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About EPIC

The Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC) is a field station of the Landscape Ecology Branch (LEB), Environmental Sciences Division - Las Vegas (ESD-LV), National Exposure Research Laboratory (NERL), Office of Research and Development (ORD).

The Environmental Sciences Division (ESD) performs remote sensing in support of Agency needs. Support takes two forms: 1) as applied remote sensing technical support to the EPA Regional and Program Offices and Laboratories, and 2) as research and development of existing and new remote sensing systems and their potential application to EPA needs. Remote sensing is performed by the ESD’s Landscape Ecology Branch (LEB) and Landscape Characterization (LCB) Branches and by the Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC).

This site describes the remote sensing program of the ESD. The site is divided into two major sections: 1) Remote Sensing Technical Support; and 2) Remote Sensing Research & Development. These sections describe the on-going remote sensing activities of the ESD, specific remote sensing applications to environmental problems, research projects underway and completed, and available remote sensing products and services. Also included are selected tutorials on the basics of remote sensing, and links to other remote sensing sites.

The Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center [EPIC] (PDF, 4 pp., 276K, About PDF) - Fact sheet that describes the value of EPIC.


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