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2002 Press Release Archive

  • Granger Applauds Passage of National AMBER Alert Network - October 8, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) today voted for the Child Abduction Prevention Act which includes a nationwide AMBER Alert network. Last month, Granger joined Democratic Caucus Chair Martin Frost (TX-24) and Representative Jennifer Dunn (WA-08) to introduce bipartisan legislation to establish nationwide coordination for the AMBER Alert communications network.
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  • Sarah Ferguson Endorses Granger IMPACT Act - September 26, 2002

    Nutrition, health and fitness leader Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, today endorsed Congresswoman Kay Granger's (TX-12) IMPACT Act. The Duchess was in Washington to speak with a number of congressional leaders about the importance of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. After the meeting, the two agreed to work together on public and private efforts to fight obesity.
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  • Granger Announces Funds for Alliance Airport - September 26, 2002

    Today, Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) announced the award of a $245,122 federal grant for Alliance Airport. The Federal Aviation Administration grant assists in the rehabilitation of the airport's taxiway.
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  • Hispanic Leadership Summit Convened - September 19, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) welcomed nine Fort Worth area leaders to the National Hispanic Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. on September 18 and 19, 2002. The two-day conference provided a forum for more than 350 Hispanic participants from across the country to discuss a range of policy issues with members of the United States Congress and the Bush Administration.
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  • Granger, Bono Introduce Bill to Reduce Obesity - September 19, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) was joined today by Congresswoman Mary Bono (CA-44) and Senator Bill First (TN) to announce the introduction of comprehensive legislation to reduce obesity, particularly among children and adolescents.
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  • Granger Cosponsors National AMBER Alert Network - September 5, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) joined Democratic Caucus Chair Martin Frost (TX-24) and Representative Jennifer Dunn (WA-08) to introduce bipartisan legislation to establish nationwide coordination for the AMBER Alert communications network. In the Senate, Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and Diane Feinstein (D-CA) have introduced similar legislation.
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  • Granger Speaks with Hispanic Group - August 30, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) spoke tonight before the Republican National Hispanic Assembly meeting. Congresswoman Granger discussed a number of issues of importance to the Hispanic community and presented the group with an American flag that had flown over the Capitol.
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  • Granger Returns from Middle East - August 16, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger returned from a weeklong trip to the Middle East to inspect U.S. military installations, visit military constituents stationed abroad and receive briefings on the status of Operation Enduring Freedom. Granger also conducted several meetings with high-level foreign officials in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Turkey and Qatar.
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  • Granger to Visit Troops in Middle East - August 5, 2002

    From August 4th to the 14th, Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) will join six other congressional leaders in a visit to the center of our war against terrorism. The seven member delegation will inspect U.S. military installations and visit with soldiers in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, and Morocco.
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  • Granger Measure Included in Homeland Security Act - July 31, 2002

    On July 26, the House of Representatives defeated a measure by a vote of 211 to 217 that would have eliminated the flexibility that airports need to make the deadline for checking all bags for explosive material. Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) led the fight to oppose the measure.
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  • Granger Introduces Aviation Security Enhancement Act - July 16, 2002

    This afternoon, Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) introduced the Aviation Security Enhancement Act. The bill gives the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) the flexibility to work with individual airports to develop the best baggage screening solution.
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  • Granger Votes for Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare - July 2, 2002

    Today, Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12)voted for the Medicare Modernization and Prescription Drug Act of 2002. The legislation passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 221-208.
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  • Trade Group Study Supports Granger SAVE Health Care Act - June 18, 2002

    The National Association for the Self Employed (NASE), the nation's leading resource for the self-employed and micro-businesses, released a study that illustrates the need for reform in our health care system. Among the findings was that 86 percent of the respondents support Congresswoman Kay Granger's (TX-12) SAVE Health Care tax credit legislation.
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  • Bill to Honor Comanche Code Talkers Passes House - June 18, 2002

    H.R. 3250 the Native American Code Talker Act of 2002 partially sponsored by Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) overwhelmingly passed the House of Representatives today. The bill will award the Congressional Gold Medal to 14 Comanches, and other Native Americans, who used their unique dialect to radio coded messages to our troops during World War II.
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  • House Makes Marriage Tax Relief Permanent - June 13, 2002

    Representative Kay Granger (TX-12) voted today to make the elimination of the marriage tax permanent. The bill passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 271-142.
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  • Granger Votes for Emergency Spending Bill to Fight War on Terrorism - May 24, 2002

    Today Congresswoman Kay Granger voted in favor of the Supplemental Appropriations Act for 2002 to help secure the homeland and fight the war on terrorism.
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  • Granger Votes for Welfare Reform - May 16, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) voted today to for a bill that will further reform welfare by strengthening work requirements and promoting healthy marriages.
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  • Kay Granger les de la bienvenida - May 2, 2002

    Mi meta es ofrecer la informacion maxima posible de manera facil de encontrar. Este sito cibernetico es mi conexion directa con mi pueblo electoral, y es importante para mi el poder surtirles con la informacion mas al dia de mis avances con el Congreso. A mi me complace ver que se interesan en mis logros con el duodecimo distrito de Congreso de Tejas, y permanecera como mi prioridad proveerles la informacion que necesitan.
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  • Granger, Wynn Introduce SAVE Health Care Act - April 25, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (R, TX-12) and Congressman Albert Wynn (D, MD-4) today announced the introduction of the Securing Access, Value, and Equality (SAVE) in Health Care Act. Representatives Granger and Wynn were joined by leaders of a broad-based coalition of health professionals, grass roots interest groups, and business leaders who support the legislation that is aimed to provide health insurance coverage for the over 39 million uninsured Americans.
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  • Congresswoman Granger Urges Taxpayers to Monitor Budget Proceedings - March 12, 2002

    Citing the need for Americans to be involved in the management of their tax dollars, Congresswoman Granger urged the residents of the Fort Worth area to monitor the fiscal year 2003 budget markup hearings.
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  • Granger Website Wins Top Award - January 28, 2002

    Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX-12) today was identified in a non-partisan, independent study as having one of the best 15 web sites in Congress. The site received the first Congress Online Gold Mouse Award from the Congress Online Project, a joint research project of the Congressional Management Foundation and the George Washington University, funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
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