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Budget and Fiscal Responsibility
A critical issue now facing Congress is how to balance desired increases in valuable programs with the need to maintain overall fiscal responsibility.  To guarantee Social Security, pay down the public debt, promote strong national defense, and provide for other national priorities, it is absolutely necessary to balance the budge without increasing taxes.
Balanced Budget Amendment
One of the most important components of a strong economy is a balanced federal budget.  That’s why I am a cosponsor of H.J.Res. 1, which would add an amendment to the Constitution requiring that the federal government to balance the budget.  It would prohibit Congress from spending more money than it takes for a fiscal year. 
While there would be waivers for extreme circumstances, such as times of war, this constitutional amendment would ensure that Congress does what all American families must do – live within its means.
Appropriations Process
As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I have a hand in deciding how tax dollars are spent.  I take this responsibility very seriously.  I currently serve as Ranking Member of the State/Foreign Operations Subcommittee and a member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.
Each year, I receive many applications for assistance in securing federal funding for specific 12th District or regional projects and programs, as well as for national programs.  I believe in the principles of limited government and maintaining a balanced budget, and I will continue to work to return the federal government to firmer financial footing.  Within those limitations, I will fight for 12th District priorities and projects that are fiscally responsible, cannot be accomplished without federal help, and demonstrate a national or local benefit.
To see the projects I sponsored in FY2008, click here.