House History

Joint Meetings, Joint Sessions, and Inaugurations

Scope of Congress

1st to 19th  |  20th to 39th  |  40th to 59th | 60th to 79th80th to 99th 100th to Current | List of All Sessions
100th to Current Congress (January 6, 1987 to Current)
Date  Type Occasion, topic, or location Name and position of dignitary
(Where Applicable)
100th Congress
Jan. 27, 1987 Joint session State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan.
Nov. 10, 1987 Joint meeting Address Chaim Herzog, President of Israel.
Jan. 25, 1988 Joint session State of the Union Address President Ronald Reagan.
Apr. 27, 1988 Joint meeting Address Brian Mulroney, Prime Minister of Canada.
June 23, 1988 Joint meeting Address Robert Hawke, Prime Minister of Australia.
101st Congress
Jan. 4, 1989 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 1989 Inauguration West Front President George Bush; Vice President Dan  Quayle.
Feb. 9, 1989 Joint session Building a Better America President George Bush.
Mar. 2, 1989 Joint meeting Bicentennial of the 1st Congress President Pro Tempore Robert Dole; Howard Nemerov, Poet Laureate of the United States; David McCullough, historian; Anthony M. Frank, Postmaster General; former Senator Nicholas Brady, Secretary of   the Treasury.
June 7, 1989 Joint meeting Address Benazir Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan.
Oct. 4, 1989 Joint meeting Address Carlos Salinas de Gortari, President of Mexico.
Oct. 18, 1989 Joint meeting Address Roh Tae Woo, President of South Korea.
Nov. 15, 1989 Joint meeting Address Lech Walesa, chairman of Solidarnosc labor union, Poland.
Jan. 31, 1990 Joint session State of the Union Address President George Bush.
Feb. 21, 1990 Joint meeting Address Vaclav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia.
Mar. 7, 1990 Joint meeting Address Giulio Andreotti, President of the Council of Ministers of Italy.
Mar. 27, 1990 Joint meeting Centennial of birth of
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Senator Robert Dole; Walter Cronkite, television journalist; Winston S. Churchill, member of British Parliament and grandson of Prime Minister Churchill; Clark M. Clifford, former Secretary of Defense; James D. Robinson III, chairman of  Eisenhower Centennial Foundation; Arnold Palmer, professional golfer; John S. D. Eisenhower, former Ambassador to Belgium and son of President Eisenhower; Representatives Beverly Byron, William F. Goodling, and Pat Roberts.
June 26, 1990 Joint meeting Address Nelson Mandela, Deputy President of the African National Congress,South Africa.
Sept. 11, 1990 Joint session Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq President George Bush.
102nd Congress
Jan. 29, 1991 Joint session State of the Union Address President George Bush.
Mar. 6, 1991 Joint session Conclusion of Persian Gulf War President George Bush.
Apr. 16, 1991 Joint meeting Address Violeta B. de Chamorro, President of Nicaragua.
May 16, 1991 Joint meeting Address Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom; joint meeting also attended by Prince Philip.
Nov. 14, 1991 Joint meeting Address Carlos Saul Menem, President of Argentina.
Jan. 28, 1992 Joint session State of the Union Address President George Bush.
Apr. 30, 1992 Joint meeting Address Richard von Weizsacker, President of Germany.
June 17, 1992 Joint meeting Address Boris Yeltsin, President of Russia.
103rd Congress
Jan. 6, 1993 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 1993 Inauguration West Front President William J. Clinton; Vice President Albert Gore.
Feb. 17, 1993 Joint session Economic Address29 President William J. Clinton.
Sept. 22, 1993 Joint session Health care reform President William J. Clinton.
Jan. 25, 1994 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
May 18, 1994 Joint meeting Address Narasimha Rao, Prime Minister of India.
July 26, 1994 Joint meeting Addresses Hussein I, King of Jordan; Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel.
Oct. 6, 1994 Joint meeting Address Nelson Mandela, President of South Africa.
104th Congress
Jan. 24, 1995 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
July 26, 1995 Joint meeting Address Kim Yong-sam, President of South Korea.30
Oct. 11, 1995 Joint meeting Close of the Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of
World War II
Speaker Newt Gingrich; Vice President Albert Gore; President Pro Tempore Strom Thurmond; Representatives Henry J. Hyde and G. V. "Sonny" Montgomery; Senators Daniel K. Inouye and Robert Dole; former Representative Robert H. Michel; General Louis H. Wilson (ret.), former Commandant of the Marine Corps.
Dec. 12, 1995 Joint meeting Address Shimon Peres, Prime Minister of Israel.
Jan. 23, 1996 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
Feb. 1, 1996 Joint meeting Address Jacques Chirac, President of France.
July 10, 1996 Joint meeting Address Benyamin Netanyahu,
Prime Minister of Israel.
Sept. 11, 1996 Joint meeting Address John Bruton,
Prime Minister of Ireland.
105th Congress
Jan. 9, 1997 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 1997 Inauguration West Front President William J. Clinton, Vice President Albert Gore.
Feb. 4, 1997 Joint session State of the Union Address31 President William J. Clinton.
Feb. 27, 1997 Joint meeting Address Edurado Frei, President of Chile.
Jan. 27, 1998 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
June 10, 1998 Joint meeting Address Kim Dae-jung,
President of the Republic of Korea.
July 15, 1998 Joint meeting Address H.E. Emil Constantinescu,
President of Romania.
106th Congress
Jan. 19, 1999 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
Jan. 27, 2000 Joint session State of the Union Address President William J. Clinton.
Sept. 14, 2000 Joint meeting Address Atal Bihari Vajpayee,
Prime Minister of India.
107th Congress
Jan. 6, 2001 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 2001 Inauguration West Front President George W. Bush; Vice President Richard B. Cheney.
Feb. 27, 2001 Joint session Budget Message 32 President George W. Bush.
Sept. 6, 2001 Joint meeting Address Vicente Fox, President of Mexico.
Sept. 20, 2001 Joint session War on Terrorism President George W. Bush.
Jan. 29, 2002 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush.
June 12, 2002 Joint meeting Address John Howard, Prime Minister of Australia.
108th Congress
Jan. 28, 2003 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush.
July 17, 2003
Joint meeting
Tony Blair, Prime Minster of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Jan. 20, 2004
Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush.
Feb. 4, 2004 Joint meeting Address Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain.
June 15, 2004 Joint meeting Address Hamid Karzai, President of the Transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan
Sept. 23, 2004
Joint meeting
Ayad Allawi, Interim Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq
109th Congress
Jan. 6, 2005 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 2005 Inauguration West Front President George W. Bush; Vice President Richard B. Cheney
Feb. 2, 2005 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush
April 6, 2005 Joint meeting Address Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine
July 19, 2005 Joint meeting Address Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India
Jan. 31, 2006 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush
March 1, 2006  Joint meeting Address Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of the Republic of Italy
March 15, 2006  Joint meeting Address Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia
May 24, 2006 Joint meeting Address Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel
June 7, 2006 Joint meeting Address Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia
July 26, 2006 Joint meeting Address Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq
110th Congress
Jan. 23, 2007 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush
March 7, 2007 Joint meeting Address King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Nov. 7, 2007 Joint meeting Address Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France
Jan. 28, 2008 Joint session State of the Union Address President George W. Bush
April 30, 2008 Joint session Address Bertie Ahern, Prime Minister of Ireland
111th Congress
Jan. 8, 2009 Joint session Counting electoral votes N.A.
Jan. 20, 2009 Inauguration West Front President Barack H. Obama;
Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
Feb. 24, 2009 Joint session Address President Barack H. Obama
March 4, 2009 Joint meeting Address Gordon Brown, Prime Minster of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Notes 29 - 32:

29 This speech was mislabeled in many sources as a State of the Union Address.[ Return to Feb. 17, 1993 ]

30 President Kim Yong-sam was in Washington for the dedication of the Korean Veterans' Memorial, held the day after this joint meeting.
[ Return to July 26, 1995 ]

31 This was the first State of the Union Address carried live on the Internet. [ Return to Feb. 4, 1997 ]

32 This speech was mislabeled in many sources as a State of the Union Address. [ Return to Feb.27, 2001 ]

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