Photo Essay
Controversial Miss California
Carrie Prejean gets to keep her crown despite the controversy over her racy photos and comments about gay marriage

Photo Essay
Shuttle Lifts Off
Space Shuttle Atlantis blasts into space on a mission to fix the Hubble

Photo Essay
Pope In The Holy Land
Pope Benedict XVI stops in Israel as part of his tour through the Middle East

Photo Essay
Season 8 Of "Dancing"
"Dancing With The Stars" loses another contestant. Who is next?

CBS News Broadcasts

Miss California Lashes Back

Tells "Early Show" Gay Judge Perez Hilton Cost Her Miss USA Title; Defends Racy Photos She Posed For

"Robo-Calls" Automate Annoyance

Unsolicited Recorded Calls Spark Outrage With Lawmakers

Watch VideoVideo: Rise Of "Robo Calls"
Medicare Nixes "Virtual Colonoscopies"

CBS Evening News: Government Won't Pay For Non-Invasive Screening Despite High Detection Rate

Watch VideoVideo: Virtual Colonoscopy Conundrum
Sticking The British Public With The Tab

CBS Evening News: Politicians Filing Cost Of Everything From Pool Cleaning To Tennis Court Repairs On Expense Reports

Watch VideoVideo: U.K. Political Expense Scandal

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A Supreme Court For All
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., writes for on what he's looking for in the next Supreme Court justice.
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Fast Draw Blog
The Power Of Sleep
What really happens when we go to sleep? An animated look at the other part of our lives.

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