Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

External Complaint Tracking System

(Data are collected from the entire population of interest)

Data Scope

Data for XTRAK (External Complaint Tracking System) will cover all complaints filed with the Department of Transportation (DOT) which involve allegations of discrimination by an entity that received DOT funding, or in situations where DOT has statutory enforcement authority. Valid bases for allegations of discrimination include: age, color, disability, ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, and sex.

Data Collection

Method - Upon receipt of information alleging discrimination, data will be entered by DOCR staff and DOT Civil Rights office personnel.

Schedule - Data will be entered continuously by DOCR as cases are filed and as the responsible DOT Civil Rights office conducts case processing.

Response Rates - XTRAK will include all allegations of discrimination filed with DOT.

Nonsampling Errors

The XTRAK system has been developed with the elimination of nonsampling error as one of its major design goals. Possible nonsampling errors could include, but are not limited to, errors made in collection or recording the data. Mechanisms to eliminate these errors are being built into the system. For example: date fields will be entered using a calendar control to ensure the entry is a date; edit checks will be designed to verify that the date value is reasonable; cross-referencing and "pick lists" will be utilized to standardize names of respondent organizations; and lists of respondent organizations and applicable statutes will be OA-specific. As unforeseen nonsampling errors become known, measures to eliminate them will be implemented.

Duplicate Entry Error - It is possible that a single complaint filed with multiple OA civil rights offices could generate multiple cases within the system. The system includes search mechanisms designed to eliminate this problem.

Missing Data - Data could be missing from the system due to non-entry by DOT personnel.

Response/Measurement Error - It is possible that a complainant may provide incorrect data or be unwilling or unable to provide some information.

Coding/Recording Error - Coding errors could occur when recording data.

Verification and Validation

Data verification and validation occur mainly through use of the data by personnel in DOT civil rights offices while processing cases. Data elements which are used for reporting performance measures will be verified in the process of report verification. For example, if a manager suspects that a statistic in a report is invalid and the report’s calculations have been verified, then the data could be sorted to identify possible errors. Steps to eliminate these errors can then be built into the user interface or the database.

RITA's privacy policies and procedures do not necessarily apply to external web sites. We suggest contacting these sites directly for information on their data collection and distribution policies.