Hays' Tropical Weather Pages: Home Page

Hurricanes, Typhoons, Satellite Imagery and Forecasts (pg 1 of 3)

(Graphics Intensive)-- On slow connections, go to the "Hurricane Links Only" Page.

R. Hays Cummins , Western Program, Miami University

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Welcome! It is 2:48:54 AM on Friday, May 8, 2009. This page has served 398275 hurricane watchers. Last update: Wednesday, December 10, 2008.

After many years of research, I have finally found the answer to the effects El Nino has on Hurricane Development. See for yourself: A movie of: "How El Nino Effects Hurricane Development" Thanks Chris Farley!

A barograph tracing of Hurricane Hugo as Hugo passed over St. Croix, September, 1989.

Visit the Hot Site of the Day!

NOAA Links


Hurricanes (Table of Contents on this Page!)

I decided to split my hurricane page into three separate pages--The Hurricane Main Page, A Hurricane Movie Archive Page, and a Current Tropical Satellite Imagery and Movie Page.

I separated this site from the main weather site to make the info more accessible for Tropical Weather Lovers and hasten download time. It includes My Favorite Sources of Tropical Information, Reconnaissance Information, Buoy Data, Satellite Movies , Single Frame Satellite Imagery, Spectacular Imagery from Previous Years , Computer Models , Radar , Predictive Forecasting Tools, the Saffir-Simpson Scale of Hurricane Intensity and a Temperature and Pressure Conversion Chart. Thanks to all of the wonderful organizations and resources on the Net!

Other Pages at This Site:

Main Street Weather (Weather Home Base!!)

"Text Only" Link

of the same weather sites. Not as interesting, but download time is much quicker!

Radar and Severe Weather

Get the latest predictions on severe weather

Midwest Weather!

Numerical Models and Forecasting Page

Just the Maps & Views!

While far from complete, these downloaded views provide for a satisfying overview of North American Weather.

Satellite Downloads and Other Maps

Real-time satellite movies automatically downloaded.

Movie Page focusing on the Tropics!

Satellite Links

A complete text listing of satellite images and movies.

On slow connections, go to the "Hurricane Links Only" Page.

Spotlighted Imagery Randomly Generated for Your Viewing Pleasure!

Nature's Show: A GOES 10 Water Vapor False Color Comparison of Hurricane Nora. Note the dramatic increase in organization and the cooling of cloud tops. The image on the left was taken at 09/21/97 0100Z while the one on the right was taken at 09/21/97 1530 Z. Nora was moving over 30®C water in a non-shearing environment. Will Isla Socorro be hit again?

Search a DATABASE of Hurricane Sites!

Infrared Image Courtesy of Plymouth State College. (Click on Map for a Larger View)

My Favorite Sources of Tropical Information

ATLANTIC OCEAN (Recon, Outlooks, Advisories & Discussions-- Ohio State Link)

Hurricanes and Tropical Weather OSU NHC HWN FSU
Tropical Weather Outlook Latest Latest Latest Archive
Tropical Weather Discussion Latest Latest NA Archive
NCEP Tropical Desk Latest NA Latest Archive
Monthly Tropical Summary Latest Latest NA Archive
Public Advisory Latest Latest Latest Latest
Latest Storm Discussion Latest Latest NA Latest
Strike Probabilities Latest Latest NA Latest
Marine Advisory / Forecast Latest Latest NA Latest
RECON~Vortex Messages Latest Everything NA Atlantic
Hurricane MODELS/RECON Archives Hunters NA NA
EAST PACIFIC OCEAN (Recon, outlooks, & discussions-- Ohio State Link)

Courtesy of CNN Weather

WEST PACIFIC OCEAN (Recon, outlooks, & discussions-- Ohio State Link )

INDIAN OCEAN (Recon, outlooks, & discussions--Ohio State Link)

Hurricane and Other Weather Queries!

The database has a very large number of links and descriptions of URLs on tropical weather, ecology, and earth science. Just type in a few key words!

Enter some key words to search by (Images, specific storms, NHC reports, typhoons, tracks, etc.):

Find pages with of these words and return results.

Detailed Results Search Phonetically Begins With Searching 

Search for key words found only in: URLs Titles Header

Got Mac OS 10.2 or Higher?   Download Hays' Sherlock Channel

A Potpourri of Wonderful Sources (Continued!)

See a Fantastic Movie of Seasonal Change as Seen from Space OR Why an axial tilt of 23.5 degrees is important!

Reconnaissance Information

How to Decode Recon information: Compliments of the Hurricane Hunters

Actual Recon Observations

Buoy Info, Etc. Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic/Pacific Marine Forecasts

Bahamas Marine Forecast

Satellite Imagery Previous RAMMT Satellite Discussions from NOAA

MPEG Satellite Movies (IR, VIS, & Water Vapor)

Satellite Single Frame Images (IR, Vis & Water Vapor)

Computer Models NGM, ETA, Aviation, MRF

(You are bounced to the numerical models page for links)

Predictive Forecasting Tools, Wind Shear Maps & Sea Surface Temperatures

Dr. Gray's Famous Long-Range Hurricane Forecasting Predictions

Other Excellent Tropical Weather Sources


Saffir-Simpson Scale

<35 kts <35 mph ------  -  
Tropical Storm
35-64 kts 35-73 mph ------  -  
Category 1
65-83 kts 74-95 mph > 980 mb


 4-5 ft Danny 1997
Category 2
84-95 kts 96-110 mph 965-980 mb


 6-8 ft Bertha 1995

Marylyn 1996

Category 3
96-113 kts 111-130 mph 945-964 mb


 9-12 ft Fran 1996

Erika 1997

Category 4
114-134 kts 131-155 mph 920-945 mb


 13-18 ft Andrew 1992
Category 5
135 kts+ 155 mph+ < 920 mb


 > 18 ft Camille 1969

Linda 1997

A Convenient Temperature & Pressure Conversion Chart (From the Alaska Weather Calendar, Willawaw Publishing Co., 1-800-490-4950)
Confused about weather units? Visit the "Weather Calculator"to convert many weather entities!

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