NCI Science Writer's Seminar on International Breast Cancer Trials


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Air date: Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:00:00 AM
Category: Special
Description: Please join us for a special science writers’ seminar from the Millennium Broadway Hotel, New York to discuss how two trends in cancer research – increasing use of targeted therapies and growing global research cooperation – have merged, leading to the launch of one of the largest international cancer trials ever conducted. Two potent and targeted therapies for treatment of a subtype of breast cancer will be tested with participation of thousands of women across several continents, providing a model for international collaboration that furthers cancer care.

Leading breast cancer experts, including:
Edith Perez, M.D., Mayo Clinic
Jo Anne Zujewski., M.D., National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Martine Piccart, M.D. Breast International Group (BIG)

Author: Jo Anne Zujewski, NCI; Edith Perez, Mayo Clinic; Martine Piccart, BIG
Runtime: 160 minutes
CIT File ID: 14326
CIT Live ID: 6531
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