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Water-Quality Vulnerability in the Ozarks using Landscape Ecology Metrics
- Basic Information
- Site Map
- Water-Quality Vulnerability Indicator Maps (WQVIM)
    • Study Area Orientation
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Total Ammonia Concentration Predictions (mg/L) (TAM_PRED)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Total Phosphorus Concentration Predictions (mg/L) (TP_PRED)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Escherichia coli Cell Count Predictions (bacterial cells/100 ml) (ECOLI_PRED)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
- Landscape Metric Maps - Analysis by Decade Status (LMM-ADS)
    • Study Area Orientation
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land Area (km²) (LANDAREA)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Urban (PURB)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Urban within 120m of Streams (RURB120)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Stream Density (km stream/km²) (STRMDENS)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Road Density (km road/km²) (RDDENS)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Impervious Surfaces (PCTIARD)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Forest (PFOR)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Forest within 120m of Streams (RFOR120)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Total Agriculture / Grassland (PAGT)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Total Agriculture / Grassland within 120m of Streams (RAGT120)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Agriculture / Grassland on Slopes greater than 3% (AGTSL3)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Percent Barren (PBAR)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Gross Soil Erosion [RUSLE] (kg / ha / yr) (RUSLE_A_KHY)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Net Sediment Delivery [SEDMOD] (kg / ha / yr) (SEDMOD_KHY)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Rainfall-derived erosivity [R factor] (unitless) (RUSLE_R)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Soil surface erodibility [K factor] (unitless) (RUSLE_k)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Roughness coefficient (unitless) (ROUGH)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
- Landscape Metric Change Maps - Analysis by Decadal Interval (LMCM-ADI)
    • Study Area Orientation
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover Percent Urban Change (PURBC)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover Percent Forest Change (PFORC)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover Percent Agriculture / Grassland Change (PAGTC)
  » Methodology and Interpretation
- Base Data Maps
    • Study Area Orientation
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • County Reference
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • 2000 Landsat Image
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover 2003
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover 1990s
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover 1980s
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Land-Cover 1970s
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Water-Quality Sampling Locations
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • 244 Subwatersheds
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Stream Network
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Road Network
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • Selected Field Validation Points
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • 8-digit HUCs
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • National Elevation Dataset
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • National Land-Cover Dataset
  » Methodology and Interpretation
    • STATSGO Soils
  » Methodology and Interpretation
- Photographs of Upper White River Region
- Glossary & Important Terms
- Notice

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