May 5 - Military Families Roundtable

    Today I participated in a roundtable discussion on military families with other members of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues, including (left to right): Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI), Rep. Susan Davis (D-CA), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Tina Tchen of the White House Council on Women and Girls. Representatives from the National Military Family Association and Blue Star Families spoke at the roundtable.

  • Meetings with Israeli officials

    Last week, I had the opportunity to meet with members of the Israeli cabinet and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (third from left) while on a Congressional delegation to the Middle East.

  • April 23 - Secretary Clinton Hearing

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related Operations. I became Ranking Member of that subcommittee this year.

  • April 1- Meeting with 8th Graders from Bethesda Christian Academy

  • April 1- Meeting with Courtney Bucholtz, 4-H Student from Watauga

  • April 1- Meeting with Brigadier General Wilma Vaught

  • April 1- Meeting with Ambassador Husain Haqqani of Pakistan

  • March 31- Meeting with Bono

    I had the pleasure of meeting with U2 singer and humanitarian Bono, who is one of the strongest advocates of Third World relief efforts. Republican Majority Leader John Boehner organized the meeting. 

    Bono has worked with Presidents Clinton and Bush and Members of Congress for years to help save lives and promote education in Africa. At today’s meeting, he thanked congressional leaders for our help in those efforts and urged us to continue to support them as best we can in the current economy

  • March 24- Visit from Jay & Jason Long

  • March 20- Meeting with Miss White Settlement Nichola Kouzes



  • March 20- Meeting with Mr. Charles Dragich

    Today I had the honor of meeting Mr. Charles Dragich of Fort Worth along with his wife Ann and his daughter Nicole. Charles is a WWII veteran and Bataan Death March survivor who received a long overdue Purple Heart in December 2008. He also received the Bronze Star, the POW Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, and Asiatic/Pacific Campaign  Medal with a Bronze Star Attachment.


  • March 18- International Relief and Development Humanitarian Award

    I received a humanitarian award from International Relief and Development for my work with Iraqi women who have been displaced due to the war. Queen Noor of Jordan (below) also received this award for her Foundation's work with Iraqi refugees who have moved to Jordan.


  • March 18- Jeane Kirkpatrick Award

    The International Republican Institute's Women's Democracy Network held its 2009 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Award Dinner on March 18th. I was honored to receive the Jeane Kirkpatrick Award for my work in advancing Iraqi women  as a co-chair of the Iraqi Women's Caucus. Dr. Homayra Haqmal, founder of the Movement of Afghan Sisters, also received this award for her group's effort to organize independent Afghan women so that they can take active part in political, social, economic and cultural affairs.


  • March 17- Meeting with Mellanie True Hills

    Mellanie True Hills stopped by my office to discuss the resolution that would designate September 2009 as "National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month." Mellanie is a member of the Committee of the Board of the Foundation for Women's Resources.

  • March 17- Meeting with City of Hurst

    Here I am meeting with the Mayor of Hurst, Richard Ward. Mayor Ward and several members of Hurst City Council met with me in D.C. to discuss their city's 2009 legislative priorities.

  • March 12 - Meeting with North Side Students

    I had the pleasure of welcoming students from North Side High School to my office while they toured Washington, D.C. North Side was established in 1884 and serves 1,600 students from Fort Worth.

  • March 12 - Macie McClung, Bass Hall Essay Contest Winner

    I had the chance to meet Macie McClung, a Fort Worth fifth-grader who won a trip to Washington as the winner of an essay contest sponsored by Bass Performance Hall. Participants in the contest were asked to answer. Macie's winning essay is below:


    By Macie McClung

    What can I do as a fifth grader to make sure that the United States' remains grateful for our freedom?

    Aaron Copeland's music honored the ideals in Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address and stories of that time.  His music and the slide show made me proud to be an American. It made me see that even though Abraham Lincoln died; he did not fail his country because he stood up for the principles that were stated in the Gettysburg Address. That is why he is remembered more than other Presidents. He died doing his country good. He and all those who gave their lives did not die in vain.

    As a fifth grader, I can also do things to make sure that citizens of the United States will continue to enjoy freedom, democracy and equality. I can learn about history, wars and the laws so when someone tries to tell you that one of the wars, laws or even our freedoms are not important, I can tell them how many Americans lost their lives to have the freedoms that we have today. I would tell them about my great grandfather's brother who went to war only as a teenager and died fighting so we could have these freedoms. If freedom was so important that they would be willing to give up their lives to make this country the way it is now, it should mean even more to us now and in the future.

    We should remember how many people gave up their lives and families for this great country. It was not easy and they pushed through for us and that should mean the world to us now.

    Another thing I can do is to develop and grow unique talents and use them to educate others about our freedom. Aaron Copeland learned piano as his special talent. Then he used this talent to educate others.

    He took special events and turned them into beautiful melodies which made others feel the importance of the stories of our countries history.

    The music helps them and me, remember these stories forever and makes me glad to be American. This makes me want to protect our special freedom, democracy, and equality so "that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

  • March 11 - Colorectal Cancer Awareness Briefing

    Along with Rep. Patrick Kennedy, I sponsored a briefing for Members of Congress and their staffs called "Colorectal Cancer Screening: Programs That Work." The briefing focused on ways to increase screening rates across all populations and age groups at risk.

    The briefing was also organized by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the American Gastroenterological Association, the American College of Gastroenterology and the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease.

    March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.


  • March 10 - International Republican Institute

    I had the pleasure of meeting with Ms. Khadija Oulbacha of Morocco, Ms. Tamar Kekenadze of Georgia and Chriss Winston, the co-author of "How to Raise an American." Ms. Oulbacha and Ms. Kekenadze were on a delegation with the International Republican Institute.

  • March 10 - Millenium Challenge Corporation

    The Millenium Challenge Corporation is is a United States government corporation designed to work with some of the poorest countries in the world. As Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, I will work closely with MCC issues.

  • March 10 - Texas Medical Association

    Members of the Texas Medical Association came by today to talk about health care reform.

  • March 10 - The T

    Officials from The T, the Fort Worth Transportation Authority, stopped by to discuss transportation issues while they were in town for the American Public Transit Association Conference.

  • March 10 - Admiral James Stavridis

    Here I am meeting with Admiral James Stavridis, Commander of the United Staets Southern Command. Admiral Stavridis and I discussed issues relating to the Command's area of focus in Central America and South America.

  • March 7 - Education Forum in Fort Worth

    Last Saturday, I hosted an education forum at the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens with a panel of local university financial aid experts. From left to right are: Mike Scott of Texas Christian University, Karen Krause of UT-Arlington, Shanna Hollis of Texas Wesleyan University and Trina Smith-Patterson of Tarrant County College NW Campus.

  • March 7- Haslet Public Library Book Unveiling

    I had the pleasure of  participating in the unveiling of the "We the People" Bookshelf at Haslet Public Library. This Bookshelf is a set of classic books for young readers from Kindergarten through High School and was awarded to the library from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

  • March 5 - Meeting with DynCorp CEO Bill Ballhaus

    Today I met with Bill Ballhaus, the CEO of DynCorp, which has a facility at Alliance Airport that employs 900 North Texans. DynCorp is a global company contractor that employs about 14,000 people to provide services for national security, humanitarian operations, nation-building, peacekeeping and aviation. The State Department is DynCorp's largest customer with about 50 percent of Dyncorp business.

  • March 5 - Ambassador Dick Solomon, President, Institute of Peace

    Ambassador Solomon is the president of the Institute of Peace, an account funded by the State Foreign Operations Bill that my subcommittee will oversee.

  • March 5 - Trinity Christian Academy

    Today I had the chance to speak with students from Trinity Christian Academy as they toured the Capitol's new visitor center. I always enjoy welcoming kids from my district to Washington!

  • March 5 - General Ann Dunwoody

    Today I had the honor of attending a luncheon with General Ann Dunwoody, the first woman to achieve the rank of four-star general in any service of the United States military. Gen. Dunwoody spoke about how to enhance opportunities for women in uniform.

  • March 4 - "Monuments Man" Henry Ettlinger

    I had the pleasure meeting with my friend Henry Ettlinger, one of the members of the "Monuments Men," Americans who rescued thousands of pieces of priceless art and monuments from the clutches of the Nazis during World War II. Among the irreplaceable masterpieces they recovered were some of the most famous works of Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Raphael, Vermeer, Picasso, and Da Vinci.

    Last Congress, I introduced a resolution honoring the Monuments Men (H.Con.Res. 48) and inserted language honoring them in the defense authorization act for fiscal year 2008. I became interested in the Monuments Men after meeting with Robert Edsel, who is the author of the book Rescuing Da Vinci. The book uses 460 photographs to tell the story of the theft of thousands of masterpieces by the Nazis during World War II, and the effort by the Monuments Men to return the stolen art to its rightful owners.

    On D-Day 2007, we held a press conference to honor the Monuments Men. Mr. Ettlinger and three of his fellow Monuments Men were able to attend and I presented each of them with a flag that had flown over the Capitol.

    I was happy to see Mr. Ettlinger today and thank him once again for his heroic actions during World War II.

  • February 25 - Texas Tech Chancellor and President

    Texas Tech University Chancellor Ken Hance (left) and University President Guy Bailey (below right) met with me and took time to get their "Guns Up" with our staff intern, Victoria Gartman, who attends Texas Tech.

  • February 25 - Meeting with DFW Airport

    DFW International Airport's Phil Ritter, Executive Vice President of Government/Shareholder Affairs (left), and Jeff Fegan, CEO, dropped by to discuss issues related to the airport, which is one of the busiest in the world.

  • February 24 - Meeting with DAV Members

    Here, I am meeting with Christian Kramer (right) and members of the Disabled American Veterans.

  • February 24 - Meeting with Ehsan Zia, Minister of Rehabilitation & Rural Development for Afghanistan

    As Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, I will be working closely with foreign ministers and diplomats. Along with Subcommittee Chairman Nita Lowey of New York, I met with Ehsan Zia (second from left), Minister of Rehabilitation & Rural Development for Afghanistan, and members of his staff to discuss reconstruction efforts in their country.

  • February 11 - Meeting With Israeli Ambassador Jeremy Issacharoff

    I had the pleasure of meeting with Jeremy Issacharoff, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy here in Washington, to discuss a range of issues including the economy, the election in Israel and dealing with Iran. Ambassador Issacharoff is an expert in the field of arms control, and we discussed the importance of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

  • January 28 - Paschal High School

    I met more than 20 students from Fort Worth's Paschal High School as they toured the Capitol. Here, we're standing in front of the plaster cast for the Statue of Freedom. The model was completed in 1856 and was used to cast the bronze statue that stands atop the Capitol dome.

  • January 22 - Southwest High School & Arlington Heights High School

    In this photo, I am talking with over 40 students and parents from Southwest High School and Arlington Heights High School.  I was able to catch up with them while they were on a tour of the Capitol and the new Capitol Visitor's Center.

  • January 22 - Boy Scouts of America

    Congressman Joe Barton and I had the opportunity to talk with over 70 Boy Scouts from the Tejas District Color Guard during their visit to Washington, D.C. The Tejas District Color Guard is a group of scouts who present historical flags of the United States at various events.

  • January 15 - Womens Caucus Reception

    I will be serving as Vice-Chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues during the 111th Congress. This is a bipartisan group comprised of all women Members of Congress, which currently consist of 78 women Members. The photos above are from the reception last night that installed the new set of leaders for the caucus.  Many of the issues we will focus on include rising health care costs and providing assistance & support to our veterans. 

  • December 15 - Miss Fort Worth

    This afternoon, I met with Faith Bates.  She is a senior at Oklahoma University and was recently crownded Miss Fort Worth.

  • December 3 - White House Christmas Tree

    To decorate the White House Christmas Tree this year, First Lady Laura Bush invited each Member of Congress to select one artist to design an ornament to represent their congressional district. It was my pleasure to select J.T. Grant of Fort Worth.  The ornament designed was a beautiful tribute to Fort Worth featuring two longhorns, our courthouse, the JFS-35, and a trumpeting angel from the Bass Performance Hall.  In the photograph above, J.T. and I are at the White House standing in front of the Christmas Tree where his ornament is on display.

    To see a picture of J.T. Grant's ornament click here Then click on the Texas link, followed by 12th District.

  • December 2 - Dinner with Deputy Defense Secretary Gordan England

    Tonight, I had dinner with Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordan England.  We were joined by Ambassadors representing countries from around the world.

  • October 27 - Doctor Town Hall with Representative Burgess

    Representative Burgess and I hosted a town hall for physicians from our districts on Monday.  It was an opportunity for us to discuss current health issues directly with doctors.  Approximately 80-85 physicians attended.  We discussed the need to find a long term solution to the Medicare physician reimbursement issue, problems doctors face dealing with Medicare Advantage plans, electronic medical records, e-prescribing, and the need to find ways to encourage more medical students to pursue primary care.

  • October 10 - Walking Works Challenge

    Today, I attended the awards assembly for the Walking Works Challenge that took place at Kay Granger Elementary School. My staff and I competed against the entire fifth grade class to see who could walk the most steps. I started the challenge to encourage the students to get more exercise, and also to show them how easy it is to make fitness a part of their daily lives. As I expected, the fifth graders did an amazing job.  In the top photo I am with the entire fifth grade class. In the bottom photo I am with the winners of the contest and Blue Bear, the good will ambassador of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas. 

    Below are some of the details of how many steps the students walked during the two week competition.

    • During the first week of the challenge, the students walked over 1.4 million steps or about 712 miles. The equivalent of walking from Fort Worth to Colorado Springs.
    • During the second week of the challenge, the students walked over 1.7 million steps or about 894 miles. Farther than walking from Fort Worth to Nashville.
    • Over the course of the two week challenge, the fifth graders at Kay Granger Elementary logged an impressive 3.2 million steps or about 1,605 miles. Which is farther than walking from Fort Worth to Washington, DC.

  • September 24 - Internship Briefing by Robert Ritz

    Robert Ritz, from Houston and attending college at the University of North Texas, sat down with me today to discuss Net Neutrality. Robert has been interning in my office since August. As part of the congressional internship experience, I ask that each intern research a topic they are interested in. We then have an opportunity to discuss their research and the role of the federal government within that issue.

  • September 24 - Meeting with Jack Borden

    Here I am with Jack Borden of Weatherford. Mr. Borden was chosen as Texas' Outstanding Older Worker of the Year by Experience Works. He was in Washington for the National Older Worker Week and to be honored by the organization. In recognition of this great accomplishment, I had an American flag flown over the United States Capitol.

  • September 22 - DFW Chapter, National Association of Women Business Owners

    This morning, I spoke to a large group of women business owners who where attending the National Associations of Women Business Owners DFW Chapter meeting.  I spoke about my experiences of starting and owning an insurance company. 

  • September 17 - Women in Government Relations, Roundtable on Preventive Health

    I joined my colleague Rep. Roybal-Allard (CA) along with Christy Schmidt with the American Cancer Society and Jeff Levi with Trust for America's Health for a roundtable discussion on preventive health care issues and legislation under consideration in Congress.

    During the roundtable, I spoke about the need for more access to affordable health care for families. 


  • September 16 - Hurricane Ike Press Conference

    This morning, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and a bipartisan group of the Texas House Delegation stressed the importance of making sure every Texan impacted by Hurricane Ike received the federal assistance they need to recover.  In Fort Worth, we were lucky we were not directly impacted by the Hurricane, but I am proud we did our part to aid the recovery process including sending relief workers to the Gulf Coast and providing shelter for roughly 2,000 individuals.