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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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Helping Michigan Families


With Michigan's unemployment still among the highest in the nation, and with a slowing national economy making it more difficult to find work, many people are struggling to find jobs that will allow them to provide for themselves and their families.

An extension of unemployment benefits is crucial for these families. That is why I have co-authored a measure that would provide up to 26 weeks of extended unemployment benefits for Michigan workers who have exhausted their regular unemployment compensation. This helping hand to Michigan families is crucial because 3.5 million jobless workers nationally will exhaust their regular unemployment benefits this year. 

While every American would prefer a job over an unemployment check, unemployment insurance is an important part of our safety-net. It allows laid-off workers to meet their families’ basic needs while conducting a job search and undergoing job retraining.

During these difficult times, we must continue work to strengthen our national economy by addressing high energy prices and healthcare costs, and addressing our trade enforcement problems with nations like China. For now, however, extending unemployment compensation to workers who need it is an important investment in the future of our nation and one that is especially needed in Michigan.

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