Reach Out!

Create Partnerships

Get Other Organizations Involved in Your Education Efforts

Community organizations often work together to bring assistance to the communities they serve. By sharing resources and partnering, organizations can reach more people than one organization working alone.

Some ways your organization can coordinate with partners include:

Identify Appropriate Partners in the Community

Start with organizations in your community that people trust and that you have worked with in the past. Reach out to these organizations to determine if they would be interested in working together on a program to educate consumers about their rights.

Consider reaching out to:

You may also consider local government agencies in your consumer education initiative, like the:

It's helpful for consumers to get know these agencies because, in many cases, they are the first to respond when consumers report problems.

Decide What Projects You Want to Work on Together

Once you've identified groups interested in working on an education project, think about what type of cooperation would work best. Take into consideration joint resources and the level of cooperation you expect. You could work together to:

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