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 [Search a list of Patent Appplications for class 401]   CLASS 401,COATING IMPLEMENTS WITH MATERIAL SUPPLY
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This is the residual class for patents directed to coating implements as defined in Definition, below.

For placement of a patent in this class, its claimed disclosure must meet the minimum requirements of the class definition and should not extend beyond the boundaries indicated in Scope Of This Class, and in Lines With Other Classes.

Terms followed by an asterisk(*) are defined in the Glossary, and those followed by the symbol # are defined in (10) Note to the definition of subclass 49.

Where a defined term has been identified by an * or # symbol in the definition of a subclass, the identification is generally not repeated for the same term in the definition of subclasses indented thereunder.

Throughout this publication, where appropriate, the alternative singular or plural forms of a noun have been indicated by the addition of "(s)" immediately following such noun (e.g., "tool(s)" to mean "tool or tools").


This is the residual class for a manually manipulated device for applying or spreading a coating on a work surface by movement of the device relative to the surface and contact therewith, which device includes, or is combined with, either (a) a supply of, or support for, solid coating material, or (b) a tool* and means to supply fluent coating material either to the tool or to the work surface.

(1) Note. For the purpose of this class, the term "manually manipulated" is intended to include manipulation of the implement by any part of the human body (such as the hand, foot or head). SCOPE OF THIS CLASS This class is intended to serve as the residual depository for patents for manually held and manually manipulable coating implements which include a coating tool* and means for supplying coating material to the work contacting portion of the tool or to the work adjacent the tool. The tool may be any form of applicator or spreader, or a surface of a piece of solid coating material. A cleaning tool which cannot be structurally distinguished from a coating tool will be considered as a tool appropriate for this class. The coating material may be liquid, flowable plastic, fluent (particulate) solid, solid dispersible or soluble in a liquid vehicle, solid adapted to be pulverized by some means prior to application to a work surface, or a self-sustaining piece of solid material adapted to deposit a layer of itself by rubbing contact with the work surface. No distinction is made between materials which are intended to form a permanent coating (e.g., paint, ink) or a temporary coating (e.g., water, soap, alcohol). The supply-means* may be a reservoir or material retainer in communication with the tool or a conduit for conveying material from a remote source to the tool. Also included in this class is the combination of a supply container and an independent applicator which is intended to be dipped into the container for collecting a quantity of coating material therefrom. In the case of solid coating material intended for coating by rubbing contact, the entire piece of material will be considered the supply and the work contacting portion will be considered the tool. Included in this class, then, are patents for nib type fountain pens, stylos:graphic pens, ball point and felt nib pens, paint rollers with reservoir (tank, conduit or tray), and fountain brushes and mops; also patents for pencils, crayons, lipsticks and the like. A patent for the combination of an art device of this class with an art device of another class will generally be placed in this class (401) unless specifically provided for elsewhere. A patent for a subcombination of an art device of this class will generally be classified with the combination unless provided for elsewhere. For example, the subcombination of a crayon holder will be placed in subclasses 88+. A patent for a holder of general utility, in which the tool is not claimed or merely claimed broadly but is disclosed alternatively as a coating tool of this class or a tool classifiable elsewhere, will be placed in this class (401) as an original and cross-referenced in the class(es) providing for the other disclosed tool(s). CRITERIA FOR PLACEMENT OF DOCUMENTS IN THIS CLASS In determining placement of patents in the schedule the following guide lines will be followed: (1) As between coordinate subclasses providing for specific tools, (a) Where the tool is only claimed generically and (i) only one specific tool is disclosed, original placement will be in the subclass providing for the specific tool; however, (ii) when the disclosure includes several specific tools, original placement will be in the first subclass providing for any one of the specifically disclosed tools with a cross-reference to each subclass providing for another specifically disclosed tool. (b) Where there are both generic claims and claims to a single disclosed species, the species claims will control original placement. (c) Where there are claims to more than one species of tool, patent placement will follow the usual principles of schedule superiority. (2) A patent to a subcombination of an implement of this class will be placed in the subclass providing for the combination except where the subcombination is provided for lower in the schedule or in another class. (3) For purposes of determining whether an implement has diverse tools (subclasses 16+) or plural tools (29+ etc.), the diverse types of tools, as recognized and defined in the subclasses referenced in Subclass References to This Class, below, are as follows: (a) multiple-tip multiple-discharge tool; (b) solid material for rubbing contact (e.g., pencil, chalk, wax); (c) porous tool through which material flow; (d) ball, roller, or endless belt; (e) bifurcate pointed nib; (f) stylus; (g) blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool; (h) brush, broom or mop; and (i) any tool which differs from any of the above in structure and in mode of transferring material from supply to work. Tool forms grouped together, as above, (e.g., ball, roller, or endless belt) will be considered as of the same type and not diverse. A patent for an implement, comprising plural tool forms of the same type, which does not fall within the definitions of subclasses 29+, 34+, 36, or 37+, will be placed in the first appearing subclass in the schedule providing for any one of said tool forms. A tool that may appear to fit two different type classifications will be considered to be of that type higher in the list above. For example, a roller brush will be considered a roller ((d) above). Hence, an implement including a roller brush as in (d) and a flat brush as in (h) will be considered as comprising diverse tools for subclasses 16+ (i.e., a roller and a brush). See SUBCLASS REFERENCES TO THIS CLASS, below, for a map to the contents of the specific subclasses mentioned herein.


(1) The following classes take precedence over this class (401) for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation, as indicated in the individual notes to the classes in References to Other Classes, below: Class 15, Class 33, Class 47, Class 81, Class 111, Class 132, Class 141, Class 156, Class 184, Class 206, Class 404, Class 425, Class 520, Class 604.

(2) A patent to the combination of an implement of this class (401) and a device classifiable in another class will generally be placed in such other class, provided that no more of the impalement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the other art device. The classes where this rule has been applied are: Class 15, Class 24, Class 30, Class 34, Class 40, Class 224, Class 242, Class 279, Class 362. (See the Search Notes below)

Other related areas in the Search Notes include:

Classes Pertaining to Coating;

Locations of Coating Implements with Material Supply; and

Classes Pertaining to Subcombinations of, or Accessories for, the Subject Matter of Class 401.

Search notes are parenthetically identified as to which of these areas they relate. Also see the Search Notes for further lines between this class (401) and other classes.



16+,for an implement having diverse tools (see Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
29+,34+, 36, 37+, for an implement having plural tools. A patent for an implement, comprising plural tool forms of the same type, which does not fall within the definitions of these subclasses will be placed in the first appearing subclass in the schedule providing for any one of said tool forms. (See Criteria For Placement Of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
28,for multiple-tip multiple-discharge tool (see Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
49,for solid material for rubbing contact (e.g., pencil, chalk, wax) (see Criteria For Placement Of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
196,for porous tool through which material flows. (see Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
208,for ball, roller, or endless belt (see Criteria For Placement Of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
221,for bifurcate pointed nib (see Criteria For Placement Of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
258,for stylus (see Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
261,blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool. (See Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
268,brush, broom or mop. (See Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).
292,for any tool which differs from any of the above in structure and in mode of transferring material from supply to work (see Criteria For Placement of Documents In This Class, (3), above).



15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   is the locus of patents to (a) machines designed or adapted for cleaning which includes a tool* and a supply-means*; (b) tools*, with or without supply-means*, which are disclosed as attachments for cleaning or coating machines, see, especially, subclass 104.9 ; (c) coating tools*, per se, which may be disclosed as subcombinations of the subject matter of Class 401, however, a patent to such a tool which includes claimed manipulating means disclosed as also serving as supply-means* (e.g., pen barrel) will be found in Class 401; (d) stationary cleaning devices with material supply-means*, that is, devices which are mounted on a fixed support so as to require manipulation of the work relative to the tool*, see subclass 104.92; (e) tools* which are coated or impregnated with material adapted to be applied to a work surface but not including any additional supply-means*, see subclasses 104.93+; (f) loading means for a coating tool*. See subclasses 257.05+, and especially subclasses 257.07+ wherein the loading means is associated with an inkwell. (Class Pertaining to Coating)
15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   is the locus of patents to stationary cleaning devices with material supply; see the reference to subclass 104.92 . Class 15 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. See the above reference to Class 15 (a-d) (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 427+ , for the combination of a pencil with an eraser. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in this class (15) will generally be placed in Class 15 provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 15 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   is the locus of patents to coating tools, per se, subclasses 104.001+ . (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401)
24Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, etc.,   subclasses 10+ , for the combination of a pencil, or the like, with means to attach it to a garment pocket. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 24 will generally be placed in Class 24, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 24 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2) above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
29Metal Working,   subclass 441.2 , is the locus of patents to processes of assembling the ball and seat of a ballpoint pen.
30Cutlery,   subclasses 123+ , for the combination of a coating implement with a cutter. A patent to the combination of an implement of this class (401) and a device classifiable in Class 30 will generally be placed in Class 30, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 30 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
33Geometrical Instruments,   is the locus of patents to line-marking devices (e.g., pen, pencil) combined with means adapted to cooperate with an element upon or adjacent the work surface for guiding movement of the tool*. See subclasses 18.1+ and especially subclasses 34+. Class 33 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
34Drying and Gas or Vapor Contact With Solids,   subclass 89.1 , for the combination of a pen with a blotter. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 34 will generally be placed in Class 34, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 34 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
40Card, Picture, or Sign Exhibiting,   subclasses 334+ , for a pen or pencil combined with means for displaying indicia (e.g., calendar). A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable Class 40 will generally be placed in Class 40, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 40 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
47Plant Husbandry,   is the locus of patents to applicators claimed or solely disclosed for coating plant surfaces by contact therewith. See, especially, subclass 1.5 . Class 47 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
74Machine Element or Mechanism,   is the residual locus of patents to mechanical movements, per se. See subclasses 20 through 110under Mechanical Movements for means, other than gearing, for imparting motion to one body, wherein the two motions or an intermediate motion, differ in form, type or degree; subclasses 111+, for means for imparting a step-by-step movement to a unidirectionally driven member; subclasses 640+, for relatively rotatable bodies which impart or receive motion to or from each other; and subclasses 469+, for control lever and linkage systems.
81Tools,   subclass 9.22 , is the locus of patents to coating implements with material supply combined with means for perforating the work surface so that the coating material may enter the perforations (e.g., tattooing pen). Class 81 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
101Printing,   is the locus of patents to hand-manipulated implements adapted to apply a coating in the form of characters or designs to a work surface. See especially subclasses 114+ , 327+ and 335+. (Class Pertaining to Coating)
106Compositions: Coating or Plastic,   is the residual locus of patents to coating compositions and processes for making them. See, especially, subclasses 3+ for polishes, and subclasses 31.01+ for marking compositions (e.g., inks in subclasses 31.13+). See, also the class definition of Class 106 for the relation of that class to the other composition classes. (Class Pertaining to Coating).
108Horizontally Supported Planar Surfaces,   subclass 26.2 , is the locus of patents to the combination of an inkwell and a desk.
111Planting,   is the locus of patents to implements claimed or solely disclosed for inserting seed, fertilizer or poisons into the ground. See especially, subclass 7.2 . Class 111 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
118Coating Apparatus,   is the residual locus of patents to coating apparatus including coating devices which are stationary, that is, devices which are mounted on a fixed support so as to require manipulation of the work relative to the tool*. See especially, subclasses 76+ , for a coating device which includes a piece of solid material for rubbing contact, and subclasses 264+, for a device which includes a static, saturable or fluid-permeable, solid work-contacting coating element. For the line between Classes 15 and 118 see the class definition of Class 118. (Class pertaining to coating.)
132Toilet,   subclasses 286+ , is the locus of patents to toilet kits including a coating implement (e.g., lipstick, powder puff) and an additional part or device particularly useful for a toilet function (e.g., comb, mirror); and subclasses 216+ and 320, for cosmetic applicators (e.g., lipstick) so shaped as to aid in applying the cosmetic in a definite form or pattern. Class 132 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
134Cleaning and Liquid Contact With Solids,   subclasses 6+ , is the residual locus of patents to processes of cleaning involving the use of an implement of this class (401).
137Fluid Handling,   is the residual locus of patents to fluid handling means which includes a flow-regulator*. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401)
141Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,   subclass 20.5 , is the locus of patents to implements comprising a coating tool and a reservoir in combination with a source of supply and separable therefrom, wherein the source of supply includes force-producing means for moving coating material from the source of supply to the reservoir. (However, where the force-producing means (e.g., pump) is solely in the implement, or entirely absent from the combination, such patents will be found in Class 401, subclasses 118+). Class 141 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
141Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,   is the locus of patents to a source of supply combined with filling means adapted to coact with a separable receiver which is an implement of Class 401 (e.g., fountain pen); and see Lines With Other Classes, above, for classes that take precedence of Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter of Class 401).
156Adhesive Bonding and Miscellaneous Chemical Manufacture,   is the locus of patents to coating implements combined with means for pressing the coated layer into engagement with another layer. See especially, subclasses 441.5+ for implements of the envelope moistening and sealing type. Class 156 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
184Lubrication,   is the locus of patents to implements for lubricating machine parts (e.g., belt, cable or chain) wherein the part to be lubricated is recited in the claim. See, especially subclasses 15.1+ and 99. Class 184 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
206Special Receptacle or Package,   is the locus of patents to a coating implement combined with a receptacle or packaging means therefor. See especially subclasses 214 , 229, 316.1+, and 371. However, where the combination is of such a nature that part of the cover material of the package remains with the implement during the coating operation (e.g., as a handle) or where the cover is only nominally claimed, such patent will be found in Class 401. Class 206 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
211Supports: Racks,   subclasses 69.2+ , is the locus of patents to inkwells or inkstands combined with a pen rack. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401).
215Bottles and Jars,   is the locus of patents to bottles and jars which may be disclosed as supply containers for coating material (e.g., inkwell).
220Receptacles,   is the residual locus of patents to containers which may be disclosed as supply containers for coating material.
222Dispensing,   is the residual locus of patents to apparatus for dispensing material. See, especially, subclasses 92+ , for a dispenser including a nonresilient collapsible wall (e.g., toothpaste tube); subclasses 129+, for a dispensing device including selective or separate feed from plural supply sources or compartments; subclass 146, for a dispenser including means for heating or cooling the material dispensed; subclass 187, for a dispenser from which the material is discharged or fed by means of a wick or absorbent material; subclass 191, for a dispenser combined with a handle adapted for connection with a coating tool; subclasses 206+, for a dispenser including a resilient wall portion which is adapted to be elastically deformed so as to apply a discharging force on the material; subclasses 251+, for a dispenser having force-producing means for discharging material, which is not provided for in preceding subclasses; and subclasses 544+, for a dispenser having a flow-regulator*. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401).
224Package and Article Carriers,   appropriate subclasses for a coating implement combined with means for attachment to the body, hand, or wrist. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 224 will generally be placed in Class 224, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 224 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
239Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,   is the locus of patents to devices which are disclosed as adapted to discharge material in the form of a spray, mist, droplets, or modified stream either to a coating tool or directly to a work surface. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401)
242Winding, Tensioning, or Guiding,   subclasses 570+ , particularly subclasses 588+ for a randomly oriented coil holder which may include a particularly supported roll of note paper in a nominally defined writing implement, and subclass 905 for a reel with a storage chamber. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 242 will generally be placed in Class 242, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 242 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
251Valves and Valve Actuation,   is the residual locus for patents to a flow-regulator*, per se. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401).
279Chucks or Sockets,   for the combination of a coating implement (e.g., pencil) and a socket for securing an accessory device (e.g., eraser) thereto; and see, for example, subclasses 42 , 43, and 43.1+ for such an attachment having resilient jaws. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 279 will generally be placed in Class 279, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 279 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
285Pipe Joints or Couplings,   is the locus of patents for joints between fluid, wire or cable conducting pipes, tubes or tubular bodies. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401).
346Recorders,   is the locus of patents to coating implements (e.g., pen) disclosed solely for use as attachments for recorder mechanisms. See, especially, subclass 140.1 .
347Incremental Printing of Symbolic Information,   see subclasses 1+ for selective printing of symbolic information by ink jet.
362Illumination,   subclass 96 , for a coating implement combined with a light. A patent to the combination of an implement of Class 401 and a device classifiable in Class 362 will generally be placed in Class 362, provided no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the Class 362 art device. See Lines With Other Classes, (2), above. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
403Joints or Connections,   is the locus of patents for joints of general application. (Pertaining To Subcombinations Of/Accessories For, The Subject Matter Of Class 401).
404Road Structure, Process, or Apparatus,   subclass 94 , for a device to affix indicia to the hard surface of a roadway and subclasses 101+, for a device which distributes material on the surface of a road of the earth combined with means to treat said surface of material. A manually manipulated device which merely coats a road surface to provide a visual indicia is classified in Class 401. Class 404 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
425Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,   is the locus of patents to coating apparatus for moldable plastic material or earth materials (e.g., clay or mortar) in which the apparatus is capable of shaping the coating in plural dimensions, e.g., coating and controlling the shape of one side edge or imparting a particular cross-sectional shape to the deposited material. See especially subclasses 87 and 458. Class 425 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
427Coating Processes,   for processes of coating, per se. (Class Pertaining to Coating)
520Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers,   appropriate subclasses, particularly Class 523, subclass 161 for a composition containing a synthetic resin and having utility as a ballpoint pen ink composition or to processes of preparing said composition. Class 520 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)
604Surgery,   subclasses 1 through 3, 11+, 289+, and 890.1+ for patents to applicators and depositors solely disclosed as applying medicaments to the human body. Class 604 takes precedence over Class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply including or combined with a particular feature or limitation. (Coating Implements With Material Supply.)


Terms used in titles and definitions of this class, either repeatedly or in a special or limited sense, are defined below. For economy of space, an asterisk (*) following a term in a definition or note indicates that reference should be had to this glossary for its specific meaning. Certain terms related particularly to implements including solid material for rubbing contact are defined in (10) Note to the definition of subclass 49 and are signalized by the symbol # following the term in a definition or note where it occurs.


A coating tool or such a tool combined with a manually manipulable holder.


Means to guide fluent coating material from a reservoir to or through a coating tool or to a work surface.


Means (e.g., valve), including a part which is movable, to open, close, or restrict a passage for coating material or for gas, and thus to control movement of coating material in the implement. A removable closure, however, will not be considered to be a flow-regulator.


A liquid or solid substance which is intended to be applied to a work surface as a coating.


A container or retainer for storing fluent coating material.


A reservoir or a feeder for fluent coating material.


An instrumentality having a portion which is designed and intended to apply or spread coating material on a work surface by contact therewith. The tool may be spaced from the work surface only by the thickness of material deposited by the tool.


[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 1]    1WITH MEANS TO IMPART HEAT TO MATERIAL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with means for transferring thermal energy to the coating material carried by the implement prior to its application to the surface.
(1) Note. For placement in this subclass a patent must contain an express teaching of a heat imparting means whereby heat is either (a) generated within the implement, as by a burner or resistance heater, or (b) conducted by the implement from an outside source, e.g., body (hand) heat of the user.
(2) Note. A patent claiming structure adapted to utilize heat from a user"s hand to induce or cause flow of material, by thermal expansion of said material in an unvented reservoir, for the purpose of coating a work surface will be placed in this subclass.
(3) Note. A patent for a device for heating and applying sealing wax is acceptable for this class and subclass only when the disclosure makes it clear that the device includes a tool which contacts the work for applying or spreading the coating material. A patent for a device for heating and dispensing sealing wax onto a surface, without contact between the device and the surface, will be placed in the Dispensing class (see Search Class note below).


12,for an implement whose coating material is melted by transfer of heat from a workpiece.
225+,for a bifurcate tool implement including means for retaining coating material which has flowed out of the reservoir because of inadvertent heating.


118Coating Apparatus,   subclasses 620+ , for coating apparatus including means for treating the coating material with electrical or radiant energy, and especially subclasses 641+ for such an apparatus including radiant heating; and subclass 271, for an apparatus including an applicator coated or impregnated with normally solid material which requires the application of heat to render it fluent; and see the Search Notes reference to Class 118 in the class definition of this class (401).
184Lubrication,   subclasses 98+ , for a lubricating device in which solid or semi-solid lubricant is adapted to be heated by the friction of bearing parts and thereby melted.
222Dispensing,   subclass 113 or 146.1, for a dispenser combined with a heater for melting sealing wax and permitting it to flow to a surface; and see (3) Note, above.
228Metal Fusion Bonding,   subclasses 51+ for a similar implement, limited by disclosure to coating a metal surface with molten metal.
425Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,   subclasses 110+ , for a hand-manipulable sealing wax applier including (1) means to melt the wax and apply it to a surface and (2) a seal for making an impression on the applied wax.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 2]    2At discharge portion of implement
 This subclass is indented under subclass 1.  Implement including a reservoir* and/or a feeder* and in which the heat imparting means is located only in the zone containing the tool* and the feeder, or at that portion of the reservoir from which the material passes directly to the work surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 3]    3INCLUDING HEAT-INSULATING HANDLE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including manually engageable means for manipulation of the implement which means is of a material or construction which resists heat transfer between the coating material and the hand of the user and is disclosed as having this property.


1+,for an implement including material heating means and a heat-insulating handle.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 4]    4WITH MEANS TO AGITATE MATERIAL IN RESERVOIR
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a reservoir* and means within the reservoir which has the sole function of stirring or shaking the material therein or otherwise moving it for the purpose of putting or maintaining the material in a fluent state.
(1) Note. The agitating means must be other than, or a modification of, a part of the implement which is used for a different purpose (e.g., tool, feeder, valve, valve actuator).
(2) Note. A scraper, cutter, or comminutor which merely divides the material into smaller particles is not considered to be an agitator for this subclass.


258+,for an implement including a stylus tool in which the work-engaging rod or needle has an enlarged portion within the reservoir, usually serving primarily as a valve or a tool-actuator, which portion incidentally serves to agitate material in the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 5]    5INCLUDING MEANS TO REGULATE COATING THICKNESS
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with adjustable means for positively determining the depth of the material deposited on the work surface by physical contact with the layer of material deposited or being deposited.
(1) Note. The regulating means may be structure for adjustably spacing the tool orifice from the work surface, or it may be an additional adjustable element (e.g., an adjustable doctor blade) moving with the tool and smoothing or scraping the deposited material to the desired thickness.


425Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,   subclasses 87 and 458 for a similar device including means for also controlling the shape of one side edge of, or for imparting a particular cross-sectional shape to, the deposited material; and see the class definition of this class (401) for classes that take precedence over class 401 for a claimed coating implement with material supply.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 6]    6WITH MEANS TO ATTACH OR CONFORM TO BODY OF USER
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device provided with means shaped to fit some portion of the body of the operator or to secure the implement to the operator"s body while in use; or to secure a supply reservoir*, which feeds to the tool*, to the operator"s body.
(1) Note. The mere recitation of a "handle" will not justify placement of a patent in this subclass. However, such terms as "hand-grip," "pistol-grip," or "finger notch will be sufficient for such placement.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 443 for a dip pen shaped to engage or receive the hand or finger of the user; and see the search notes thereto.
224Package and Article Carriers,   appropriate subclasses for a portable device having means for attachment to the body, or for conforming to the hand, respectively, to facilitate transportation thereof.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 7]    7Hand-or finger-receiving pocket
 This subclass is indented under subclass 6.  Device wherein the body attaching means is in the form of a pouchlike or cuplike receptacle which is open only at one end for receiving the hand or finger of the user.
(1) Note. The receptacle may be in the form of a mitt or glove.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 227 , for a coating implement, per se, with a pocket for receiving a hand, finger, or foot of the user.
294Handling: Hand and Hoist-Line Implements,   subclass 25 , for a miscellaneous pouchlike or cuplike receptacle for receiving a hand or finger for facilitating a handling operation.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 8]    8Hand-or finger loop or strap
 This subclass is indented under subclass 6.  Device wherein the body attaching means is in the form of a ring (open or closed), or a band secured at its ends to the implements, for receiving the hand or finger of the user therethrough or thereunder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 9]    9INCLUDING TOOL(S) FOR CURVED OR PLURAL WORK SURFACE(S)
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the tool* is shaped, or a plurality of tools are arranged, (a) to engage a work surface which is concave or convex, or (b) to simultaneously engage (1) the opposing edges or surfaces of slit or groove, (2) angularly related or noncoplanar surfaces of a workpiece, or (3) opposite surfaces of a workpiece.


33Geometrical Instruments,   subclasses 41.1+ , for an implement including a plurality of scribing tools for making spaced, parallel, relatively narrow lines on a curved or on plural work surfaces.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 10]    10Confronting tool faces
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Implement including two tool surfaces facing toward each other so as to engage simultaneously two oppositely facing surfaces of a workpiece.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement having tool surfaces for engaging the inner and outer surfaces of a tubular member will be placed in this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 11]    11Concave tool face
 This subclass is indented under subclass 9.  Implement wherein the tool has an inwardly curved surface adapted to conform to an outwardly curved work surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 12]    12For buttering ear corn
 This subclass is indented under subclass 11.  Implement provided with means for retaining a supply of butter or equivalent material and having an arcuate tool surface for conforming to the surface of an ear of corn and for applying the material thereto as the implement is moved therealong.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 13]    13WITH MEANS TO WITHDRAW MATERIAL FROM WORK SURFACE INTO STORAGE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with means, including a receiver, for removing all or some of the material* which has been applied by the tool* to the work surface for subsequent disposal or reuse.
(1) Note. The receiver must be in the nature of a chamber or conduit and not merely an absorbent element which, by its nature, is inherently capable of performing the spreading function of a tool; but it may also serve as the supply-means*.


5,for an implement including adjustable means for regulating coating thickness by displacing a surface portion of the material deposited by the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 14]    14WITH SURFACE-PROTECTING BUMPER
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with cushioning, shock absorbing or other spacing means adapted to contact a surface in the working environment of the tool* and thereby to prevent contact of the tool or some other portion of the implement with said surface such as might scratch or mar that surface.


193,for an implement provided with a work-engaging guide.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 15]    15WITH SPLASH GUARD OR DRIP CATCHER
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with means to deflect or to prevent accidental or undesired spattering or spreading of material*, or to receive excess material which may flow by gravity from the tool* or the work surface.
(1) Note. The excess material received by the drip catcher may or may not be returned to the supply means.


13,for an implement including means to withdraw material from the work surface.
225+,for an implement of the bifurcate pointed nib type provided with a capillary overflow receiver.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 16]    16DIVERSE COATING TOOLS
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement which includes two or more coating tools* of different type as listed under section I, D, 3, of this publication.
(1) Note. Two or more tools of the same type, differing in degree (e.g., size or rigidity) or color of coating material to be applied, will not be considered diverse tools. For example, a broom combined with a brush, or a chalk stick with a crayon, will be considered a plural tool, rather than a diverse tool, device.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 17]    17Each with individual supply
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement including mutually exclusive and entirely independent means in feeding relation to each of said diverse coating tools.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 18]    18Separable for independent use
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Device wherein one of said diverse tools is adapted to be physically removed, for individual use, from another part of the device which retains another tool.
(1) Note. The inclusion in the device of a flexible strand or a chain to limit the distance which a removed tool can be moved away from the rest of the device will not bar placement in this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 19]    19Including solid material for rubbing contact
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement including a piece of cohesive, nonfluent, self-sustaining material, an end or surface of the piece constituting one of the tools and the rest of the piece serving as the supply for said tool.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement comprising a holder for solid material for rubbing contact combined with a tool of a different type which has no related supply means* will be placed in this subclass.


17,for an implement in which each of the diverse coating tools has an independent supply (e.g., pencil and ball point pen).
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 20]    20Pencil and bifurcate nib pen
 This subclass is indented under subclass 19.  Implement wherein the solid material is in the shape of an elongated relatively slender rod positioned in a casing or holder and another tool is a bifurcate nib pen as defined in subclass 221.


17,for a pencil combined with a pen having individual supply-means* (e.g., fountain pen).
18,for a pencil combined with a dip pen without supply-means, which pencil and pen are separable for independent use.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 21]    21Including ball, roller or endless-belt tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement one tool of which has an endless peripheral work-engaging surface and is mounted for movement about an axis passing therethrough, and wherein a portion of the surface is always communicable with the supply-means* and some other portion of the surface is simultaneously in position to engage the work.


208+,for an implement of this class including only a ball, roller or endless belt tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 22]    22Simultaneously operative along same path
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement wherein said tools are so positioned relative to each other that substantially the same area of work surface engaged by one of the tools is immediately thereafter engaged by another of the tools in their movement over the surface.


33Geometrical Instruments,   subclasses 41.1+ , for an implement including diverse scribing tools simultaneously operative along parallel paths for making a plurality of spaced, relatively narrow lines.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 23]    23Including porous tool through which material flows
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement wherein one tool is formed of a previous layer or mass having interstices of substantially capillary size through which the coating material must pass from one surface thereof to another and hence to the work surface.


196+,for an implement of this class including only a porous tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 24]    24And brush, broom, or mop
 This subclass is indented under subclass 23.  Implement in which another tool is formed of a plurality of elongated filamentary elements joined to a common support, either individually or in groups, and projecting therefrom free of one another.


27,for an implement which includes a tool which is a brush, broom or mop and another tool which is blade-like or pad like.
268+,for an implement of this class including only a tool of the brush, broom or mop type.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 25]    25Including blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 16.  Implement in which one tool has a work-engaging portion in the form of either an elongated edge, a surface having substantial length and width, or an edge surrounding an opening at the end of a passage for coating material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 26]    26Apertured tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 25.  Implement wherein said one tool includes an opening extending through, and entirely surrounded by, the work engaging surface or edge, through which opening the material* may flow for distribution on the work surface by the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 27]    27Including means for dispensing material directly to work surface
 This subclass is indented under subclass 25.  Implement including means for releasing material* to a work surface in a zone which is near the area contracted by one of the tools, or in a manner not requiring engagement of any of the tools with the work surface.
(1) Note. For the purpose of this subclass the depositing means may release the material to the work surface only, or partly to the work surface directly and partly to a tool.
(2) Note. To be considered as discharging material to the work surface, for placement in this subclass, the discharge must be beyond the area circumscribed by the totality of the work-surface-contacting portions of the implement (e.g., beyond the area within a ring of work-surface-contacting filamentary elements or a group of brushes).


137,for an implement comprising a tool, or similar tools, and means for dispensing material adjacent the tool(s), and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 28]    28MULTIPLE-TIP MULTIPLE-DISCHARGE TOOL (E.G., MASSAGE TOOL)
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the tool* comprises a support and a plurality of individually spaced finger-like or tooth-like work contacting projections extending therefrom and wherein either (a) the projections are hollow and open-ended to provided a passage for material* from the supply-means* to the work surface, or (b) the projections are formed integrally from the same material as the support and the support has a plurality of feed apertures adjacent the projections.


268+,for an implement whose tool comprises a support and a plurality of filamentary elements assembled therewith; particularly, subclass 291, for such type of tool having a multi-perforate support for the filamentary elements.


239Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,   subclasses 589+ , for a multiple-tip multiple-discharge spray head.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 29]    29PLURAL TOOLS INCLUDING PROJECTABLE AND RETRACTABLE TOOL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including more than one coating tool*, an enclosing member for at least one of said tools, and means to cause or permit relative movement between said one tool and its enclosing member, without complete separation, to the extent that the tool may alternately occupy an exposed operative position and an inoperative position wherein the tool is retained in concealed position within said enclosing member.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement including a plurality of pieces of solid material for rubbing contact and means for selectively causing or permitting movement of each piece between operative and inoperative position will be placed in this subclass if each piece is provided with a carrier which cooperates with the means for causing or permitting movement. However, a patent wherein the implement includes only a single means which is directly engageable with a selected piece of such solid material to cause or permit movement of the piece through an opening in a guide member between operative and inoperative position will be placed elsewhere (see Search This Class, Subclass)
(2) Note. A patent in which a spare tool-and-reservoir unit is removable from a storage compartment of the implement and is adapted to be reassembled with the implement so as to be in use position, to replace an expended unit, will be placed in a subclass appropriate to the particular disclosed tool (e.g., for a ball point pen).


16+,for an implement comprising diverse tools including at least one projectable and retractable tool.
49+,for patents wherein the implement includes only a single means which is directly engageable with a selected piece of such solid material to cause or permit movement of the piece through an opening in a guide member between operative and inoperative position, particularly subclass 56 where the implement includes positive means for causing, rather than merely permitting, such movement..
55+,for an implement including means to project and retract a piece of solid material for rubbing contact; particularly indented subclasses 56 for such an implement including means for selectively replenishing its feed guide from any one of a plurality of storage compartments, 57 for such an implement including means for sequentially replenishing its feed guide from storage means, and 85 for such an implement including means for storing other such pieces in nonuse position for manual removal and association with the projection-retraction means.
88+,for an implement including means to guide a manually movable piece of solid material between nonuse and use positions; and indented subclass 89 for this combination further including means to store an additional piece of material in nonuse position.
99+,for an implement including a single, linearly projectable and retractable tool which is other than solid material for rubbing contact.
209+,for a ball point pen.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 30]    30Single actuator for simultaneous projection of one tool and retraction of another
 This subclass is indented under subclass 29.  Implement including one means for imparting projection and retraction movement to at least two tools, said means interconnecting said tools during such movement so that one tool is moved to the exposed position and the other tool is moved in a direction away from its exposed position.


33,for an implement wherein movement of one tool toward projected position releases a retainer (e.g., latch), whereupon another tool is retracted by a spring.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 31]    31Including individual actuators
 This subclass is indented under subclass 29.  Implement wherein at least two tools are projectable and retractable and each such tool includes a member protruding exteriorly of the body of the implement and accessible to the hand of a user, for moving the tool between projected and retracted position.


82+,for an implement including a manual actuator for advancing a single piece of solid coating material for rubbing contact.
99,for an implement including means, manually accessible through a slot in the side of the casing, for projecting and retracting a tool which is other than solid material for rubbing contact.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 32]    32Selective individual projection by single actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 29.  Implement wherein at least two tools are projectable and retractable, said implement including one means engageable with each such tool individually, at the option of the user, for moving the tool into operative position.


56,for an implement comprising a single piece of solid material for rubbing contact, and means to selectively replenish material in the feed guide.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 33]    33With retraction spring
 This subclass is indented under subclass 32.  Implement including a resilient member for biasing the projected tool toward the retracted position.


62,for an implement comprising means to advance a single tool of solid material for rubbing contact, which implement includes a retraction spring.
109+,for an implement including a single projectable and retractable tool, other than solid material for rubbing contact, and a retraction spring.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 34]    34PLURAL EXPOSED TOOLS EACH WITH INDIVIDUAL SUPPLY
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including at least two coating tools*, each of which is fixed in operative position, and each of which is provided with a separate supply-means* in feeding relation thereto.
(1) Note. A tool will be considered to be in operative position even though it is protected, when not in use, by a removable cap.


10,for an implement comprising confronting tool faces, each with independent supply, which tool faces are adapted to coat oppositely facing work surfaces.
17,for an implement comprising diverse tools each with an individual supply.
29+,for an implement including a plurality of tools at least one of which is projectable and retractable.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 35]    35Side-by-side
 This subclass is indented under subclass 34.  Implement wherein at least two tool-and-supply combinations are mounted adjacent each other and substantially in parallelism, with their work-engaging portions extending from the same end of a common support.


22,for an implement having diverse tools simultaneously extending toward, and operative along the same path of, a work surface.


33Geometrical Instruments,   subclasses 41.1+ , for an implement including plural side-by-side scribing tools whose work engaging portions are spaced from each other for making a plurality of spaced, relatively narrow lines.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a plurality of tools* and means, under control of the user, for directing flow of coating material from a supply-means* exclusively to any one of said tools.


45+,for an implement including plural, individually controllable supply-means* feeding to the same tool or directly to the work surface.
136,for an implement including means for selectively feeding coating material either to a tool or to a work surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 37]    37PLURAL TOOLS WITH SUPPLY TO LESS THAN ALL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which includes more than one coating tool* and whose supply of coating material may be applied to the work surface by at least one, but not all, of the tools.
(1) Note. A patent to an implement including a material supply and a tool for coating preceded or followed by a like tool for cleaning (e.g., scraper, brush) will be placed in this or an indented subclass;


22,for an implement having diverse tools operative along the same path, one of which tools may be a coating tool and the other a noncoating tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 38]    38Including supply container and independent applicator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 37.  Device comprising a reservoir* or a retainer for solid coating material and wherein one of the tools* is an applicator* combined with the reservoir or retainer for receiving material* by direct contact of the tool with the material; and wherein the applicator is completely separable from the reservoir or retainer for removal of material from such reservoir or retainer and for application of the removed material to a work surface.
(1) Note. A mere tenuous connection, such as a chain or flexible strand, between a supply container and a separable tool will not bar placement of a patent including such structure from this subclass.


118+,for a device which includes only one tool, which tool is an applicator separable from its supply container.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 39]    39Brush, broom or mop
 This subclass is indented under subclass 37.  Device in which said tools are each formed of a plurality of elongated filamentary elements (e.g., bristles, strands) joined to a common support (e.g., core, back or flexible backing) either individually or in groups (e.g., tufts) and projecting therefrom free of one another.


16+,for an implement including diverse tools.
38,for a device wherein one of the coating tools is completely separable from its supply container and is a brush, broom, or mop.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 40]    40CONCENTRATED MATERIAL AND LIQUID CARRIER
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a supply-means* for a liquid vehicle and a supply of soluble or dispersible material so related to the supply-means that admixture of the material to the vehicle can occur by (a) flow of the vehicle only, into direct contact with the material, or (b) movement of the material into contact with the vehicle prior to entry of the mixture into the feeder*.
(1) Note. A patent wherein contact of the concentrate with the carrier occurs as a result of the flow of each through a separate feeder, or a feeder branch, leading from a separate reservoir will be placed in subclasses 44+ even if a mixing chamber is provided at the junction of the feeder branches or separate feeders.
(2) Note. This subclass will take a patent for an implement including a reservoir for a liquid carrier and a compartment, entirely out of communication with the reservoir, for the concentrated material, so arranged that the material can get into the reservoir only by some manual act of the user.
(3) Note. An implement including concentrated material but not having a reservoir or conduit supply means for a liquid to dissolve the material, will be found in a subclass characterized by the nature of the disclosed tool; see the search notes below.


28,for an implement including solid material and a liquid carrier in which the material is dissolved or dispersed and wherein the tool of the implement is of multiple-tip, multiple-discharge construction (e.g., massaging tool).
44+,for an implement including a plurality of supply-means feeding to a single tool or to the work; and see (1) Note, above.
201,for a porous tool implement having a compartment for containing solid coating material adapted to be dissolved by an externally supplied liquid, as by dipping the implement in a liquid.
252,for a bifurcate nib implement including an attached supply retainer feeding directly to the tool, which retainer stores solid coating material adapted to be dissolved by dipping the tool and retainer in a liquid.
268,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type, having a compartment for containing solid material adapted to be dissolved by an external source accessible to the material directly, rather than by way of supply-means.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 257.07 for a container including pigment and a supply-means for a liquid vehicle positioned to permit contact with the pigment for solution or dispersal of the liquid vehicle therewith.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 41]    41Concentrated material in or adjacent reservoir outlet or feeder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 40.  Implement wherein the dispersible or soluble material is retained in position within, or contiguous to, the feeder or a discharge passage of a reservoir* for the liquid carrier.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 42]    42Including conduit supply means for liquid carrier
 This subclass is indented under subclass 41.  Implement wherein the concentrated material is retained in position within, or contiguous to, the feeder and includes a flexible hose section for receiving the liquid carrier from a reservoir which is not part of the implement, or means for attachment of the implement to a pipe or flexible hose leading to such a reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 43]    43And bypass for liquid carrier
 This subclass is indented under subclass 42.  Implement wherein the feeder includes divergent portions one of which communicates with the concentrated material and the other is isolated therefrom, and the implement includes means for stopping or for adjusting the flow through one of these portions with respect to the flow through the other.


46,for an implement including means for controlling the rate of flow from each of a plurality of supply sources which feed to a tool or to a work surface and are independent of (i.e., in nonserial flow relation to) one another.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 44]    44SEPARATE FEED FROM PLURAL SUPPLY MEANS TO TOOL OR TO WORK
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including either (a) a feeder* and a plurality of reservoirs* each of which is adapted to be in direct supply relation to the feeder, or (b) a plurality of feeders or feeder branches each of which is communicable with a different reservoir; said feeder, feeders, or feeder branches being adapted to guide coating material to or through the same tool*, or to a work surface, or to the tool and to the work surface.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement including a spare supply cartridge, or a supply cartridge having compartments with individual dispensing outlets adapted to be individually connected by the user in feeding relation to the tool, will be placed in subclass 45.


40+,for an implement including a plurality of intercommunicating reservoirs, of which one contains concentrated coating material and another contains concentrated coating material and another contains a liquid vehicle for the material, and wherein mixture of the materials occurs prior to entry into the feeder.
43,for an implement which includes a conduit supply-means* for a liquid vehicle which may, selectively, be placed in or out of communication with a reservoir or retainer for concentrated material.
133+,for an implement comprising a pen section which includes a feeder and means for establishing communication with a spare supply cartridge upon assembly therewith.


137Fluid Handling,   subclasses 255+ , for a flow system including plural reservoirs each of which has a separate flow line leading therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 45]    45Selective feed
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Implement which either (a) includes a feeder adapted to be placed in feeding relation with any of a plurality of reservoirs, at the option of the user, or (b) includes means for varying or interrupting flow to or through one of the plurality of feeders or feeder branches, without similarly affecting the flow to or through another.
(1) Note. Flow regulating means which is not part of the claimed device (e.g., a faucet valve) cannot be relied upon for placement of a patent in this subclass, even though such means is disclosed as serving to produce selective or proportional flow otherwise conforming to the definition of this subclass.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 46]    46Including conduit supply means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 45.  Implement in which one of the feeders or feeder branches is a pipe or flexible hose section for conducting material from a remote source which is not part of the implement.


42,for an implement in which conduit supply means for a liquid carrier feeds into a reservoir or retainer for concentrated material for solution or dispersion of the material in the carrier.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 47]    47Diverse materials supplied
 This subclass is indented under subclass 44.  Implement wherein the materials adapted to be supplied by the separate supply means differ in some physical or chemical property (e.g., color, consistency, liquid and solid).
(1) Note. Hot and cold water supplied from separate taps or hoses are considered diverse materials for the purpose of this subclass.
(2) Note. This subclass will take an implement including means to supply a propellant gas (e.g., foam generator) so as to intermingle with liquid coating material when such gas is applied in a feeder so that the mixture may be applied to a work surface. Where such intermingling occurs in the reservoir for the liquid coating material the patent will be placed in subclasses 40+. Where the propellant is a gas which is not intended to be part of the coating the patent will be placed in either subclass 188 or 190.


40+,for an implement in which diverse materials are intermingled in a reservoir and applied to a surface; and see (2) Note above.
188,for an implement including one-way means for adding gas to the reservoir so as to apply force on the coating material therein.
190,for an implement including a pressurized reservoir; and see (2) Note, above.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 48]    48WITH MEANS SUPPORTING OR STABILIZING IMPLEMENT IN USE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a work-contacting element, in addition to the tool*, which element serves, or helps, to sustain the tool upon the work surface against the force of gravity, or to maintain a desired angular relationship of the tool to the work surface, during the coating operation.
(1) Note. This subclass provides primarily for carriages, wheels, skids, etc., which relieve the tool or operator of the weight of the implement and which are intended to preclude operation of the device in a free path along the surface according to the will of the operator.


5,for an implement including adjustable support means for regulating the coating thickness.
6,for an implement provided with body-conforming (e.g., hand grip) or body-attaching (e.g., hand loop) means.
9,for an implement including a tool for a curved work surface or a plurality of tools arranged to engage a plurality of angularly related, noncoplanar or opposed work surfaces.
131,for an implement with means to support or stabilize same when not in use.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 437 , for a dip pen including means to support or stabilize the pen while in use.
248Supports,   subclass 118.5 , for an armrest adapted to move with the arm of a person while he is performing a writing operation, and see the search notes thereto.
425Plastic Article or Earthenware Shaping or Treating: Apparatus,   subclasses 87 and 458 for a hand-manipulable device for applying plastic material onto a surface including a work-engaging member to support or stabilize the device and controlling at least one lateral Woodworking Tools dimension of the applied material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 49]    49SOLID MATERIAL FOR RUBBING CONTACT OR SUPPORT THEREFOR
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement comprising (1) a support# adapted to utilize a piece of nonfluent, cohesive, self-sustaining coating material and to allow an end or surface of said piece to be applied directly to a work surface, or (2) a piece of such material, an end or surface of which is specifically shaped to adapt it to be applied directly to a work surface.
(1) Note. The work engaging end or surface of the piece of solid material constitutes the tool* and the rest of the piece is the supply.
(2) Note. A patent claiming no more than a piece of solid coating material having a shaped end for contacting the work will be placed in this, rather than an indented subclass even though the disclosure indicates the piece as being intended for use in a combination provided for in such indented subclass.
(3) Note. See the Search Notes, below to subclasses 1, 29+, 34+, 37+, 118+, and 208+, for loci for devices which store coating material in a solid form but apply portions of it by means of a tool, frequently after converting the material to a fluent state.
(4) Note. A disclosure that material is extruded through an orifice is an indication that the material is fluent and therefore is not in the form of a nonfluent, cohesive, self-sustaining piece, as required by the definition of this subclass. A patent to a coating implement utilizing such extrudable material will be placed elsewhere in this class, based on other features; see the search notes below to other subclasses in this class. For example, tooth paste, thick enough to retain its extruded shape when squeezed from a tube but which is wiped from the tube opening onto a surface, rather than applied in stick form, is not considered solid material for the purpose of this subclass; however, a self-sustaining semi-solid material (e.g., lip stick) of such consistency as to be attrited, rather than flowed upon a surface, is considered solid material for this subclass.
(5) Note. A patent to solid coating material claimed in terms of its cross-sectional configuration will be placed in the appropriate class providing for stock material. See the class definition for Class 428, Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles, for the relationship of that class (428) to various other stock material classes.
(6) Note. A patent to a piece of solid coating material, per se, claimed as a composition with no more than nominally expressed structure, as "bar," "rod," "block," "layer," "stick," "strand," "strip," etc., will be placed in the appropriate composition class. The various composition classes are listed in order of superiority in the class definition of Class 106, Compositions: Coating or Plastic.
(7) Note. For placement of a patent to a holder# of general utility, in which the tool is either not claimed or only broadly claimed, see the last paragraph of Scope of This Class, in the Class Definition of Class 401.
(8) Note. An implement will be considered to include only a single tool, with provision for supply of additional pieces of material, when the implement includes only a single means to cause or permit movement of a piece of material through an opening in a guide# to a use position, which single means is selectively associable directly with a single one of a plurality of pieces of solid coating material. However, the implement will be considered to have plural tools, and a patent thereto will be placed in subclasses 29+, when the implement has a single means to cause or permit such movement of a selectable one of a plurality of units, each of which units comprises a piece of solid coating material and a carrier# specifically provided for the purpose of selective association with said means; and see (1) Note to the definition of subclass 29.
(9) Note. A single holder with two or more pieces of solid material, or with a single piece having two exposed ends, each piece or end having a surface positioned for use (e.g., a wooden pencil with different colored leads exposed at each end) will be considered an implement having plural tools for placement in subclass 34, unless one of said tools is projectable and retractable, in which case the patent to the implement will be placed in subclasses 29+.
(10) Note. The Glossary terms at the end of this subclass, which occur in the titles and definitions of this and indented subclasses, are defined below. The symbol (#) following a word or phrase indicates that reference should be had to this glossary for the specific meaning thereof. Terms which are used in the titles and definitions of this class as a whole are defined in the Glossary, of the Class 401 class definition.


1+,for an implement of this class provided with means for heating solid material, as for rendering it fluent.
19+,for an implement with solid coating material for rubbing contact and including a coating tool of some other species (e.g., pen or brush).
29+,and 34+, for an implement comprising two or more tools of solid material for rubbing contact.
37+,for a device including a container for a supply of solid or pasty material and a plurality of brushes, one of which removes a portion of the material from the container for application to a work surface; particularly subclass 38, wherein said one brush is separable from the container for such application.
40+,for an implement including means retaining soluble or dispersible solid material and supply-means* for a liquid carrier in which the solid material is dissolved or dispersed before application to a work surface.
118+,for a device which includes a container for a solid or pasty material and an independent applicator for receiving material from the supply and applying it directly to the work; particularly, subclass 126, wherein the applicator is, or is attached to, a closure for the container and is thus retained in communication with the supply.
200,for an implement including a pervious tool through which particulate solid material may sift.
201,for a porous tool provided with a pocket for soluble solid material.
208+,for an implement with solid material supply which is not rubbed directly on the work, but is deposited on a roller tool which applies it to a work surface.


16Miscellaneous Hardware (e.g., Bushing, Carpet Fastener, Caster, Door Closer, Panel Hanger, Attachable or Adjunct Handle, Hinge, Window Sash Balance, etc.),   subclasses 108+ , for a patent to a ring, cap or sleeve for reinforcing a pencil and which may include a pencil by name only.
106Compositions: Coating or Plastic,   appropriate subclasses, for coating material claimed as a mass or layer; and see (6) Note above.
132Toilet,   subclass 319 , for a cosmetic applier including a tool or guide peculiarly shaped to apply a cosmetic in a definite form or pattern (e.g., a bow-shaped lip rouge applicator).
184Lubrication,   subclass 15.1 , for a solid stick lubricant for a named belt, cable or chain; and subclass 99, for a similar device adapted to be applied to a bearing.
428Stock Material or Miscellaneous Articles,   appropriate subclasses for solid coating material in the form of a structurally defined or coated web, sheet or rod, for which no other classification, exists, or for a mass or layer containing a structurally defined element (e.g., particle or fiber), especially subclasses 357+ .
520Synthetic Resins or Natural Rubbers,   appropriate subclasses, particularly Class 523, subclass 164 for a composition containing a synthetic resin and having utility as the writing material in a lead pencil or crayon composition or to processes of preparing said composition.
604Surgery,   subclass 309 for applying solid treating material to the body.

A member attached to a piece of solid coating material so as to be movable therewith in a guide#.


A holder# for a piece of solid coating material which is adapted or required to have a portion thereof, adjacent the tool*, removed so as to expose the coating material as it is attrited in use. See HOLDER.


A member movable in a guide# and adapted to contact a piece of solid coating material therein to advance it to and through the opening in response to an applied force.


That part of an implement which defines a path of travel for a piece of solid coating material to and through an opening in the implement to a use position of the tool* end of the piece.


That part of an implement which retains a piece of solid coating material, or which retains a unit consisting of a piece and an expendable sheath, in such a manner as to expose the tool* end of the piece and to be manipulable therewith as a single entity (e.g., sleeve, wrapper). The holder and the piece, or the holder and the unit, may be relatively adjustable manually, but not by advancing means (as defined in subclass 55).


All the parts of an implement, collectively, which retain the piece. It may be a holder# or it may include a carrier,# or follower, and a guide# as well as a housing for enclosing the entire organization of parts.

[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 50]    50With means for severing portion of sheath or for shaping tool (e.g., pencil sharpener)
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement including means to cut, tear, or break away a part of a substantially coextensive sleeve or covering for a piece of such solid material so as to expose an end of such piece, and/or means to impart a particular form (e.g., point or wedge) to the work contacting portion of the piece.


1+,for an implement provided with heating means which may shape or otherwise prepare the tip of a piece of solid material for coating.
9+,for an implement including a tool* so shaped as to engage a curved or non-planar surface.


30Cutlery,   subclasses 451+ for a pencil-sharpener, per se; particularly subclass 460 for a sharpener which is open-ended so that the point of the pencil may protrude therethrough to permit the pencil to be used with the sharpener retained thereon.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 51]    51Orbiting blade
 This subclass is indented under subclass 50.  Implement wherein the severing or shaping means comprises a member having an edge revolvable relative to and in engagement with the material or sheath for severing portions therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 52]    52Combined
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement combined with a tool or device which has a function other than coating and for which combination there is no specific provision in any other class.
(1) Note. A device which holds, moves, modifies, or works upon the coating tool or material supply is considered to have a coating function. For example, advancing means, means to limit tool projection, or means to store additional material, etc., are related to the coating implement. Examples of a device which does not have a coating function include an eraser, an envelope slitter, a pocket clip, a stamp holder, etc.
(2) Note. A patent for a specific tool* of solid material for rubbing contact, or specific support# therefor, combined with another art device will be placed in this subclass. However, if the tool or support is only claimed nominally, or if no more of the tool or support is claimed than is necessary to define the combination thereof with the other art device, then the patent will be placed in the class providing for the other art device; and see the search notes hereunder and under subclass 195 for the loci of such combinations.


17,18, or 19+, for a pencil combined with a coating tool of a different type.
29+,or 34+, for an implement in which two or more solid-coating-material tools are combined.
48,for an implement of this class combined with means to support or stabilize it while in use.
50+,for a pencil combined with a device for shaping the tool (e.g., pencil sharpener) or severing its covering.
131,for an implement for applying fluent coating material, combined with means to support or stabilize it when not in use.
195,for an implement of this class, utilizing a coating supply other than solid material for rubbing contact, combined with a tool or device which has a function other than coating.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 125.1+ , for an eraser or eraser holder and means for attaching it to a pencil; or for such an eraser or holder in combination with a pencil, where no more of the pencil is claimed than is necessary to define the claimed relationship with the eraser.
30Cutlery,   subclass 123 , for a pencil attachment including a cutter and, usually, a clasp.
33Geometrical Instruments,   subclass 414 , for a cord straight-line guide combined with means for chalking the cord.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 53]    53Including means to limit tool projection
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement provided with a guide#, and with means to prevent exposure of the tool* beyond a predetermined distance from the opening in the implement.
(1) Note. The means to limit tool projection may include (a) a part which is movable to and from the use position of the tool so as to engage and locate the tool end of the piece at said use position, or (b) a part engageable with the tool end of the piece, or with a surface which is not part of the implement (e.g., a work surface), for locating the piece preliminary to operation of advancing means for moving the tool end a predetermined increment of advance through the opening.


58,for an implement including means for reinforcing the tool end of a piece of solid material for rubbing contact extending from an opening in a support.
65,for an implement having means to feed the solid material in a step-by-step manner for a plurality of predetermined increments.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 54]    54Cushioned tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement wherein the piece of coating material is elastically or resiliently mounted in the support# by means other than, or in addition to, an element of material advancing means, so that excess pressure on the tool end of the piece will cause the material to recede into the support and release of such excess pressure will allow a return of the tool end to use position.
(1) Note. The piece of coating material may be rigidly held in a feed mechanism and the mechanism may be elastically mounted within an outer casing.
(2) Note. The cushion mounting of the tool is usually to prevent breakage of the piece by excess force imposed on the tip.


53,for an implement including means to limit projection of the tool, which means may include a resilient mounting for the piece of material.
81,for an implement of this class provided with a spring to advance solid coating material for rubbing contact, which spring may also inherently serve as a cushioning means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 55]    55Including means to advance material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement including a guide# for the piece, and means to move such piece along the guide and through the opening in the guide to a use position of the tool*.
(1) Note. Such a modification of a piece of material, or of an expendable sheath#, as a screw thread formed therealong which cooperates with a cam element in a holder or sleeve is considered to be advancing means for this subclass. However, a patent to an implement consisting of a piece in an expendable-sheath not so modified and a point-protector therefor will be placed elsewhere (see search note below).
(2) Note. A patent will be placed in the appropriate subclass indented hereunder when a claim therein includes the subject matter of the indented subclass and an element, at least, of a disclosed means to advance a piece of material, which might be the feed guide.


29+,for an implement including a plurality of coating tools (e.g., solid-material tools) of which at least one is projectable to a use position or retractable within an enclosing member.
54,for an implement including (1) an assemblage comprising a guide and means to advance a piece of solid coating material through an opening in the guide, (2) a support for the unit, and (3) means for cushioning the unit in the support.
91,for patents to an implement consisting of a piece in an expendable-sheath not so modified and a point-protector therefor.
99+,for an implement of this class adapted to utilize fluent coating material and having a projectable and retractable tool.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 429+ and 433, for an implement including a guide and means to advance a piece of erasive material to and through an opening in the guide to a use position.
226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   appropriate subclasses, for means to advance material of indefinite length.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 56]    56Including means to selectively replenish guide
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement provided with one or more compartments in which spare pieces of material may be carried and means under the control of the user to move, or permit movement of, a piece from a particularly chosen compartment of such plurality of compartments, or a particularly chosen piece from such one compartment, so as to dispose said piece in proper alignment with the advancing means for movement thereby.
(1) Note. A patent to an implement having two compartments, each of which may carry several spare pieces of coating material, and means to select the compartment for replenishing the feed guide will be placed in this subclass, even if the spare pieces are randomly or sequentially conveyed from the individual compartment to the feed guide.


29+,for an implement which houses several pieces of coating material (usually of different colors) each of which, with its individual carrier, may be selectively moved to an operative position; and see (1) Note under the definition of subclass 29 and (8) Note under the definition of subclass 49 for the distinction between an implement including plural tools and an implement with spare pieces of material for replenishing a feed guide.
85,for an implement having material advancing means and only one storage chamber for a plurality of additional pieces, each of which pieces may be randomly conveyed or guided into alignment with the advancing means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 57]    57Including means to sequentially replenish guide
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement provided with one or more compartments offset from the guide and in each of which one or more spare pieces of material may be carried, and means to move or permit movement of said pieces in predetermined order from said compartment(s) so as to dispose each piece so moved in proper alignment with the advancing means for movement thereby through the opening.


29+,for an implement which houses several pieces of coating material (usually of different colors) each of which, with its individual carrier, may be selectively presented to an operative position; and see (1) Note under the definition of 29+ and (8) Note under the definition of subclass 49 for the distinction between an implement including plural tools and an implement with spare pieces of material for replenishing a feed guide.
85,for an implement having material advancing means and only one storage chamber for a plurality of additional pieces which may be randomly conveyed or guided from the chamber to the feed guide; or for an implement with such advancing means and a storage chamber for a single piece, or a single row of aligned pieces, of additional material which may be conveyed or guided to the feed guide.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 58]    58With reinforcement for tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement including an additional element extending from the support#, axially of the feed guide# and of the opening, for receiving (as specifically disclosed) some of the lateral force which may be imposed on a portion of the coating material extending from the opening.
(1) Note. The reinforcement may be a projection extending along the piece of coating material or within a hollow in the piece of coating material, as a core, or it may be a tube surrounding substantially all but the work contacting end portion of the piece.
(2) Note. For original placement of a patent in this subclass, the reinforcement must be claimed as a permanent part of the support or feed means and movable with respect to the piece; and its function must be clearly disclosed. A patent claiming a permanently reinforced piece of coating material will be placed as an original copy on the basis of other claimed subject matter and cross-referenced here.


53,for an implement including an element extending from the support and with which the tool end of the piece is alignable to determine the extent of projection thereof from the support.
91,for an implement including a support for solid coating material including a retractable sleeve which may also serve to protect the tool in exposed operative position.
96+,for a piece of solid coating material with a coextensive, expendable sheath attached thereto which serves to reinforce the piece.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 59]    59Inter-related with movable closure
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement having means permanently attached thereto to cover the opening, which means is shiftable from the opening and so linked to the material advancing means that movement of one of said means causes movement of the other means.
(1) Note. The permanent attachment may be by means of a flexible strand which serves as the linkage between the cover and the advancing means.


61,for a coating implement, including advancing means for a piece of solid material for rubbing contact, provided with a removable closure for the opening which is adapted to prevent operation of the advancing means.
62,for a coating implement utilizing solid material and including a removable closure adapted to serve as an exteriorly accessible manual actuator for a follower or material carrier#, and a separate retraction means (e.g., spring).
82+,for a coating implement utilizing solid material and having a removable closure for the opening adapted to serve as an exteriorly accessible manual actuator for the advancing means.
86,for a coating implement utilizing a piece of solid material for rubbing contact, including means for retaining a closure for any part of the implement.
98,for a holder# for a piece of solid coating material including a removable cap for the tool end of the piece.
108,for an implement in which means to project or retract a tool for applying fluent material is interengaged with a closure or closure-operating means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 60]    60Closure-actuated advancing means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 59.  Implement wherein the cover is manually engageable to cause movement of the advancing means.


82+,for a coating implement utilizing solid material having a removable closure adapted to serve as an exteriorly accessible manual actuator for the follower or material carrier#.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 61]    61Including removable cap for inactivating advancing means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement including a removable closure for the tool# opening which, when in place, precludes operation of the material advancing means by preventing access thereto, or by blocking or disengaging the feed mechanism.


59+,for an implement having material advancing means interengaged with a movable closure which is permanently attached to the implement; and see the search notes thereto for loci of other types of relationship between an implement and a closure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 62]    62And additional means to retract from operative position
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement having means, supplemental to or independent of the advancing means, by which the piece (with or without the advancing means) may be wholly withdrawn from its extended operative position to a housed inoperative position.
(1) Note. A disclosure that mere reversal of advancing means (e.g., turning screw feed means in the opposite direction) will pull material back into an implement will not suffice for placement of a patent in this subclass.


17,and 19+, for a retractable tool of solid coating material for rubbing contact combined with another type of coating tool.
29+,for an implement comprising a plurality of units, each of which includes a piece of solid coating material and a carrier#, and wherein at least one of said units may be projectable and retractable.
99+,for an implement including a retractable coating tool and a supply means for fluent material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 63]    63And means to eject piece from advancing means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement including a carrier# and a plunger adapted to move through the carrier to discharge the piece therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 64]    64Including screw-feed means for both carrier and ejector
 This subclass is indented under subclass 63.  Implement in which the advancing means includes a member with a helical camming surface and in which the carrier# and the plunger are each provided with a cam follower element individually directly engageable with the camming surface so that each is axially displaceable relative to the member upon relative rotation between the member and each of such plunger and carrier elements and the plunger is axially displaceable relative to the carrier.
(1) Note. Ejection of the piece of material occurs when the axial movement of the carrier ceases as a result of its disengagement from the camming surface while the plunger continues to be cammingly advanced through the carrier.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 65]    65Step-by-step
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement wherein the advancing means includes an element that is adapted to be moved cyclically and means actuated by such cyclic movement for causing a corresponding series of intermittent and unidirectional movements of the piece of material along the guide# path and through the opening.
(1) Note. The term "cyclically" is intended to mean that the element is adapted to be moved from an original point through a path of travel and returned to the original point.


53,for an implement wherein advancing means, including a cyclically movable element and an associated means for causing movement of the piece, is operative only when the tool end of the piece of material is at a single predetermined location (e.g., aligned with a surface-contacting actuator) so that movement of the piece is limited to a single predetermined increment from the aligned position.


74Machine Element or Mechanism,   subclass 88 , for means, per se, other than gearing, adapted to convert reciprocating or oscillating motion to intermittent unidirectional motion.
226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclasses 120+ , for apparatus comprising an intermittent material-mover for advancing material of indefinite length.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 66]    66Rack and pawl mechanism
 This subclass is indented under subclass 65.  Implement wherein the element and the means for causing movement of the piece comprise two members, one of which members has a series of linearly aligned spaced abutments and the other of which carries a protrusion, such members being constrained to move along paths such that, during reciprocating motion of one of said members, the protrusion latches with an abutment in one direction of such reciprocating motion to effect an increment of feed and slides over one or more abutments in the other direction to permit latching with another abutment for a second increment of feed in the next cycle of the element.


74Machine Element or Mechanism,   subclasses 126+ , for an intermittent grip type mechanical movement, which may include a rack and pawl; and subclasses 527+ and 575+, for mechanism including a rack and pawl, per se.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 67]    67Alternately grasping chucks
 This subclass is indented under subclass 65.  Implement wherein the cyclic element and the means for causing movement of the piece comprise two devices that are (1) each reciprocable relative to the guide# and to each other along a common axis, (2) each capable of gripping and releasing either a piece of material or a force transmitting means for said piece, and (3) sequentially operative so that one device grips the piece or the force transmitting means and advances the piece while the other is in a release condition, and then the other device grips the piece or the force transmitting means while the one device releases the piece or the force transmitting means and retracts without moving the piece.


65,for an implement including a single chuck, axially aligned with and relatively movable toward and from a stationary resilient gripping member, to advance solid coating material past said gripping member; and see the search notes thereto.


226Advancing Material of Indeterminate Length,   subclasses 147+ , for apparatus comprising alternately acting chucks for advancing such material.
254Implements or Apparatus for Applying Pushing or Pulling Force,   subclasses 107 , 210, and 254, for mechanism, including alternately acting chucks or clutches, for moving a rod or bar in step-by-step fashion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 68]    68Screw feed
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement wherein the advancing means comprises a first member with a substantially helical camming surface and a second member rotatable relative thereto and having a cam element engageable with said camming surface, so that relative rotation between the members will cause an axial displacement therebetween and a corresponding advance of the coating material.


63+,for an implement including screw-feed advancing means and an ejector for discharging a piece of material from a carrier.
65,and indented subclass 66, for an implement including a helical cam follower as part of a step-by-step advancing means.
116,for an implement including screw-feed means for projecting and retracting a tool relative to an enclosing member.
172+,for an implement including screw-feed mechanism to move a force-applying piston axially through a reservoir.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 429+ and 433, for an implement including a guide# and screw-feed means for advancing a piece of erasive material to and through an opening in the implement to use position.
74Machine Element or Mechanism,   appropriate subclasses, and especially subclasses 424.71 through 424.96,for screw and nut gearing, per se.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 69]    69Compound screw
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement including in the train of the advancing means a third member carrying an element in screw-feed engagement with one of the first said members so that it is axially displaceable with respect to each of said first members by actuation of said screw-feed means.
(1) Note. The drawing below illustrates one example of the subject matter of this subclass. The effect of the compound screw feed is additive, i.e., member B is screwed outwardly from member A, to the extent of their threaded engagement, and member C is simultaneously screwed outwardly from member B, to the extent of their threaded engagement, thus ultimately placing the axial lengths of the individual screw elements substantially in alignment end-to-end. Member A is rotatable, but not movable axially, in sleeve D.

Image 1 for class 401 subclass 69


71,for an implement wherein the feed means includes a pin which is cammed by the cooperative action of oppositely oriented helical slots in concentric tubes, which tubes are not axially displaceable relative to each other.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 70]    70With means to disengage screw-feed members
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement provided with means by which the cam element may be moved radially out of camming engagement with the helical camming surface so as to permit relative axial movement of the camming member independent of any relative rotation.
(1) Note. Disengagement of the screw feed members, for this subclass, requires more than merely unscrewing the members until they reach the end of their threaded engagement. The disengaging means must allow the members the same telescoping movement, without relative rotation, as is achieved by the relative rotation.
(2) Note. A patent to a pencil with feed means comprising a split nut and a threaded rod, and means to open said nut and allow it to slide axially along said rod, will be placed in this subclass.


62,for an implement having disengageable screw-feed means and additional means to retract the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 71]    71Oppositely oriented helices
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement, provided with an additional member having a camming surface concentric with and rotatable, but axially immovable, relative to the first member, the two camming surfaces being of opposite inclination so as to converge at a point where they are in camming engagement with the cam element.


69,for an implement with screw feed means including oppositely oriented helices which are axially displaceable relative to each other during relative rotation and form part of a compound screw feed.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 72]    72Material utilized as threaded advancing element
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement wherein the camming surface is adapted to engage directly with a surface portion(s) of the piece, which portion(s) serve(s) as the cam element.
(1) Note. The camming surface may be adapted to remove portions from, or mold, the piece of solid coating material along its longitudinal axis, whereby a part of the coating material becomes the cam element. For example, the camming member may function as a thread cutting nut which imparts threads to a stick of lead. The coating material is generally of noncircular cross section so that it may be engaged for rotation relative to the camming member.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 73]    73Breech loading implement
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement provided with a second opening, at the end of the feed guide# opposite the first opening, through which a piece of solid coating material may be inserted for engagement by the advancing means.


56,for an implement with means to selectively replenish material in the guide means for storage, and which may include a breech-loading screw-feed advancing means.
57,for an implement with means to sequentially replenish material in the guide means for storage, and which may include a breech-loading screw-feed advancing means.
72,for an implement of this class with screw-feed means to advance the material, which uses the material as a threaded element and which implement may be breech-loading.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 74]    74With retrograde-movement retarder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement provided with means to inhibit rearward movement of the piece of material into the support# in response to a force applied to the tool# end of the piece.


71,for an implement with screw-feed means for advancing a piece of material, said means comprising oppositely oriented helices which may function to retard retrograde movement.
80,for an implement including means for advancing a piece of material against the action of a resilient brake, which brake may also serve to prevent retrograde movement of the piece.
83,for an implement including means for advancing a piece of material by direct manual actuation and a latch for the advancing means.
84,for an implement including means for advancing a piece of material by direct manual actuation and including means to prevent the piece from being pushed back into the housing.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 75]    75Including means to positively transmit rotation to sliding screw-feed member
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement having an element coaxially coupled to one of said members by means which permits relative movement between said member in an axial direction only, during the operation of the screw-feed mechanism, so that said element may transmit torque to said member at any point along the path of travel of the latter.
(1) Note. The drawing below illustrates one example of the subject matter of this subclass. The square bore in element C provides a coupling with the square shaft of member A to allow relative non-rotatable axial movement between A and C. The member A may be rotated relative to member B, by the element C, to move A axially with respect to B.

Image 1 for class 401 subclass 75


464Rotary Shafts, Gudgeons, Housings, and Flexible Couplings for Rotary Shafts,   subclasses 162+ for a coupling, per se, effective to transmit rotary motion, and wherein coupled members are relatively axially movable.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 76]    76Keyed blade-like or eye-headed screw member
 This subclass is indented under subclass 75.  Implement wherein said one of said members comprises a threaded shaft which (1) is of flattened shape, in whole or in part, having a cross-section of which one lateral dimension is greater than the other, of (2) has an end portion bent in the form of a loop which is coplanar with the shaft and has portions extending laterally on two sides of the axis of the shaft, and wherein the element has an axially extending bore conforming to and slidably coupled with the flattened part of the shaft or the loop.
(1) Note. The widened portion may comprise a pinched crimped portion of the shaft whose cross-section is thereby changed from circular to ribbon like; or the end of the shaft may be bent into a hook or loop.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 77]    77By pin and slot coupling
 This subclass is indented under subclass 75.  Implement wherein the element is tubular, is disposed coaxially about said members which are in camming engagement, and is provided with a longitudinal groove or aperture within which a slender, radially extending portion of the cam element is slidably received.
(1) Note. The drawing below illustrates an example of the subject matter of this subclass. The members A and B are rotatably and axially movable relative to each other; the element C and member A are axially but not rotatably movable relative to one another; and the element C and member B are rotatably but not axially movable relative to one another.

Image 1 for class 401 subclass 77


71,for a screw-feed means comprising concentric tubular members with oppositely oriented helical slots in which a cam follower is received.
75,for an implement in which one of the screw-feed members is provided with a longitudinal slot and the torque-transmitting element with a cooperating projection received in the slot.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 78]    78Including carrier for piece of material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 77.  Implement wherein the advancing means includes a carrier#.


63+,for a patent to an implement as defined above and further including an ejector adapted to move through the carrier to discharge the piece therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 79]    79Directly actuatable cam members
 This subclass is indented under subclass 68.  Implement in which each member is camming engagement, or an element fixedly attached thereto, is immediately accessible to a hand of the user, or to a hand-manipulated actuating member which is not part of the implement, for relative rotation of the members.
(1) Note. A patent to an implement comprising a deep cup for retaining a piece of solid coating material and a sleeve threadedly engaged thereon as an extension of the cup wall at the open end thereof, such that the sleeve can be screwed back toward the bottom of the cup to expose the tool end of the piece, will be placed here.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 80]    80With resilient braking means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement having an elastic element disposed at any location along the guide# so as to be in continuous frictional engagement with a piece in use.
(1) Note. Generally the braking means comprises a tip of resilient structure (rubber or slit metal are examples) defining the opening in the implement through which leads of different size may be advanced and which applies a lateral compressive forced on the piece sufficient to prevent it from falling out of the implement, but which is yieldable to permit the advancing means to move it as required.


65,for an implement of this class with step-by-step advancing means which may include a resilient braking means.
74,for an implement including screw-feed advancing means and a retrograde-movement retarder which may be a resilient braking means.
83,for an implement including a manually actuated advancing means for solid material and a latch for the advancing means.
84,for an implement including a manually actuated advancing means for solid material and a retrograde-movement retarder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 81]    81By spring pressure
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement wherein the advancing means comprises a resilient member under stress for applying force against an end of the piece.


53,for an implement including spring means to advance a piece of material and means engageable with the tool end of the piece to limit the extent of the projection of the tool (e.g., a cap which, when placed in tool-protecting position, provides an abutment for the tool end of the piece to determine the extent of projection of the piece upon removal of the cap).
54,for an implement including a spring for cushioning a piece of solid material against excess pressure which may be applied at its tool end.
62,for an implement including a resilient member to advance a piece of material and additional means to retract the piece.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 82]    82Including manual actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement wherein each element of the advancing means is adapted to move in the same direction and to the same extent as the piece to be advanced, and said means includes a projection protruding exteriorly of the guide# so as to be accessible to the hand of the user for moving said means.


62,for a similar implement which also includes a retraction spring.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 436 for a dip pen including a manual actuator for projecting and retracting the penpoint.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 83]    83And latch
 This subclass is indented under subclass 82.  Implement having means to releasably secure the advancing means in a desired position along its path.
(1) Note. The latch restrains the advancing means positively, i.e., it prevents both forward and rearward movement, and it must be released to allow movement of the advancing means in either direction. The latch may include, for example, a detent to engage the actuator or means to increase and to diminish the friction between said advancing means and a stationary part of the implement.
(2) Note. A patent to a coating implement with advancing means for a piece of solid material and which includes resilient means to continually resist movement of a piece of material in either direction will be placed in subclass 80.
(3) Note. A device which allows one way movement of an actuator and jams or otherwise prevents reverse movement of the actuator or the piece of coating material is not considered a latch but a retrograde-movement preventer as provided for in subclass 84, herebelow.


80,for a solid coating material implement with means to advance material and resilient braking means; and see (2) Note above.
84,for an implement including manually actuated advancing means and a retrograde-movement preventer; and see (3) Note above.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 84]    84And retrograde-movement preventer
 This subclass is indented under subclass 82.  Implement provided with an element which permits the piece to move only in the direction of feed and inhibits its movement in the reverse direction.


74,for a solid material coating implement having screw-feed advancing means and provided with a retrograde-movement retarder.
83,for a solid coating material implement including a manual actuator and a latch for the actuator which prevents both forward and rearward movement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 85]    85With storage chamber for additional piece(s)
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement provided with a compartment in which a spare piece(s) of coating material may be carried.


56,for an implement having means to select and conduct a particular piece of coating material from a storage compartment, or a piece from a particular compartment, to the guide means to replenish the material as it is used up.
57,for an implement having means to sequentially conduct pieces of coating material arranged in predetermined order to the guide means to replenish the material as it is used up.
89,for a holder for a piece of solid coating material, without material advancing means, having a compartment for retaining a spare piece(s).
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 86]    86Including specific element-coupling or retaining means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement including a particular joint or connection between two elements of the device.
(1) Note. For placement of an original patent in this subclass, a detail of the joint or connection must be claimed.


52+,for a solid coating material implement having a joint or connection with a non-coating device.
59+,for a solid coating material implement having advancing means interengaged with closure operating means.
75+,for an axially slidable, torque-applying coupling between a screw-feed member and an element by which said member may be rotated.
251,for an element-coupling and/or retaining means in an implement comprising a bifurcate pointed nib pen.
290,for a coupling between a tool of the brush, broom or mop type and that part of the implement which supports the tool; and see the search notes thereto.


285Pipe Joints or Couplings,   appropriate subclasses for joints between fluid conducting pipes or tubular sections.
403Joints or Connections,   appropriate subclasses for joints of general application.
464Rotary Shafts, Gudgeons, Housings, and Flexible Couplings for Rotary Shafts,   appropriate subclasses for a flexible coupling between a shaft and a driven member.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 87]    87Including specific carrier or guide
 This subclass is indented under subclass 55.  Implement including a particular carrier# or guide#.
(1) Note. For placement of an original patent in this subclass, a detail of the carrier or guide must be claimed.
(2) Note. A carrier for this subclass must be disclosed as specifically adapted to a part of, or in the train of, advancing means. A similar fastening means for the piece which is not associated with advancing means will be considered a holder and proper subject matter for subclasses 88+.


88+,for a holder for solid coating material which may include means to fasten or attached a piece of coating material thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 88]    88Including holder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 49.  Implement comprising a holder#.
(1) Note. The material may be retained in the holder by adhesion or by a tight fit (e.g., conventional wooden pencil, cue stick chalker, etc.).
(2) Note. A patent to a piece of solid coating material, per se, having a shaped end for contacting the work will be placed in subclass 49 even if disclosed in combination with a holder but not so claimed.
(3) Note. A patent to a holder, per se, for such typical coating materials as writing sticks, cosmetic sticks, soap sticks, etc., will be placed in this or an indented subclass.
(4) Note. A patent for a holder of general utility, in which the tool is claimed broadly and disclosed alternatively as a solid coating material tool of this class or a tool classifiable in another class, will be placed in this or an indented subclass as an original copy, and cross-referenced in the class(es) providing for the other disclosed tool(s).
(5) Note. A patent to the combination of a holder# and a unit consisting of a piece of material and an expendable sheath#, will be placed in this subclass, rather than in indented subclasses 97+.


49,for a patent to a piece of solid coating material having a shaped end for contacting the work; and see (2) Note, above.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 430 for an implement comprising a piece of erasive material for rubbing contact and either a holder therefor or a guide within which the piece is manually adjustable.
16Miscellaneous Hardware (e.g., Bushing, Carpet Fastener, Caster, Door Closer, Panel Hanger, Attachable or Adjunct Handle, Hinge, Window Sash Balance, etc.),   subclasses 108+ , for a patent to a ring, cap or sleeve for reinforcing a pencil and which may claim a pencil by name only.
184Lubrication,   subclass 15.1 , for a holder and a piece of solid stick lubricant for a named belt, cable or chain; and subclass 99, for a similar device adapted to be applied to a bearing.
206Special Receptacle or Package,   appropriate subclasses, for a wrapped package containing solid coating material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 89]    89With storage chamber for additional material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement having a compartment for retaining a spare piece of material.
(1) Note. The channel of a holder which co forms in cross-section to the piece and terminates in the opening from which the tool projects is not considered to be a storage chamber for additional material regardless of the number of end-to-end aligned pieces of material therein.


50+,for an implement including an expendable sheath, successive portions of which are adapted to be removed to expose successive, aligned pieces of coating material for use; and see (1) Note, above.
85,for an implement with means to advance solid coating material and with a storage chamber for additional material; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 90]    90Including means to selectively or sequentially replenish guide
 This subclass is indented under subclass 89.  Implement which includes a guide# and which further includes means to move or direct (1) a piece of material from a particularly chosen compartment from among a group of compartments, or a particularly chosen piece from one compartment, or (2) each of a plurality of pieces in a predetermined order from the compartment(s) so as to dispose said piece in alignment with the passage of said guide but not to advance it along the guide.


56,and 57, for implements of the type of this subclass which include means to advance the piece of material along the guide.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 91]    91Expendable sheath and use-condition point-protector
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement in which the holder is an expendable-sheath# provided with a tubular member open at one end to receive the sheath and having an opening at the other end and shaped to conform to the tool end of the piece of material so as to protect such end during use.


58,for an implement having means to advance solid coating material and which includes a protective sleeve, or sleeve-like extension, extending from the opening for reinforcing the piece of coating material.
82+,for an implement including a point-protective member which is a tubular guide having an opening through which the tool end of a piece of material is retractable and projectable, which piece is part of a unit including a carrier protruding exteriorly of the guide so as to serve as a manual actuator.
92+,for an implement including a sleeve at the opening of a tubular guide, which sleeve constitutes part, at least, of a chuck for retaining the piece in the guide.
98,for an implement combined with a removable cap wholly enclosing the tool end of a piece of material during non-use; and see the search notes thereto.
117,for an implement for applying fluent coating material and including a manually movable tool-enclosing sleeve.


30Cutlery,   subclass 460 for a use-condition pencil-point protector which is combined with pencil sharpening structure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 92]    92Including chuck
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement including a guide# and a releasable gripping means for retaining the piece with the tool portion thereof in exposed use position.


65+,and especially 67, for an implement with means to advance a piece of solid coating material step-by-step, which means may include a chuck.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 438+ , for a dip pen including a chuck for releasably gripping the penpoint.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 93]    93And annular clamp for chuck jaws
 This subclass is indented under subclass 92.  Implement in which the the releasable gripping means comprises resilient jaw members, and a cylindrical member removably or adjustably positionable about said jaw members to force them into gripping engagement with the piece or the unit.


279Chucks and Sockets,   appropriate subclasses, for a chuck, per se, which comprises resilient jaws and a clamp to force the jaws into gripping engagement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 94]    94Spring-urged clamp
 This subclass is indented under subclass 93.  Implement in which resilient means is provided to maintain the clamp and the resilient jaw members in material-gripping engagement.


53,for an implement having a spring-closed clutch and means determining the extent of projection therefrom of the tool end of the piece.
65+,and especially 67, for an implement with means to advance a piece of solid coating material step-by-step, which means may include a spring-closed clutch.


279Chucks or Sockets,   appropriate subclasses, for a spring-closed clutch, per se.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 95]    95Including means to increase effective length
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement wherein the holder comprises an element, other than an expendable-sheath#, having an opening at one end from which the tool* end of the piece projects and at least one other element positionable rearwardly only of said opening and capable of being moved relative to the first element to extend the overall longitudinal dimension of the implement for use.


88,for an implement comprising an expendable-sheath for a piece of material and an element removably attached to the end of the sheath to increase the effective length of the implement.
98,for an implement with a removable cap for the tool, which cap is positionable to extend from the end of the holder# opposite the tool to increase the effective length of the implement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 96]    96Expendable sheath
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement wherein the holder# is an expendable-sheath#.
(1) Note. A patent to a conventional wooden pencil which has to be sharpened to a point (or to a paper-wrapped crayon from which some of the wrapper must be torn) for use will be placed in this or the indented subclass.
(2) Note. A patent to the combination of a unit consisting of a piece of material and an expendable-sheath and a second holder engaging the sheath will be placed in subclass 88 or some other appropriate subclass indented thereunder.


144Woodworking,   subclass 28 , for a pencil-wood manufacturing machine.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 97]    97Sectional, scored or weakened
 This subclass is indented under subclass 96.  Implement wherein the sheath comprises a plurality of separable axially aligned annular or conical elements, or has lines or areas of lesser strength, to facilitate progressive manual separation and removal of portions of the sheath adjacent the tool* end.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 98]    98And removable cap for tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 88.  Implement, further provided with a removable tube substantially closed at one end for covering the tool when not in use.


53,for an implement including a removable cap which serves to limit tool projection.
59+,for an implement including a closure interengaged with advancing means (e.g., subclass 60, for a closure which serves as an actuator for the advancing means).
61,for an implement including a cap which serves to inactivate means for advancing a piece of material.
91,for an implement including a point- protective sleeve which is apertured to permit only the tool end of a piece of material in an expendable-sheath to protrude therethrough.
95,for a tool-protecting cap which may also serve as an extension for the holder when in use as a coating implement.
269,for an implement including a removable cap for a tool of the brush, broom, or mop type; and see the search notes thereto relating to similar combinations with other species of tools for applying fluent coating material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 99]    99PROJECTABLE AND RETRACTABLE TOOL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including an enclosure surrounding the tool* and means to cause or permit substantially rectilinear relative movement between the tool and the enclosure, without complete separation, to the extent that the tool may occupy an exposed operative position, protruding from the enclosure, or an inoperative position wherein it is retained in concealed position within said enclosure.
(1) Note. A patent for a holder for a retractable tool, in which the tool is claimed generically and disclosed alternatively as a coating tool of this class or a tool classifiable elsewhere will be placed in an appropriate subclass in this class (183) as an original, and cross-referenced in the class(es) providing for the other disclosed tool(s).


29+,for an implement comprising a plurality of tools at least one of which is movable axially for selective projection and retraction.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 436 for a dip pen including a projectable and retractable penpoint.
30Cutlery,   subclasses 162+ , for a similar device wherein the tool is a knife blade.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 100]    100Magnetically projected, retracted, or latched
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement which includes an element having the property of attracting iron, which element serves to cause, permit, or prevent the relative movement between the tool and the enclosure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 101]    101With means to apply force on material in reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement including means, responsive to relative movement between the tool and the enclosure, to produce a change in pressure on the coating material whereby to move material into or out of the reservoir*.


143+,for an implement including means to apply material-moving force wherein the tool is not retractable.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 102]    102Retraction by application of removable closure cap
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement wherein the enclosure is provided with a cover which serves, in its application to the enclosure, to move the tool into the inoperative retracted position.


62,for an implement wherein replacement of a removable cap causes retraction of a tool of solid coating material for rubbing contact.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 103]    103Tip-pressure projection
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement including means to cause exposure of the tool, which means is actuated in response to the application of substantially axial force on the tool or on a portion of the implement immediately adjacent the tool.


65+,for an implement including means to cause incremental advance of a solid-material tool in response to substantially axial pressure thereon.
272+,for an implement of the brush, broom or mop type wherein a flow-regulator* is actuated by pressure of the tool on a work surface; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 104]    104Clasp (e.g., Pocket Clip) associated with project-retract means or with latch
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement wherein the means for retracting or projecting the tool, or for retaining it in either the retracted or projected position, is structurally or functionally related to a fastener mounted on the implement for securing it to a support, such as the edge of a garment pocket.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 105]    105Clasp passage blocked when tool is projected
 This subclass is indented under subclass 104.  Implement wherein the fastener has a surface confronting an exterior wall portion of the implement to define therebetween a passage for receiving the support and wherein the passage, or the entrance thereto, is substantially closed when the tool is moved to the operative position and is substantially unobstructed when the tool is retracted.
(1) Note. This subclass will take a patent for an implement which includes latch means to prevent movement of the tool to the concealed, inoperative position, which latch means includes a movable latch component which shifts outward of the exterior wall portion of the implement to block the support-receiving passage of the fastener when the tool is exposed.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 106]    106By reception of clasp within implement wall recess
 This subclass is indented under subclass 105.  Implement in which a passage-defining portion of the fastener is shifted to a position within an opening in or through the exterior wall of the implement so as to close the entrance to the passage.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 107]    107With movable closure or gate
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement provided with tool-blocking means permanently attached to the implement and aligned with the axis of the enclosure in position to block relative movement between the tool and the member when the tool is in the enclosed position; said tool-blocking means being movable from said aligned position to permit relative movement between said member and tool.


115,for an implement including a chuck which is adapted to hold the tool in projected position, which chuck has jaws which lie in the path of the tool in its retracted position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 108]    108Interrelated with tool moving means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 107.  Implement wherein the closure or gate is so associated with the means for moving the tool between the operative and inoperative positions that movement of the one causes movement of the other.
(1) Note. The interrelation is such as to prevent contact of the tool with the closure or gate at all times.


107,for an implement wherein displacement of a closure or gate from its position across the enclosing member is caused by direct contact of the tool with the closure or gate.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 109]    109Including retraction spring and projected-position retainer
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement which includes a resilient member biasing the tool toward the inoperative position and means for releasably holding the tool in exposed position against the bias of said resilient member.


62,for a similar combination wherein the tool is a solid piece of coating material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 110]    110Retainer guided in orbital path (e.g., rotary indexing)
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Implement wherein the retainer comprises wall structure defining an endless path, and a member constrained to move therealong; said path having an edge or edges of such configuration throughout its extent as to direct the member to successive stop portions of the path which are arranged to hold the tool alternately in the inoperative and the exposed position against the bias of the retraction spring.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 111]    111And mechanical-movement actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 110.  Implement wherein the means for moving the tool into the exposed position further includes an element movable relative both to said member and a part, at least, of said wall structure, which last-named element contacts either said member or said part to move the tool into and out of engagement with the stop surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 112]    112Including laterally or circumferentially movable keeper
 This subclass is indented under subclass 109.  Implement wherein the projected-position retainer comprises an abutment and a member which is movable transversely of or about the longitudinal axis of the implement so as to engage the abutment and thus overcome the biasing force of the retraction spring and retain the tool in exposed position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 113]    113And separate release member
 This subclass is indented under subclass 112.  Implement further including an element capable of movement into contact with the retaining element and thereby disengaging said retaining element from said abutment.


104+,for a latch release member which is part of or associated with a pocket clip.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 114]    114For releasing flexibly-biased keeper
 This subclass is indented under subclass 113.  Implement wherein the keeper comprises a resilient element biased to engage the abutment, or is acted on by a resilient element (in addition to the retraction spring) urging it into engagement with the abutment and maintaining it thereagainst, and wherein said release element overcomes the biasing force of the resilient element so as to permit the tool to return to the inoperative position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 115]    115Projection by movement of implement
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement wherein movement of the tool to the exposed position is caused by a change in position or orientation of the entire implement.
(1) Note. Movement of the tool may be under the influence of gravity or inertia.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 116]    116By screw mechanism
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement which includes an element having a helical camming surface and a member having a follower movable along the surface so that relative rotation between the element and the follower causes the relative movement between the tool and the enclosing member.


68+,for an implement in which similar relative movements are utilized for feeding or positioning a solid material tool.
172+,for an implement including a screw mechanism for moving a force-applying piston axially within a reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 117]    117Manually reciprocable sleeve
 This subclass is indented under subclass 99.  Implement wherein the enclosure is a cylindrical sheath and the tool is rigidly connected with an integral unit longer than the sheath so that both the unit and the sheath are accessible to the grasp for accomplishing relative sliding movement between the exposed and housed positions.


91,for a holder solid coating material including a manually shiftable protective sleeve for the material.
107+,for a device of the construction of this subclass, further including a closure or gate for blocking the tool passage.
116,for a device wherein the tool and a sheath-type enclosing member are relatively movable by cooperating screw means.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 430 for an implement in which the enclosure for an erasing tool is a manually manipulable sleeve encompassing the tool in telescopic, project-retract relation thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 118]    118SUPPLY CONTAINER AND INDEPENDENT APPLICATOR
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Device which comprises either a reservoir* or a retainer for solid material, and an applicator* combined with the reservoir or retainer for receiving coating material by direct contact of the tool* with the material; and in which the applicator is completely separable from the reservoir or retainer for removal of material from such reservoir or retainer and for application of the removed material to a work surface.
(1) Note. Complete separability is recognized when, for example, the applicator must be supported by one hand of the user while the source of material is supported in another way (e.g., by the other hand or by a surface), even though a tenuous connection, such as a flexible chain or strand, exists between the reservoir or retainer and the applicator.
(2) Note. An applier which is manually removed from a reservoir for coating material in order to load the tool of an applicator is not considered to be a coating tool for this class when the applicator which it loads neither is claimed nor is disclosed as being part of a structural organization including both the applier and the applicator. However, means which is removed from a reservoir of coating material in order to load the tool of an applicator is considered to be supply means when the applicator which it loads either is claimed or is disclosed as being part of a structural organization including both the loading means and the applicator.


4,for the combination of the subject matter of this subclass and further including means to agitate material in the reservoir.
18,for a device which includes diverse coating tools one of which is an applicator which is separable from the supply container for use.
191,for an implement wherein the tool is shiftable from a position in which it is in contact with a supply of material to an applying position entirely out of contact with the supply, by separation from and reconnection with, or while remaining connected to, the implement; and see the search notes thereunder.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 257.05+ for a supply container and means to facilitate loading an unclaimed tool.
108Horizontally Supported Planar Surfaces,   subclass 26.2 for an inkwell which is attached to a horizontally disposed surface.
118Coating Apparatus,   subclasses 264+ for a supply source which includes a porous or absorbent member which is adapted to be contacted by an unclaimed applicator, which applicator would then be removed from the supply source for transfer to a work surface.
132Toilet,   subclasses 216+ and 320 for the combination of the subject matter of this subclass in which the applicator is a cosmetic applier having a shape peculiarly adapted to put a coating on a part of the human body in a definite shape or pattern (e.g., a bow-shaped lip rouge applicator) subclass 218 for a mascara applier that has means to shape the eyelash, and subclasses 293+ for powder box and applicator (e.g., compact).
141Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,   appropriate subclasses, particularly subclasses 30 , 110+ and 311+, for the combination of an applicator and a supply container for transferring coating material thereto by force-applying means within the container.
211Supports: Racks,   subclasses 69.2+ , for the combination of an ink receptacle and a pen support.
215Bottles and Jars,   and 220, Receptacles, appropriate subclasses, for a receptacle of general utility disclosed as a container for coating material.
222Dispensing,   subclasses 205 and 576+, for a dispenser which includes a trap chamber from which coating material may be removed by an applicator; and see the search notes to subclass 576.
312Supports: Cabinet Structure,   subclass 232 , for a cabinet structure including an inkwell.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 119]    119Applicator provided with material receiver
 This subclass is indented under subclass 118.  Implement wherein the applicator includes wall structure forming a compartment for storage of material collected from the reservoir.
(1) Note. The mere concavity of a spoon is not considered to be a compartment for this subclass; see instead, subclass 128 for a spoon-like applicator united with a closure for the supply container.


126+,for an applicator-closure unit in which the applicator has a groove, slit, or other surface feature constituting less than a complete enclosure for the material; particularly, subclass 126, for such a slit of a bifurcate-tool applicator, and indented subclass 128, for material-retaining surface features of other kinds of applicators; and see (1) Note, above.


141Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,   appropriate subclasses, particularly subclasses 30 , 110+ or 311+, for the combination of a supply container and an implement provided with a material receiver (e.g., fountain pen) which is filled by force-applying means which is part of the container structure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 120]    120Barometric reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 118.  Device including a reservoir which comprises a supply chamber, and a tool-receiving chamber in communication therewith and providing the sole access to the supply chamber, so that the supply chamber is otherwise air-tight; whereby, establishment of a level of material in the tool-receiving chamber serves to prevent further flow of material thereinto from the supply chamber, and whereby removal of material from the tool-receiving chamber by the tool serves to permit flow of a corresponding quantity of material thereinto from the reservoir.
(1) Note. A supply container of this general structure will be recognized as barometric if a drawing thereof discloses the level in the tool receiving chamber as being lower than that in the supply with no means to effect this difference other than atmospheric pressure in the tool chamber.


137Fluid Handling,   subclasses 453+ , for a barometric liquid level responsive or maintaining system.
222Dispensing,   appropriate subclasses, particularly subclasses 437 , 457, and 585+, for a dispenser including barometric control.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 121]    121With means for removing surplus material from tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 118.  Device including means, other than or in addition to the side wall of the container, for removing material collected by the tool which is in excess of that desired for application to the work surface.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclass 423 , for a receptacle attachment for removing surplus material from the tool of an unclaimed applicator, and subclass 257.05, for such an attachment which shapes the tool.
220Receptacles,   subclasses 695+ , for a receptacle attachment for removing surplus material from the tool of an unclaimed applicator.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 122]    122Straddling or encircling tool during withdrawal from supply
 This subclass is indented under subclass 121.  Device wherein the material removing means comprises such a particularly shaped restriction in the path of the tool, as it is withdrawn from the supply container, that at least two opposed surface portions of the tool are simultaneously engaged thereby to effect removal of excess material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 123]    123Tool supported out of communication with supply
 This subclass is indented under subclass 118.  Device including a physical obstacle for preventing contact of the tool with, or its access to, the material in the supply container.
(1) Note. A patent for a device including a temporary seal or a valve, for keeping the tool out of communication with the supply, will be placed in this subclass.


211Supports: Racks,   subclasses 69.2+ , for the combination of an inkstand or ink receptacle and a support adapted to retain a pen at a location remote from the ink supply.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 124]    124With removable cap for tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Device wherein the tool is enclosed by a detachable cover which is other than, or in addition to, the supply container structure.
(1) Note. A patent for a device including a removable cap, which cap includes a compartment for storing the supply material out of communication with the tool, will be placed in subclass 123.


269,for an implement including a cap which encloses the filamentary elements of a brush; and see the search notes thereunder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 125]    125Including compartment for tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 123.  Implement in which the tool is contained within the confines of wall structure integral with the supply container or with a support for said container.
(1) Note. Placement in this subclass will not be barred by a disclosure that the tool compartment also contains a (liquid) substance which is not the intended coating material but, rather, is a tool-conditioning substance.


510Cleaning Compositions for Solid Surfaces, Auxiliary Compositions Therefor, or Processes of Preparing the Compositions,   appropriate subclasses, particularly subclasses 120 , 140, 141+, 406, and 438+, for a package or assembly of a cleaning composition which may include means for applying and/or spreading the cleaning composition.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 126]    126Applicator includes container closure or overlies material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 118.  Device wherein the applicator comprises (1) a tool and an attached cover for the supply container, or (2) a tool positioned to lie across the entire surface of the material in the container or across the opening(s) in an apertured partition between the material supply and the tool; and wherein the tool is in position to receiver material when the applicator is in effective container-closing or material-overlying position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 127]    127Applicator movable axially relative to closure
 This subclass is indented under subclass 126.  Device wherein the applicator includes an elongated member which is movable in the direction of its length relative to the closure while remaining secured thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 128]    128Rod-like or spoon-like solid applicator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 126.  Implement wherein the applicator is of substantially incompressible material and either (a) is a slender, elongate member having only one work-contacting element, or (b) includes a work-contacting portion which is bowl-shaped.
(1) Note. The work contacting portion of the applicator may be pointed, blunt, or bulbous.


126,for a device comprising a supply container and an independent closure-attached bifurcate applicator (e.g., pen nib).
130,for a device comprising a supply container and an independent closure-attached applicator whose work-contacting portion is a straight blade.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 129]    129Brush applicator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 126.  Implement wherein the applicator comprises a plurality of filamentary work-contacting elements.


126,for a supply container and an independent bifurcate, pointed-nib applicator.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 130]    130Blade-like or pad-like applicator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 126.  Implement wherein the work-contacting portion of the applicator has an elongated edge or a substantially continuous surface of substantial length and width.


132Toilet,   subclasses 293+ for a powder compact having a mirror or other Class 132 "kit" feature.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 131]    131WITH MEANS TO SUPPORT OR STABILIZE IMPLEMENT WHEN NOT IN USE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement intended to be supported upon a surface when not in use, which implement either is so shaped with relation to said surface, or is combined with retaining means so related to said surface, that contact of the tool* with the surface, or movement of the implement thereon, (such as tipping or rolling) is prevented.
(1) Note. The subject matter of this subclass does not comprehend the mere combination of a protecting member (e.g., cap, sheath, container) with the tool unless there is some modification of the member relating it to a supporting surface for the implement.
(2) Note. An appropriate support class may take the combination of the support with the implement when no significant implement limitation is claimed. For example, a patent to the combination of an implement and a fastener will be placed in Class 24, Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, etc., subclasses 10+ ,provided that no more of the implement is claimed than is necessary for the association of the fastener therewith.


48,for an implement provided with means for supporting or stabilizing it while in use; and see the search notes thereto.
118+,for a supply container and a separable applicator wherein the applicator is supported by the container when not in use.


24Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, etc.,   subclasses 10+ for the provision of a fastener for securing a coating implement to a garment; and see, particularly, subclass 11 for a clasp type fastener.
206Special Receptacle or Package,   subclass 214 for a container for a plurality of stationery implements.
211Supports: Racks,   subclasses 69+ for a device designed to support a pen or pencil when not in use; particularly, subclasses 69.5+ for such a device which is socketed to receive the tool end of an implement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 132]    132INCLUDING RUPTURABLE MEANS OR SEALED-CARTRIDGE RECEIVER
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement having (a) a wall portion or a seal which must be broken, cut, or torn to release coating material to the tool*, or (b) having a tool-supporting section connectable with a replaceable container having such a wall portion or seal, which section includes means to break, cut, tear or displace the wall portion or seal to release coating material to the tool.
(1) Note. A patent for a material-containing capsule which is intended to be ruptured and applied directly to a work surface as a coating implement will be placed in this subclass.
(2) Note. A patent for a sealed cartridge including structure particularly adapting it for use with a coating implement cartridge receiver will be placed in an appropriate subclass indented hereunder; however, a mere sealed receptacle containing a supply of liquid coating material and having a rupturable wall will be considered a package for Class 206, Special Receptacle or Package.
(3) Note. A patent disclosing an implement with a frangible, flow-preventing wall portion will not be placed in this or an indented subclass when claimed in seal-destroyed condition, with the coating material capable of reaching the tool; see, instead, subclasses 143+ or the subclass appropriate to the particular tool.


206Special Receptacle or Package,   appropriate subclasses for a mere sealed receptacle containing a supply of liquid material and having a rupturable wall, and see (2) Note above.
215Bottles and Jars,   subclasses 47+ for a receptacle of the bottle, jar, or jug type, the neck of which is especially adapted to be broken (and usually must be) to dispense the contents; and subclasses 250+ for a frangible cap-closure (usually irremovably attached to such a receptacle).
220Receptacles,   subclasses 260+ for a receptacle or receptacle closure particularly modified so as to permit the application thereto of an opening device; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 133]    133Sealed-cartridge receiver with flow-establishing means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 132.  Implement as defined in part (2) of the definition .


44,for an implement including a spare supply cartridge, or a supply cartridge having compartments with individual dispensing outlets adapted to be individually connected by the user in feeding relation with the tool.


222Dispensing,   subclasses 80+ , for dispensing structure of general utility combined with means for forming an opening in a supply container.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 134]    134By piercing cartridge
 This subclass is indented under subclass 133.  Implement wherein the material-releasing means is an element adapted to penetrate and cut, break, or tear the wall portion or seal to form a material releasing opening therein.


141Fluent Material Handling, With Receiver or Receiver Coacting Means,   subclass 329 , for filling apparatus which includes piercing means to establish a flow path between the supply means and a receiver.
220Receptacles,   subclass 278 for a receptacle puncturing element which is carried by, or serves as a closure for, the receptacle.
222Dispensing,   subclasses 81+ , for a similar combination in a dispensing device of general utility, but not including a coating tool; and see section 19 of the definition of that class.
239Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,   subclass 309 , for a similar combination wherein the material is dispensed by sprinkling or spraying operation.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 135]    135Implement includes vent, flow-regulator or force-applying means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 134.  Implement including a passage for admitting air to the container, or to a casing surrounding the container, to control the flow of material; a flow-regulator*; or means by which pressure may be applied against the material in the container to cause or assist in its discharge to the tool.
(1) Note. The air passage may be disclosed as an enlarged channel in a fountain pen feeder* alongside of and in longitudinal communication with the capillary ink feed groove.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein means is provided, under control of the user, for directing flow of material* to the tool* or, optionally, for dispensing the material directly to a work surface.
(1) Note. To be considered as discharging material directly to the work surface, for placement in this subclass, the discharge must be beyond the area circumscribed by the totality of the work-contacting portions of the implement (e.g., beyond the area within a ring of work-surface-contacting filamentary elements or a group of brushes).


27,for a similar implement including diverse tools.
36,for an implement including means for alternatively feeding coating material to each of a plurality of tools.
43,for an implement which includes a feeder* provided with means to direct material alternatively (a) to a work surface, independently of the tool, or (b) into contact with concentrated material and then, as an admixture or solution therewith, to the tool.
44+,for an implement including (a) a feeder and a plurality of reservoirs each of which is adapted to be placed selectively in supply relation with the feeder, or (b) a plurality of feeders each of which is separately communicable with a different one of a plurality of reservoirs, which feeder or feeders may alternatively conduct material to the tool, or directly to the work surface.
284,for an implement in which the feeder terminates at or beyond a lateral edge of a tool (of the brush, broom, or mop type) but releases material to said lateral edge only.
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including means for releasing material to a work surface in a zone which is near the area contacted by the tool*, or in a manner not requiring concurrent engagement of the tool with the work surface.
(1) Note. For the purpose of this subclass the depositing means may release the material to the work surface only, or partly to the work surface directly and partly to the tool.
(2) Note. To be considered as discharging material to the work surface, for placement in this subclass, the discharge must be beyond the area circumscribed by the totality of the work-surface-contacting portions of the implement (e.g., beyond the area within a ring of work-surface-contacting filamentary elements or a group of brushes).


5,for the combination of means for releasing material directly upon a work surface and adjustable means for regulating the thickness of the deposited material.
27,for a similar implement including diverse tools.
44+,for a similar device including a plurality of supply sources and means for depositing material from the supply sources, either optionally or simultaneously, adjacent the tool.
136,for an implement including means for releasing material alternatively either to the tool or directly to the work surface, e.g., in advance of the tool.
284,for an implement in which the feeder* terminates at or beyond a lateral edge of a tool (of the brush, broom, or mop type) but releases material to said lateral edge only.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 138]    138Reservoir on elongated handle
 This subclass is indented under subclass 137.  Implement wherein a reservoir* is attached to and supported on an external portion of a graspable, tool-manipulating, rod-like portion of the implement, extending directly from the tool.


140,for an implement wherein the supply system is mounted on an elongated implement handle and feeds directly to the tool.


222Dispensing,   subclass 191 , for a patent disclosing the combination of this subclass, but wherein the claims are limited to the subcombination of a dispensing reservoir and an implement handle.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 139]    139Blade-like or pad-like tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 137.  Implement wherein the tool has a substantially continuous surface or linear edge adapted to contact the work surface for spreading, scraping or squeegeeing the material deposited thereon.
(1) Note. The combination of this subclass may include a tool of porous material having a blade-like or pad-like tool configuration.


261+,for a blade-like or pad-like tool with means for feeding material to or through the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 140]    140RESERVOIR SEPARABLY MOUNTED ON ELONGATED HANDLE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a reservoir* detachably connected to an exterior portion of a rod-like manually engageable manipulating element attached to and extending directly from the tool*.


138,for a similar combination wherein the coating material is deposited directly on the work surface.


222Dispensing,   subclass 191 , for a patent disclosing the combination of this subclass, but wherein the claims are limited to the subcombination of a dispensing reservoir and an implement handle.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 141]    141INCLUDING FLOATING FOLLOWER IN RESERVOIR
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement which includes a reservoir* and an element in the reservoir in contact with the free surface of the material, the element being movable with the material, either by force of gravity or adhesion with the material, and continuously conforming to the cross-sectional area of the reservoir.
(1) Note. The follower usually serves the purpose of preventing leakage of the material at the end of the reservoir remote from the tool*, and may be a fluid (e.g., viscous) follower which prevents access of ambient air to the material in the reservoir.


171+,for an implement wherein a follower within the reservoir is manipulated for movement relative to the level of material to produce force on the material.


220Receptacles,   subclasses 216+ for a floating closure and subclasses 578+ for an internal closure-like member which rests on the unused content of a container.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 142]    142Fluid follower
 This subclass is indented under subclass 141.  Implement in which the element is a liquid or viscous substance.
(1) Note. This subclass will take a patent to a follower comprising: (a) a solid element and a fluid substance, other than coating material, surrounding the element so as to be in contact with and to conform to the reservoir wall, or (b) a porous mass impregnated with liquid or viscous material.


190,for an Aerosol implement in which a gas under super atmospheric pressure is in contact with the material, or with a follower in contact with the material, in the reservoir; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 143]    143INCLUDING MEANS TO APPLY MATERIAL-MOVING FORCE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement comprising a resilient wall reservoir*, or including a reservoir or feeder* and means to urge coating material into the reservoir, or along the feeder toward the tool*.
(1) Note. The force-applying means must be other than, or in addition to, gravity or capillary flow.
(2) Note. The force-applying means may be a gaseous or gas-producing propellant within the reservoir; see subclass 190.
(3) Note. Subclasses 143+ will take a patent having guide means to permit adding or removing air by the operation of the user"s mouth (e.g., subclasses 187+, for a patent wherein such means may be found disclosed as facilitating addition or removal of gas to or from the reservoir; and subclass 157, for a patent wherein a flexible wall is collapsed by such means). A mere air passage is not, otherwise, force-applying means for subclasses 143+.
(4) Note. A nonresilient flexible wall which is permanently collapsed by direct digital engagement does not constitute force-applying means for subclasses 143+. A patent including such structure will be placed in an appropriate subclass related to the type of tool claimed. However, a patent wherein a resilient wall is collapsed by additional means provided therefor will be placed in subclasses 156+, and if collapsed by direct manual engagement will be placed in subclasses 183+.


40+,for an implement whose reservoir is subject to the action of material-moving force-applying means, which reservoir contains a liquid vehicle and receives dispersible or soluble material for interaction therewith, or which reservoir receives the product of such an interaction.
101,for an implement including a retractable tool and means for applying force on the material in the reservoir.
135,for an implement including a receiver for a sealed-cartridge reservoir and means to apply force on the material in the reservoir.
223,for an implement wherein the reservoir is filled solely by the action of capillary material contained therein.


222Dispensing,   subclasses 251+ , 576, 577, and 578+, for a dispenser for fluent material including a force-applying discharge assistant; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 144]    144Including filling tube extensible beyond tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement provided with a hollow cylinder in flow relation to the reservoir and means to position said cylinder axially of the implement and outwardly of the working end of the tool for insertion in a replenishing supply.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 145]    145Including means to flex diaphragm within rigid reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement wherein the reservoir is essentially of inflexible wall structure but further includes a pliant or resilient membrane positioned at all times entirely within the confines of the wall structure, and means for deforming the membrane within the reservoir so as to increase or decrease the available material holding space in the reservoir and thereby produce the material-moving force.


152+,for an implement including a rigid wall and a flexible wall portion not limited in its range of movement to the confines of the rigid wall structure, and means for deforming or collapsing said wall portion.
184+,for an implement including a manually collapsible, flexible wall portion of otherwise rigid reservoir wall structure.


222Dispensing,   subclass 581 , for a dispensing inkwell which includes flexible diaphragm means for generating a force to move ink from the supply to a dip well.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 146]    146In or at feeder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement wherein a force-applying means is directly effective only in the feeder or at a locus which is directly contiguous to the feeder, but not in the reservoir.
(1) Note. A pump chamber located between a reservoir and the feeder is considered to be not a part of the reservoir; even though the patent may refer to such a chamber as a "reservoir" or "reservoir portion". Such a chamber will be recognized in the disclosure by wall structure setting off the locus as being distinct from the reservoir space. For example, wall structure which is contiguous to the feeder and so conforms to a piston moving therealong as to make the piston effective at said locus only will be recognized as defining a pump chamber and will not be considered as part of the reservoir, even though in direct communication therewith.


13,for a patent including force-applying means at, or adjacent, the tool to withdraw excess material applied to a work surface back into the implement.
151,for an implement including a plurality of reservoirs or reservoir portions in series, one of which may be directly contiguous to the feeder, and including force-applying means to cause flow of material from one reservoir or portion to another.
184+,for an implement whose force-applying means is a manually engageable, resilient wall portion which may be at the discharge end of an otherwise rigid-wall reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 147]    147Actuated by work-contacting roller or ball
 This subclass is indented under subclass 146.  Implement provided with a member in rolling contact with the work surface, which contact generates the material-moving force.
(1) Note. The roller may be the tool or a member distinct from the tool.


220,for a roller tool which actuates a flow-regulator.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 148]    148Actuated by pressure of tool on work surface
 This subclass is indented under subclass 146.  Implement wherein the material-moving force is generated by the application of the toll to the work surface.


272+,for an implement including a brush, broom or mop tool and a flow-regulator* which is actuated by pressure of the tool on the work surface; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 149]    149Inflexible solid means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 146.  Implement wherein the force-applying means comprises a substantially rigid movable member in direct contact with the material*.
(1) Note. A patent within the definition of subclass 146 claiming a pump by name for moving the material will be placed in this or the indented subclass unless the disclosure clearly indicates that such moving means in contact with the material is liquid or gas in which case the patent will be placed in subclass 146.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 150]    150Piston in cylinder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 149.  Implement whose solid member is relatively movable in substantial sealing engagement with the wall of a tubular compartment so as to change the effective capacity of the compartment.


171+,for an implement including a reservoir and a force-applying piston whose range of movement is not limited to the discharge end portion of the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 151]    151Intercommunicable reservoirs or reservoir sections in series
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement including a plurality of reservoirs or means dividing a reservoir into separate zones (e.g., reserve and immediate-use reservoirs or zones) for retaining portions of material out of contact with one another, and force-applying means to cause flow of material from one reservoir or zone to another.
(1) Note. A chamber intended to serve merely as an air space (e.g., squeeze bulb, filler tube), and not to contain coating material, will not be considered a reservoir section for this subclass even though the disclosure may allude to a possible entry of material therein; as by overfilling, for example. A patent involving such air-space-containing structure will be found in an appropriate subclass indented under subclass 143 (e.g., subclass 185).


40+,for a reservoir having zones or compartments one of which is for retaining soluble coating material and the other for solvent.
44,and indented subclass 45, for plural reservoirs the coating materials from which merge in the feeder or at the tool, but which are otherwise nonintercommunicable.
146+,for an implement including a pump chamber between a feeder and a reservoir and directly contiguous to the feeder.
225+,for a bifurcate point nib implement which includes a compartment, within or adjacent the feeder, for receiving excess material discharge from the reservoir.
230,for an implement having a compartmented reservoir combined with a bifurcate nib pen, which implement has not claimed material-moving force-applying means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 152]    152Including means to collapse flexible wall
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement wherein a wall or wall portion of the reservoir*, or of a chamber communicating with the reservoir*, is deformable and wherein the force-applying means comprises means for deforming the wall to reduce the effective capacity of the reservoir or chamber.
(1) Note. See Search This Class, Subclass note below for note concerning exclusion herefrom of a patent to an implement having a nonresilient permanently deformable flexible wall which is collapsed by direct digital engagement.


143,for an implement including a reservoir whose flexible wall is deformed to increase the volume of the reservoir"" see (4) Note to subclass 143 concerning exclusion herefrom (subclass 152) of a patent to an implement having a nonresilient permanently deformable flexible wall which is collapsed by direct digital engagement.
145,for an implement in which a deformable member extends across an otherwise rigid-wall reservoir, deformation of which member produces the material-moving force.


222Dispensing,   subclasses 92+ , for the subcombination of a dispenser which has a nonresiliently permanently deformable supply container wall; and, particularly, subclasses 95+, for such a dispenser which includes means for collapsing such a wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 153]    153Accordion fold wall
 This subclass is indented under subclass 152.  Implement wherein the wall has substantially parallel spaced fold lines or pleats along which collapse occurs.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 154]    154By axial twisting
 This subclass is indented under subclass 152.  Implement wherein the deformable wall is tubular and is collapsed by means which axially rotates one portion of the tube relative to another axial portion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 155]    155By translatory movement along wall
 This subclass is indented under subclass 152.  Implement wherein the reservoir or chamber is elongated and the wall-deforming means is movable relative to said wall in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the reservoir or chamber so as to contact successive wall portions.
(1) Note. The relative movement may result from the winding of the wall about the means for causing deformation.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 156]    156Resilient wall or wall portion
 This subclass is indented under subclass 152.  Implement wherein the deformable wall is elastic and capable of recovery from deformation when the deforming force is removed.


183+,for a resilient wall reservoir against which a collapsing force is applied by direct digital engagement therewith.


222Dispensing,   subclasses 206+ or 581, for a dispenser which has a resiliently deformable wall of a supply container or communicating chamber; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 157]    157Wall deformed by gas pressure
 This subclass is indented under subclass 156.  Implement including means to force gas (e.g., air) under pressure against the outer surface of said wall of collapse said wall.


145,for an implement in which the wall-collapsing means acts on a diaphragm within an otherwise rigid-wall reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 158]    158Presser bar means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 156.  Implement wherein the reservoir or chamber is an elongated tubular member and the wall-deforming means comprises an elongated member including a portion for contacting and applying pressure over a substantial portion of the wall longitudinally of said member.
(1) Note. A patent for the common fountain pen type filler structure will be found in this or an indented subclass.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 159]    159Actuated by clasp or closure cap
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement wherein the presser bar is forced against the wall by movement of a pocket clip, or of a protective cover for the tool, which is associated with the implement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 160]    160Pivoted on fixed axis
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement wherein the presser bar is arranged to swing or rock bodily about a stationary bearing (e.g., pivot pin, fulcrum).


162,for an implement fixedly retaining a resilient end portion of a presser bar to provide a flexible hinge for swinging movement of a portion of said bar relative to said end portion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 161]    161Including fixed guide
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement including means stationary with respect to the implement for directing the movement of the presser bar.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 162]    162Resilient
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement wherein the presser bar is a one-piece member which is elastic at least in part so that it is capable of deformation, upon application of an actuating force, for the entire pressure-applying-contact movement, and of recovering from such deformation upon removal of said force.


158,for an implement including a rigid presser bar having a spring integrally joined thereto.
167,for an implement including a resilient member joined to a rigid presser bar to urge it to a return position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 163]    163Including mechanical-movement actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement including a manually engageable member movable relative to the presser bar during actuation for forcing the presser bar against the wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 164]    164Screw
 This subclass is indented under subclass 163.  Implement wherein the actuator includes an element having a helical camming surface (e.g., slot, thread, or groove) and another element having a cooperating cam follower (e.g., a cooperating thread or projection), relative rotational motion between the two elements causing the force-applying movement of the presser bar.


172+,for an implement including screw means for moving a force-applying piston in a reservoir; and see the search notes thereunder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 165]    165Lever
 This subclass is indented under subclass 163.  Implement whose actuator includes a manually engageable member which is pivoted to engage and force the presser bar against the wall.


163,for an implement including a manually engageable lever which does not directly engage the presser bar but, rather, actuates it by way of linkage terminating in a separate presser-bar-engaging member.
168,for an implement including a presser-bar actuator which is pivoted between latched and unlatched positions but whose actuating movement is nonpivotal.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 166]    166Including latch
 This subclass is indented under subclass 165.  Implement including detent means for holding the lever in either operative or inoperative position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 167]    167Including spring
 This subclass is indented under subclass 165.  Implement including a resilient member for biasing the lever or presser bar toward operative or inoperative position.


162,for a similar device wherein the biasing spring is integral (i.e., of one piece) with the presser bar.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 168]    168Including actuator and disabling latch
 This subclass is indented under subclass 158.  Implement including means for moving the presser bar against the reservoir wall and means for holding said moving means in inoperative position.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 169]    169Movable axially of reservoir or chamber
 This subclass is indented under subclass 156.  Implement wherein the reservoir or chamber is elongated and wherein the force-applying means comprises a solid member movable in a direction along the longitudinal axis of the reservoir or chamber to cause deformation of the wall or wall portion.


145,for an implement including means to flex a diaphragm axially within a reservoir.
153,for an implement including means engaging an end portion of an elongated flexible-wall reservoir or chamber to collapse the reservoir or chamber along axially spaced fold lines.
157,for an implement wherein gas under superatomospheric pressure produces a force in an axial direction against a flexible-wall reservoir to collapse said wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 170]    170By telescoping cylinder means in continuous communication
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement including a reservoir* which comprises a hollow elongated member open, completely or partially, at one end, and the means to apply force on the material comprises a second hollow elongated member open at one end, and wherein the members are movable, one within the other, with their open ends facing in interior unbroken flow relation and in outwardly sealed relation with one another, so as to change the combined length of the structure and thus apply forced on the material* in the reservoir.
(1) Note. The cylinder may serve as part of the reservoir or it may only be a gas-filled chamber for applying pressure or suction on the material in the container, but it cannot serve as a feeder*.
(2) Note. A similar structure provided with a valved partition at the open end of either member, which interrupts communication between the two, will be found in subclass 151 or 187+. However, where the partition is merely apertured to permit continuous communication therethrough, the patent will be placed in this subclass, even though the aperture may be temporarily blocked by closure means which is manually adjusted or removed prior to the force-applying actuation, so that the telescopic members are in fact, open toward one another all during the actuation.


151,for a similar structure wherein the open end of either member is obstructed by a valve for controlling flow of material therethrough, and telescopic movement of the members forces material through the valve.
157,for an implement wherein cylinders are telescoped to compress enclosed gas and thereby deform a flexible-wall reservoir.
171,for a reservoir and force-applying piston combination including a feeder extending through the piston.
187+,for a similar structure wherein the open end of either member is obstructed by a valve and relative movement of the members forces or sucks gas through the valve.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 171]    171Piston-provided reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement including a reservoir* comprising a tubular wall defining an enclosure; and a member movable relative to, and in peripheral, substantially sealing engagement with, the wall; so as to cause a force-applying change in the density of air in, or the effective capacity of, the reservoir.


141,for an implement including a follower which floats on the free surface of the coating material in the reservoir.
143,for a force-applying follower which is not substantially is sealing engagement with the reservoir wall.
150,for an implement including a piston and cylinder located in or at the feeder*.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 172]    172Movable by screw means
 This subclass is indented under subclass 171.  Implement including a helical camming element (e.g., slot, thread, or groove) and another element rotatable relative thereto and having a cooperating cam follower (e.g., a cooperating thread), relative rotational motion between the two elements causing the force-applying movement of the piston.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 173]    173On piston and reservoir wall
 This subclass is indented under subclass 172.  Implement wherein the cooperating screw elements are, respectively, on the periphery of the movable force-applying member and on the inner surface of the tubular wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 174]    174On piston and manual actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 172.  Implement wherein one of said elements is directly connected to the piston for movement therewith and the other of said elements is in driven relation to a member which is accessible to the hand, so that movement of said member will effect the relatively rotational force-applying motion.


182,for an implement including a piston whose actuating rod consists of threaded members and wherein the operation of the screw means serves to enlarge or diminish the combined overall length of the members before or after, but not during, the force-producing actuation.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 175]    175Screw means through piston
 This subclass is indented under subclass 174.  Implement wherein one of the cooperating elements is formed in a wall which defines a central aperture through the piston and the other on a rod passing through said aperture, whereby rotation of the rod relative to the piston causes translatory movement of the piston.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 176]    176Slidable piston
 This subclass is indented under subclass 171.  Implement wherein the piston has a rectilinear, force-applying motion axially of the tubular wall.


141,for an implement including a follower which floats on the free surface of the material in the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 177]    177In reservoir having enlarged bore portion
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement wherein a portion of the reservoir wall (usually adjacent the filling opening) is recessed or grooved so as to provide a zone in which the piston is out of sealing engagement with the cylinder wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 178]    178Including flow-regulator through piston
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement wherein the piston is provided with a flow-regulator* controlling a passage therethrough.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 179]    179Including mechanical-movement actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement provided with a manually engageable member so interconnected with the piston as to produce a motion in the latter which is different in kind, speed or direction from its own (e.g., rotary to linear).


74Machine Element or Mechanism,   subclasses indented under MECHANICAL movements, for mechanical movements, per se.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 180]    180Spring pressed
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement wherein the piston is resiliently urged into forceful contact with the coating material in the reservoir.


222Dispensing,   subclass 341 or subclass 582, for a dispenser including a discharge assistant which is a spring-biased piston in the supply chamber.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 181]    181Including flexible or pivoted actuator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement wherein the piston is movable by a manually operated member, which member is of articulated construction or of nonrigid material, or is arranged to rock about a hinged connection.


182,for a patent wherein an actuating member is separably connected to the piston by a hook-and-eye connection.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 182]    182Including disengageable or extensible operating rod
 This subclass is indented under subclass 176.  Implement wherein the piston is movable by a manually actuated elongated member which (1) is movable with respect to the entire piston for operatively disconnecting it from the piston and which is stored within or retained by the implement when so disconnected, or (2) comprises telescoping parts which may be interengaged in drawn out position so as to increase the effective length of the member.


174+,for an implement wherein the material-applying force results from the act of moving an operating rod relative to a piston by the operation of screw means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 183]    183Manually engageable resilient wall or wall portion
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement wherein the force-applying means is an elastic wall or wall portion which may be deformed by direct digital engagement and which is capable of recovery from such deformation when released.


146+,for an implement including a manually engageable, resilient wall or wall portion which is connected to, or is part of, the feeder*.
156+,for an implement including a deformable resilient wall reservoir with means interposed between the finger of the operator and the wall for applying pressure to the wall.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 184]    184Rigid reservoir with resilient wall portion
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Implement wherein the elastic wall or wall portion is part of or is associated with an otherwise relatively inflexible reservoir* (e.g., oil can type receptacle).


145,for an implement including a flexible diaphragm within an otherwise rigid-wall reservoir and means to distend the diaphragm within the confines of the wall structure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 185]    185Squeeze bulb
 This subclass is indented under subclass 184.  Implement wherein the elastic wall forms a hollow chamber extending from and in communication with the reservoir and is of such shape as to present opposing elastic wall elements which may be deformed in a direction toward one another.
(1) Note. A squeeze bulb is recognized as an elastic wall of a reservoir when in continuous communication therewith or, if valved, capable of two-way communication. A patent for an implement having a squeeze bulb communicating with a reservoir through a one-way valve which permits only the entry of pressurizing gas into, or only removal of gas from, the reservoir will be placed in subclasses 188 or 189, respectively.


184,for an implement whose manually engageable, elastic wall portion is curved but no more than hemispherical in shape so that no opposed portions are available for engagement and deformation toward one another.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 186]    186Including flow-regulator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 183.  Implement provided with a flow-regulator*.


270+,for a coating implement including a brush, broom or mop tool and a flow-regulator; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 187]    187By compression or suction of gas in reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement wherein the force applying means operates to vary the density of gas (e.g., air) in the reservoir*.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement having means to permit adding or removing air to or from the reservoir by the mouth will be placed in this subclass.


183+,for an implement including a reservoir with a resilient wall portion on which force is applied by direct digital engagement with the container wall to deform the wall and compress gas in the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 188]    188By one-way means for adding gas to reservoir (e.g., pump)
 This subclass is indented under subclass 187.  Implement wherein the force-applying means comprises a device for irreversibly introducing gas into the supply chamber to provide super atmospheric pressure therein.
(1) Note. The gas may be introduced by a pump, or from a remote source of compressed gas, through a valve which prevents reverse flow of the gas from the reservoir.


183+,for an implement including a reservoir with a resilient wall portion on which force is applied by direct digital engagement with the container wall to deform the wall and compress gas in the reservoir, which implement may include one-way means for adding gas to the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 189]    189By one-way means for removing gas from reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 187.  Implement wherein the force applying means includes a device for irreversibly removing gas from the reservoir to provide a subatmospheric pressure therein.


183+,for an implement including a reservoir with a resilient wall portion on which force is applied by direct digital engagement with the container wall to deform the wall and compress gas in the reservoir, which implement may include one-way means for removing gas from the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 190]    190Including pressurized reservoir (e.g., Aersol)
 This subclass is indented under subclass 143.  Implement including a reservoir and wherein the force-applying means consists of gas at superatmospheric pressure in direct contact with the coating material for propelling the material to tool*; and means for regulating flow of the material from the reservoir.
(1) Note. A patent for the subcombination including a tool, per se, with means adapting it for attachment to an Aerosol container will be placed in this subclass.


157,for an implement including a resilient-wall reservoir which is collapsed by externally supplied superatmospheric pressure.
187,and indented subclass 188, for an implement including mechanical means for compressing gas in the reservoir.


222Dispensing,   subclasses 394+ , for a dispenser from which material is discharge by fluid pressure; and see the search notes thereto.
516Colloid Systems and Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Processes of Making, Stabilizing, Breaking, or Inhibiting,   subclasses 1+ for continuous gas or vapor phase colloid system (e.g., smoke, fog, aerosol, cloud, mist) or agents for such systems or making or stabilizing such systems or agents, when generically claimed or when there is no hierarchically superior provision in the USPC for the specifically claimed art.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 191]    191MATERIAL-CARRYING TOOL MOVABLE AWAY FROM SUPPLY MEANS
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the tool* and supply-means* are combined in a unitary device and are movable with respect to each other for transferring coating material from a first position, wherein a work-engaging portion of the tool may receive the coating material from the supply-means, to a second position, wherein the entire tool is spaced from, and out of communication with, the supply-means, for engaging the work surface and applying the coating material thereon.
(1) Note. A patent for a device wherein the applicator*, which is initially in a concealed position in communication with the coating material, is disconnected from the implemented and reconnected in an exposed use position out of communication with the material will be placed in this subclass.


21,for an implement having diverse tools one of which transports a quantity of coating material from a supply-means to the work surface.
99+,for an implement including a tool which is linearly retractable into its reservoir and is projectable therefrom for application of coating material to a work surface.
118+,for a device wherein the implement is completely separable from the reservoir* for transporting a quantity of coating material therefrom and applying it to a work surface.
208+,for an implement including a ball, roller or endless belt in communication with the supply-means for simultaneous reception and transportation of material therefrom and application to a work surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 192]    192TRANSPARENT OR TRANSLUCENT WALL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the supply means has a light-permeable portion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 193]    193WITH WORK-ENGAGING GUIDE
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement provided with means engageable with an edge or configuration of the work surface, or of a work associated member, so as to restrain movement of the tool* along a predetermined path relative to the work.


9,for an implement including a tool or tools shaped to conform to a curved surface or a plurality of tools arranged to engage plural noncoplanar work surface.
48,for an implement including means for supporting or stabilizing it on the work surface while in use.
147,for a device wherein a work engaging roller, which may serve as a guide by engagement with a configuration of the work surface, also serves to actuate a material-moving means between the supply and the tool.


33Geometrical Instruments,   subclasses 41.1+ , for an implement including a scribing tool combined with a work-engaging guide.
132Toilet,   subclasses 216+ and 320 for a cosmetic applier having a shape peculiarly adapted to put a coating on a part of the human body in a definite shape or pattern (e.g., a bow-shaped lip rouge applicator).
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 194]    194WITH SIGNAL OR INDICATOR
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement which includes means perceptible by one of the senses for determining (a) the amount, condition or other characteristics of the supply material, or (b) the condition of a means for controlling the flow of material to the tool*.


142,for an implement including a reservoir* and a liquid floating follower of a color distinct from that of the coating material so as to indicate the quantity of material in the reservoir, as by being the visible through a transparent reservoir or by emerging onto the work surface.
233,and 256+, for an implement having a bifurcate, broad-face, adjustable gap tool, and indicating means for the degree of gap adjustment.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 195]    195COMBINED
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement claimed in combination with another tool or device which is, per se, classifiable in another class, which device is not so common a subcombination of a coating implement as to be included herebelow (e.g., cap) and which combination is not specifically provided for in any of the preceding subclasses or in any other class.
(1) Note. Certain classes take precedence over Class 401 for the combination of a coating tool with material supply and a particular additional feature. With respect to certain other classes, a patent to the combination of an implement of this class and a device classifiable in another such class will be placed in such other class, provided that no more of the implement structure is claimed than is necessary to establish its relationship with the other art device. For a listing of such classes and their relationships to this class see Lines With Other Classes and References to Other Classes of the Class 401 class definition.


1+,for an implement of this class which includes means to impart heat to the material.
4,for an implement of this class which includes means to agitate the material in the reservoir.
14,for an implement of this class with a surface-protecting bumper.
15,for an implement of this class with a splash guard or drip catcher.
48,for an implement of this class including work-engaging means (e.g., wheels) to support or stabilize the implement while in use.
50,for an implement comprising a tool* for solid material for rubbing contact and a point sharpening or shaping device.
52,for an implement comprising a tool of solid material for rubbing contact and a device which has a function other than for coating.
131,for an implement of this class combined with means to support or stabilize it when not in use; and see (2) Note thereto.
193,for an implement of this class combined with a work-engaging guide; and see the notes thereto.
194,for an implement including a signal or indicator for determining a characteristic (e.g., the quantity) of the supply material or the condition of a flow-regulator*.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 196]    196MATERIAL FLOWS THROUGH POROUS TOOL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement comprising a tool* whose work-engaging portion is formed of a previous layer(s) or mass having interstices of substantially capillary size through which the coating material must pass from one surface thereof to another and hence to the work surface.
(1) Note. The supply means* may be structure defining a pocket within the tool, the interior wall of the pocket being considered one surface through which the material is required to flow. However, an implement comprising a plurality of layers, one or more of which is coated or impregnated with coating material but has no additional supply-means will not be considered subject matter for this class but will be placed in the Brushing, Scribbing, and General Cleaning and Coating Apparatus classes. See the search notes below.
(2) Note. The previous layer(s) may be of porous textile fabric having a pile or nap, but not of a fabric which has elongated porous strands extending therefrom such as would be considered to be filamentary elements of a mop. See Search This Class, Subclass note below.
(3) Note. A tool having a hole therethrough through which the material is intended to pass, even though it may be of porous material, is presumed to be an apertured tool. A patent for an implement with such a tool will be placed in elsewhere when there is nothing in the disclosure describing the passage of material through the tool to its work-engaging portion as occurring in any other way than through such holes. See Search this Class, Subclass notes below.


23+,for an implement having diverse tools, one of which is porous.
261+,for an implement in which: (a) the work-engaging portion of the tool includes a nonporous fabric having a pile or nap of ordinary length; or (b) the tool is perforated for passage of all the material which penetrates to the work-engaging surface (see particularly, subclasses 265+); and see (3) Note, above.
268+,for an implement in which the work-engaging portion of the tool includes a fabric having elongated flexible strands extending from a porous backing; and see (2) Note, above.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 104.93+ for a tool of porous material coated or impregnated with supply material, but not including additional supply-means; and subclasses 118 for a machine-attachable porous pad tool combined with means for supplying coating material to the tool.
118Coating Apparatus,   subclasses 264+ for a coating apparatus including a porous tool which is static, requiring that the work be applied thereto.
132Toilet,   subclasses 218 and 320 for a porous cosmetic applier having a shape peculiarly adapted to put a coating on a part of the human body in a definite shape or pattern (e.g., a bow-shaped lip rough applicator).
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 197]    197Hollow roller
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement wherein the tool is in the form of a hollow cylinder rotatably mounted on the implement and the material flows from the interior of the cylinder through interstices in its peripheral wall.


208+,for an implement whose tool is a nonporous roller, or wherein the roller is of porous material but the material is supplied to the outer surface of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 198]    198Wick feed from within reservoir to tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement wherein a substantial portion of the previous material forming the tool, or of a separate porous member in contact therewith, extends into a reservoir* for maintaining an uninterrupted supply of coating material to the tool by capillary movement through the interstices of the previous material.


283,for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.


222Dispensing,   subclass 187 for a dispenser including a wick or absorbent material feed.
239Fluid Sprinkling, Spraying, and Diffusing,   subclass 145 for a device of that class having a porous or external wick discharge means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 199]    199Wick separate from tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 198.  Implement wherein the wick feeder is a porous member distinct from the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 200]    200Particulate fluent material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement having a wall or wall portion which, as disclosed, is previous for the passage of finely divided solid material (e.g., powder).
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 201]    201Including compartment for soluble solid material
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement including a pocket or recess for containing solid material adapted to be dissolved by an externally applied liquid and carried through the interstices of the tool for application to a work surface.
(1) Note. The device as a whole is intended to be contacted with liquid which enters through the previous material to contact and dissolve at least a portion of the solid material, the solution then passing through the same previous material to the work surface.


40+,for an implement including both a compartment for solid material and a reservoir or a conduit coupleable to an external supply, for supplying a solvent to the solid material.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 104.93+ for a tool of porous material coated or impregnated with supply material, but not including additional supply-means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 202]    202With removable cap for tool
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement including a detachably mounted cover enclosing the tool.


269,for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 203]    203Couplable to external source
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement whose supply-means* includes a feeder* having means for attachment to a source of supply which is not part of the implement.


289,for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 204]    204With flow-regulator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 203.  Implement including a flow-regulator*.


270+,for a brush, broom, or mop implement in combination with a flow-regulator; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 205]    205With flow-regulator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement including a flow-regulator*.


270+,for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 206]    206Resiliently biased
 This subclass is indented under subclass 205.  Implement including elastically deformable means for producing a force upon the flow-regulator to urge it to a predetermined regulatory condition.


273,and 278+, for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 207]    207Tool or tool unit separable from reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 196.  Implement including means to releasably secure the tool, or the tool together with its supporting structure, to that part of the implement which at least contains a reservoir*.


290,for a similar combination in which the tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.


118Coating Apparatus,   subclass 269 for a coating apparatus including a static tool which is reversible.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 208]    208INCLUDING BALL, ROLLER OR ENDLESS-BELT TOOL
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement whose tool* has an endless, peripheral, work-engaging surface some portion of which, in the operative condition of the implement, is in a position for receiving material from the supply-means* or from a supply of solid coating material, some other portion simultaneously is in position to engage the work, the tool being mounted for movement about an axis passing therethrough so that any surface portion thereof may occupy each of said position and transport coating material therebetween.


21,for an implement having diverse tools, of which one is a roller or an endless belt.
191,for an implement in which the entire tool occupies successive positions in the first of which it receives coating material from the supply-means, and is then completely displaceable to a second work-contacting position wherein no surface portion of the tool is in material-receiving position; and see the notes thereto.
197,for an implement wherein the tool is a porous roller.


101Printing,   subclasses 328+ for a printing roller in combination with means for applying ink to a surface thereof; and see "(1) Note" thereunder stating the line between Classes 15, 101, and 401; and subclasses 375+ for a printing roller and support means therefor.
492Roll or Roller,   for a roll, per se, not elsewhere provided for.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 209]    209Ball
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Implement wherein the tool is a sphere freely mounted in a seat for rotation about any of an infinite number of axes passing therethrough.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 210]    210Adjustable-length reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement wherein the supply-means includes a reservoir* and wherein means is provided for changing the effective length of the reservoir so as to fit any one of a plurality of casings of different length.


132+,for an implement including a sealed reservoir which must be broken, cut, or torn to release coating material to the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 211]    211Magnetic ball-retainer
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement wherein the means for holding the ball in its seat has the property of attracting iron.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 212]    212Ball-bearing mounting
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement wherein the ball seat includes a plurality of friction-reducing spheres in rolling contact with the coating ball to facilitate its rotation when in use.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 213]    213With sealing cap
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement provided with a cover enclosing the ball and in contact with the ball or the edge of the ball seat to close the space between said ball and seat against egress of coating material.
(1) Note. The seal may be effected by the closure pressing the ball and seat into close-fitting engagement, with or without elastic deformation of the ball or seat, or by a portion of the closure coming into peripheral sealing engagement with the edge of the ball seat adjacent the ball.


245,for the combination of a bifurcate nib pen and a removable cap which has a protrusion contacting and sealing a feed or air passage.
269,for an implement including the combination of a brush, broom, or mop type tool and an enclosing cap; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 214]    214Elastic ball-mounting
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement wherein the ball seat includes, or is connected to, an element which is deformable by pressure applied thereto and which has the ability to resile from such deformation when such pressure is released so as to permit movement of the ball relative to some part of the seat.


272+,for a similar combination whose tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 215]    215Specific ball
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement including a ball or particular construction or material.
(1) Note. Placement of an original patent into this subclass requires that a detail of the construction, or the material of the ball, be claimed.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 216]    216Specific ball-retainer
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement including a seat of particular construction or material.
(1) Note. Placement of an original patent into this subclass requires that a ball-retaining detail of the construction, or the material of the retainer, be claimed.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 217]    217With means to vent reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 209.  Implement wherein the reservoir* includes a passage normally open to the atmosphere or valved so as to admit atmospheric air to the reservoir as needed.


242,for a bifurcate pointed nib pen including means to vent the reservoir through the feeder*.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 218]    218Engageable with feed roller
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Implement wherein the supply-means includes an additional roller which is disclosed for contacting and transferring material to the tool.


147,for an implement including a work-contacting roller for actuating a means to produce a material-moving force (e.g., pump), which means is located between the roller and a reservoir.


101Printing,   subclasses 329+ for the combination of a roller inker and a rolling contact printer receiving ink therefrom.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 219]    219With flow-regulator
 This subclass is indented under subclass 208.  Implement including a flow regulator*.


270+,for a similar combination whose tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 220]    220By movement of roller
 This subclass is indented under subclass 219.  Implement whose movable flow-regulator element either is the roller or is actuated by a movement of the roller.


272+,for an implement whose tool is a brush, broom, or mop, which tool is a flow-regulator actuator; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 221]    221BIFURCATE POINTED NIB TOOL (E.G., FOUNTAIN PEN)
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the tool* terminates in only two elements, said elements being separated by a relatively narrow slit or interspace, to provide a capillary passage for material, and having closely adjacent work-engaging surfaces of relatively small dimension in either direction.
(1) Note. The tool elements may be integral extensions from a common shank or separate members joined in cooperative relation by a separate fastening means.
(2) Note. A patent for a bifurcate pointed nib pen wherein the sole material supply is retained in direct feeding relation to the tool by integral formations of the tool (e.g., infolded wings) will be placed in this subclass rather than in any subclass indented hereunder.
(3) Note. An implement wherein the tool comprises a tubular feed channel and no more than one relatively thin and rigid work-engaging element (e.g., wire) extending therethrough will be considered a stylos:graphic pen for subclasses 258+. Where the number of elements extending from a feed channel exceeds two, the implement will be considered a brush for subclasses 268+.
Where the element or elements so extending has significant length in one or more directions along its work-contacting surface, the implement will be considered to have a bladelike or padlike tool (e.g., lettering pin) for subclasses 261+; see, however, (2) Note under the definition of subclass 261.
(4) Note. A patent for a bifurcate, pointed nib tool, per se, having no feature which adapts it particularly for association with supply means, will be placed in Class 15, subclasses 446 and 447. However, a patent claiming such a tool in combination with a holder (e.g., "barrel") which holder is disclosed as containing or providing supply means, will be placed in this or an indented subclass, even though no detail of the supply means is claimed.


118,for the combination of an inkwell and a pen separable therefrom for use; and see the search notes thereto for the loci of patents to inkwells, per se.
258+,for an implement of this class including a stylus.
261+,for an implement of this class including a blade-like or pad-like tool.
268+,for an implement of this class including a brush type tool.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 134+ , for an invention in the detail(s) of a bifurcate nib tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 222]    222Including reservoir and feeder
 This subclass is indented under subclass 221.  Implement including a reservoir* and a feeder*, as defined in the glossary of terms.


198+,for porous tool combined with a capillary material-retainer in the reservoir.
221,rather than any subclass indented thereunder, for a bifurcate nib tool which has integral portions (e.g., infolded wings) which provide a material-retainer feeding directly to the tool, rather than by way of a distinct feeder.
252+,for an attached ink retainer in direct communication with the tool, rather than by way of a feeder.
282+,for a feeder-and-tool combination in an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type, and see the notes thereunder; and particularly indented subclass 283 for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type, including a porous feeder which functions as a coating material-retainer.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 223]    223Including capillary material-retainer filling reservoir
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the reservoir is substantially filled by means (e.g., fibers, strands, particles) providing a plurality of minute interconnected tubes and/or interspaces of such small cross-section as to receive and hold coating material under the influence of its surface tension and its properties of cohesion and adhesion.
(1) Note. The capillary material-retainer may serve to cooperate with the feeder to control movement of material to the tool and also to cause movement of material into the reservoir from an external source of supply.


198+,for a porous tool combined with a capillary material-retainer in the reservoir.
224,for a feeder which includes a strand or strands of material, which strand(s) may enter but not substantially fill the reservoir.
252+,for material-retainer feeding directly to the tool and consisting of or including capillary structure; see principal subclass 252, for such a retainer filled with capillary material and indented subclass 253 for such a retainer which includes transverse, capillary, ink retaining slots or grooves.
283,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type including a porous feeder which functions as a coating material retainer.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 224]    224Including filamentary conductor for material or air
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a wire or strand extending lengthwise in the feeder or along an air passage in the feeder, to control movement of material therealong.


258+,for an implement wherein a filamentary conductor extending through a tubular channel terminates in a rod-like work-engaging portion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 225]    225Including overflow receiver
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the feeder device includes a specifically provided space, in addition to the necessary guide channel, for retaining surplus material discharged from the reservoir but unused by the tool.
(1) Note. A patent to an implement including an air passage which may receive excess material discharge from the reservoir will be placed in subclass 242, unless the patent clearly discloses that the excess material is fed to the tool (rather than back to the reservoir) in order to clear the air passage, in which case the patent will be placed in this subclass (225).


242,for a patent describing the discharge of material from a reservoir solely in terms of the balance thereof with counter-current intake of air, and see (1) Note, above.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 226]    226Hooded tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Implement wherein the overflow receiver structure is part of, or is enclosed within, a casing portion, said portion encircling the tool elements so as to overlie at least part of the capillary slit or interspace therebetween.


248,for an implement including a hooded nib but not including a claimed overflow receiver.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 227]    227Transverse overflow-receiving grooves or slots:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Implement wherein the overflow receiver comprises a plurality of elongated spaced surface indentations or crevices in or adjacent the feeder structure and substantially at right angles to the axis of the implement.


253,for an implement having similar structure in direct feeding relation to the tool and constituting the sole material supply therefor.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 228]    228Laterally exposed:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Implement in which the overflow receiver is in direct communication with the ambient atmosphere through an uncovered surface of a side wall portion of the feeder structure projecting from the casing of the implement.


227,for transversely extending, overflow-material-receiving spaces, whether or not exposed, formed along the surface of a feeder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 229]    229In or contiguous to feed path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 225.  Implement in which the overflow receiver intersects or is in direct unrestricted communication with the feeder so that surplus material leaving the reservoir may enter said space before reaching the tool.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement in which surplus material may enter the overflow receiver by way of a communicating passage from the feeder will be placed in another appropriate subclass in subclasses 225+.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 230]    230Intercommunicable reservoir sections in series:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the reservoir comprises a plurality of structurally distinct zones arranged in sequence, whereby material may pass from one zone to the next and, ultimately, by way of a feeder, to the tool.
(1) Note. A porous element (e.g., sponge) occupying a portion of a reservoir for storing a reserve supply of ink will be considered a distinct zone.
(2) Note. An overflow-material-receiving zone within a feeder, even though the zone is of cross-section greater than capillary (see subclasses 225+, particularly subclass 229) will not be considered a distinct reservoir portion for this subclass.


40+,for a compartmented reservoir wherein one of the compartments is for retaining soluble coating material and the other is for solvent.
44+,for an implement including a plurality of supply zones in parallel feed relation to the tool.
151,for a compartmented reservoir provided with force-producing means to move material.
225+,particularly subclass 229, for an implement in which a zone located within a capillary feeder provides an overflow receiver.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 231]    231Means regulating nib slit width or flexure:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including means for adjustably varying the spacing between the tool elements or for adjustably limiting the degree of elastic deformation of the tool elements.


233,and 256+, for an implement including means regulating a distinct gap (rather than a mere slit) between broad face tool elements.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 232]    232With flow-regulator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a flow-regulator*.
(1) Note. The flow-regulator must be something other than or in addition to a flexible nib member which is movable relative to a capillary passage feeding to the nib, as ordinarily occurs during writing.


99+,particularly subclass 116, for an implement in which a flow-regulator is controlled by the movement of a tool unit, relative to an enclosing member, between point-projected and point-concealed positions.
230,for an implement including a flow-regulator in a passage between intercommunicable reservoir compartments; and see the search notes thereto.
270+,for an implement including brush, broom, or mop tool and a flow-regulator; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 233]    233By adjusting gap between broad-face tool elements (e.g., ruling pen):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Implement wherein the tool elements have relatively wide surfaces in opposed spaced relation leading to the work-engaging surfaces so as to retain therebetween a quantity of coating material which is greater than that which would normally adhere to the surfaces, and wherein the flow-regulator operates to vary the space between the elements.


221,for an implement having broad-face tool elements defining between them a gap which is unadjustable and a space which constitutes the sole supply means for the tool.
256+,for a broad-face, adjustable gap implement wherein the space between the tool elements constitutes the sole supply means for the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 234]    234Actuated by protective cap for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is operated by movement of a removable cover for the pen to or from point-protective position.


245,for a bifurcate nib implement combined with a removable cap which includes a projection for directly closing a feeder or air passage.
269,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type in which a flow-regulator is actuated by movement of a removable cap to and from position for protecting the tool; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 235]    235By pressure of tool on work surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is operated by the force generated in the application of the tool to a work surface.
(1) Note. The flow-regulator must be something other than or in addition to a flexible nib member moving relative to a capillary passage feeding to the nib, as ordinarily occurs during writing.


272,for a similar actuated flow-regulator in an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 236]    236For adjusting feeder channel:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 232.  Implement in which the movable flow-regulator part is located in or at an end of, and variably limits, a flow passage in the feeder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 237]    237Apertured flow-regulator part:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 236.  Implement in which the movable flow-regulator part has an opening registrable and directly communicable with the feeder passage so as to permit flow of material to the tool; or moveable out of registry, so as to inhibit flow.


280+,for a similar combination wherein the apertured flow-regulator member controls a passage to the filamentary elements of a tool of the brush, broom, or mop type.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 238]    238Feeder overlying tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the feeder includes an extension located along the upper surface of the tool in its use position and in feed relation with the capillary slit or interspace of the tool.


255,for an implement having similar structure in direct feeding relation to the tool and constituting the sole material supply therefor.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 239]    239With additional feed element underlying tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 238.  Implement wherein the feed structure also includes a member or portion extending along the lower surface of the tool in its use position, and likewise in feeding relation with the capillary slit or interspace of the tool, which lower member or portion is laterally separated from the overlying extension at the side edges of the tool.


226,and 248, for a bifurcate pointed nib pen including hood structure completely surrounding the tool.
255,for an implement having similar structure in direct feeding relation to the tool and constituting the sole material supply therefor.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 240]    240Angulated or curved feed path:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the passage(s) in the feeder is(are) nonrectilinear so as to require all of the material reaching the tool to have undergone at least one change of direction in movement thereto from the reservoir.
(1) Note. The occurrence of even a single directly linear capillary feed path to the tool will bar placement herein of a patent which also includes other, devious feed path structure. Such composite structures will be found in subclass 221 or some other appropriate indented subclass.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 241]    241Feeder extending into reservoir:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein the feeder includes structure penetrating the material supply in the reservoir to the extent that appreciable side wall portions thereof are in contact with the material in the reservoir.


133+,for a bifurcate nib type implement including a feeder having means to penetrate a sealed supply cartridge.
224,for a bifurcate nib type implement including a filamentary feeder element extending into the reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 242]    242Distinct air passage in feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a channel or aperture in the feeder device separate, at least in part, from the material guide passage, for admitting air to the reservoir.
(1) Note. See (1) Note under the definition of subclass 225 for the line between that subclass and the instant subclass.


225+,for a similar structure including an overflow receiver; and see (1) note thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 243]    243Including removable cap for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a detachably mounted cover for enclosing the tool.


247,for a fountain pen having a removable cap to which a fastener (e.g., pocket clip) is attached; and see the search note to Class 24 below.
269,for a similar combination including a brush, broom, or mop tool; and see the search notes thereto.


24Buckles, Buttons, Clasps,   etc., subclasses 10+ for a patent to the combination of a pen cap and a fastener (e.g., pocket clip) where no more of the cap structure is recited than is necessary for the association of the clip therewith.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 244]    244And latch:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 243.  Implement wherein the cap and the implement casing are provided with interengaging locking parts for reIeasably retaining the cover in nib-protective position.
(1) Note. A patent wherein the cap is retained merely by magnetic attraction, screw-threaded connection, or friction will be placed in subclass 243.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 245]    245Cap includes means for sealing feeder or air passage:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 243.  Implement wherein the cap includes an internal protrusion for directly closing and end of a feeder* or of an air vent.


99+,particularly subclasses 116 and 117, for the combination of a removable cap with an implement wherein the tool is moved between point-concealed and point-exposed positions and wherein the cap includes an internal projection for sealing the opening at the end of the feeder or air passage in retracted position.
213,for the combination of a ball-point tool and a sealing cap which prevents egress of material from the space between the ball and the ball seat.
234,for a bifurcate nib implement combined with a removable cap for actuating a flow-regulator.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 246]    246Cap shoulder abutting outer end of pen section:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 243.  Implement wherein the cap includes an internal projection having a surface which faces toward the open end of the cap for contacting an end face of that portion of the casing which supports the tool, which end face extends at either a right or reentrant angle to the contiguous casing side wall or to the longitudinal axis of the implement.
(1) Note. This subclass will also take a patent in which the internal cap projection contacts an edge of the casing which is defined by the intersection of the end face and contiguous side wall thereof.
(2) Note. A patent wherein the cap engages a screw thread at the forward end of the casing will not be considered as coming within the definition of this subclass but will be placed in subclass 243. Such structure is construed as pertaining to the casing side wall rather than to its end face.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 247]    247Composite cap:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 243.  Implement in which the cap constitutes an assemblage of a plurality of elements.


243,for a pen cap consisting of a single shaped piece of material.
246,for a pen cap including an insert which provides a shoulder for abutting the outer end of the pen section.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 248]    248Hooded tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement wherein a casing portion, or an extension thereof, encircles the tool elements so as to overlie at least part of the capillary slit or interspace therebetween.


226,for a hooded nib provided with or containing overflow-receiving structure.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 249]    249Tool and feeder specifically related:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a detail of means associating the tool* with the feeder*.
(1) Note. For placement of an original patent in this or the indented subclass, the claim must recite the detail referred to in the definition.


99+,for an implement in which a tool-and-feeder unit is axially movable, relative to an enclosing member, between concealed and exposed positions.
132+,for an implement in which a tool-and-feeder unit is removably associable with a sealed reservoir and includes means for establishing flow of material to the tool upon association of the unit with the reservoir*.
207,for the separable association of a porous tool-and-feeder unit with a reservoir.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 250]    250Integral or interlocked:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 249.  Implement in which the tool and feeder (1) are part of a single shaped piece of material, or (2) are permanently united, or (3) each include interengaging detent means retaining the tool and feeder against sliding separability.
(1) Note. The principal subclass 249 will take a patent for an implement in which superposed tool and feeder elements are retained against separation solely by the clamping effect of a casing portion or other tubular element surrounding both.


290,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type and including means for connecting the tool to the feeder.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 251]    251Specific joint or connection:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 222.  Implement including a detail of means securing two parts of the device.
(1) Note. For placement of an original patent in this subclass the detail of the retaining means must be claimed.


285Pipe Joints or Couplings, appropriate subclasses for joints between fluid conducting pipes or tubular sections.,  
403Joints or Connections, appropriate subclasses for joints of general application.,  
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 252]    252Attached coating material retainer feeding directly to tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 221.  Implement wherein the tool* cooperates with an additional element assembled therewith so as to provide a space for storage of a quantity of material* for delivery to the capillary passage in the tool, without requiring intervention of a feeder*.


221,rather than any subclass indented thereunder, for a bifurcate nib tool which has integral portions (e.g., infolded wings) providing a material retainer which is an integral part of the tool for supplying material directly thereto rather than by way of a distinct feeder.
267,for an implement having a blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool and an attached material retainer feeding directly to the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 253]    253Transversely grooved or slotted:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 252.  Implement wherein the retainer has at least on elongated, material- retaining rugosity, or spaced portions defining an opening therebetween, said rugosity or opening being at right angles to and communicating directly with the capillary passage in the tool.
(1) Note. This subclass will take a patent to an implement wherein the attachment is a helix the turns of which are so close together as to permit the capillary retention of material in direct feeding relation to the tool.


227,for similar structure provided in a feeder from a reservoir to serve as an overflow receiver.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 254]    254Cooperating with tool to form pocket:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 252.  Implement wherein the attachment comprises broad-face ink- retaining means, said broad face being opposed to, and forming a material-retaining space jointly with, a surface of the tool.


252,for an implement having an attachment the wal1 structure of which alone forms a material-retaining pocket independently of the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 255]    255Overlying tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 254.  Implement wherein the attachment opposes and is spaced from the convex side of a transversely curved tool or the side of a flat tool which is opposite the side which normally confronts the work surface.
(1) Note. This subclass will take a patent wherein the attachment entirely surrounds the tool or includes separate elements adjacent the opposite sides of the tool.


226,and 248, for a bifurcate nib implement including a reservoir*, a distinct feeder, and a hood surrounding the tool elements.
238,for a bifurcate nib implement including a reservoir and distinct feeder structure overlying one side only of the tool elements, and indented subclass 239 for separate feed elements overlying and underlying opposite sides thereof.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 256]    256Broad face, adjustable gap tool (e.g., ruling pen):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 221.  Implement wherein the tool* elements have relatively wide surfaces in opposed spaced relation so as to retain therebetween a quantity of coating material which is greater than that which would normally adhere to the surfaces; and wherein means is provided for varying the space between the elements.


221,for an implement having tool elements of this character and which is similarly capable of retaining a volume of material, but which is not provided with gap- adjusting means.
233,for an implement having a tool of the description of this subclass, which implement also includes a feeder* from a reservoir.*
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 257]    257Pivotally related tool elements:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 256.  Implement wherein one of said tool elements is joined by a hinged connection for swinging movement relative to the other tool element.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 258]    258INCLUDING STYLUS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement comprising a tubular member defining a flow channel for material, through which channel extends an elongated element (the stylus) terminating in a single-rod-like work-engaging portion.
(1) Note. Since the tubular member may also engage the work, it and the elongated element together are considered to constitute a single tool* for this subclass; not diverse, individual tools for subclass 22.


196+,for an implement wherein the stylus is of porous material.
221+,for a bifurcate nib pen in which the work is contacted by two elongated elements defining a capillary channel between them, which elements extend through a tubular member; subclasses 268+, wherein the number of elements contacting the work are greater in number than two; and subclass 292 for a stylus provided with supply means (e.g., grooves) on the outer surface thereof only.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 259]    259Axially movable by pressure on work surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 258.  Implement wherein the elongated element is bodily slidable in the tubular member by the force of application to the work surface.


195,for an implement provided with motive power or gear means for reciprocating a stylus within a tubular member for performing a combined coating and perforating operation.
272+,for an implement having a tool of the brush, broom, or mop type which is slidable within a tubular member because of the force of application to a work surface; and see the search notes thereto for implements having other types of work-pressure-actuated slidable tools.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 260]    260Resiliently biased outwardly:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 259.  Implement wherein the elongated element is urged to work-engaging position by elastically deformable means.
(1) Note. The resilient biasing means may be integral with the stylus.


273,for a similar combination in which the tool is of the brush, broom, or mop type; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 261]    261INCLUDING TOOL WITH BLADE-LIKE, PAD-LIKE, OR APERTURED WORK-CONTACTING END:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement wherein the tool* is in the form of (1) an elongated edge; or (2) a substantially continuous surface of substantial length and width; or (3) an edge or surface which entirely surrounds an unobstructed opening at the end of a passage for the coating material.
(1) Note. This subclass will take a patent for an implement wherein the work- contacting portion of the tool has:
(a) edge slits or surface grooves, provided that the slits or grooves are so shallow as to divide the work-contacting surface into nothing more than mere irregularities. (However, a tool wherein deep slots or slits divide the work-contacting portion into individual filamentary elements is considered to be a brush, classifiable in subclasses 268+); or
(b) a fabric pile or nap of ordinary length. (However, unshorn hairs of a natural hide or fleece are considered to be filamentary elements and an implement having this kind of tool will be placed in subclasses 268+; and see, also subclasses 196+ for a porous fabric tool having a pile or nap).
(2) Note. A patent to a brush which, as disclosed, is intended to have its filamentary elements applied parallel to the work surface will, nevertheless, not be placed in this subclass but, rather, in subclasses 268+, since the filamentary elements are not deemed to present a substantially continuous surface. A brush, disclosed for use in the conventional manner will, of course, also be placed in subclasses 268+.


5,for an implement including a blade-like or pad-like spreading tool for regulating the thickness of an applied coating.
9+,for a tool shaped to conform to a curved work surface or to angularly related work surfaces.
13,for an implement having a pad-like tool and including means to withdraw applied material from the work surface.
25+,for an implement having diverse tools, one of which is blade-like, pad-like, or apertured.
39,for an implement having at least two tools of the brush, broom, or mop type, of which one is an applying tool and the other a tool which treats material already applied to the work surface.
130,for a device including a supply container for coating material and a closure- attached blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool which is completely separable from the supply container to apply the material onto a work surface.
139,for an implement having a blade-like or pad-like tool which implement includes means for depositing material directly on the work surface.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 262]    262With removable cap for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 261.  Implement including a detachably mounted cover for enclosing the tool.


269,for a similar combination including a tool of the brush, broom, or mop type; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 263]    263With flow-regulator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 261.  Implement including a flow-regulator*.


270+,for a flow-regulator in an implement whose tool is a brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 264]    264By pressure of implement on work surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 263.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is actuated by the force generated in the application of the tool to the work surface.


272+,for a similar flow-regulator in an implement whose tool is brush, broom, or mop; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 265]    265Apertured tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 261.  Implement whose work-engaging portion is in the form of an edge or surface which entirely surrounds an unobstructed opening at the end of a passage for the coating material.


26,for an implement including diverse tools of which one is apertured.
28,for a device whose work-engaging surface has a plurality of openings and a plurality of projections.
196+,for an implement whose tool comprises a previous layer or mass having capillary interstices through which coating material may pass to the work surface from the supply-means*.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 104.93+ , for a porous tool, per se, coated or impregnated with supply material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 266]    266Blade-like or pad-like:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 265.  Implement whose work-engaging portion is in the form of an elongated edge or a surface having substantial length and width.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 267]    267Supply-means at tool only (e.g., lettering pen):
 This subclass is indented under subclass 261.  Implement wherein the tool is so configured, or so cooperates with an attached element, as to provide a cavity located entirely between the work-engaging end of the tool and the end opposite thereto, which cavity constitutes the sole supply-means*.


221,for a bifurcate-nib-type tool configured so as to provide a cavity which constitutes the complete supply-means, and see the notes thereto; indented subclasses 252+, for such a tool which cooperates with an attached element to constitute the entire supply-means; and indented subclasses 256+ for a broad- face, adjustable gap ruling pen wherein the space between the nib elements constitutes the sole supply-means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 268]    268BRUSH, BROOM, OR MOP:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement including a tool* formed of a support and a plurality of elongated filamentary elements (e.g., bristles strands, strand loops) joined to the support (e.g., core, back, or flexible backing) either individually or in groups (e.g., tufts) and projecting therefrom free of one another at their work-contacting ends.


24,and 27, for a device including diverse tools of which one is a brush, broom, or mop.
129,for a device comprising a supply container for coating material and a closure-attached brush which dips into and is removable from the supply container in order to receive, carry and apply coating material.


15Brushing, Scrubbing, and General Cleaning,   subclasses 3+ for a machine having a work-contacting tool of the brush, broom, or mop type (see the definition of "machine" in Section V- GLOSSARY of the Class 15 definition); subclasses 104.001-245.1 for a tool, per se, of the brush, broom, or mop type; subclass 104.9 for a machine-attachable bottle-washing tool (which may be combined with supply-means*); and subclass 106 for a machine-attachable brush combined with means for applying coating material to the brush or to a work area circumscribed by the filamentary elements of the brush.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 269]    269With removable cap for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 268.  Implement including a detachably mounted cover for enclosing the tool.


102,for an implement in which a tool is retracted within an enclosing member by application of a removable cap.
124,for the combination of (1) a device comprising a source of coating material and an independent applicator and (2) a removable cap for the applicator.
202,for an implement including a porous tool provided with a cap.
213,for a ball point implement provided with a cap.
220,for an implement wherein the tool is a roller other than a ball and wherein a flow-regulator* is actuated by the application of a removable cap to tool-enclosing position.
234,for an implement including a bifurcate nib tool and a cap which changes the condition of a flow-regulator when moved to or from tool-enclosing position.
243+,for an implement including a bifurcate nib tool provided with a cap.
262,for an implement having a blade-like, pad-like, or apertured tool provided with a cap.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 270]    270With flow-regulator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 268.  Implement having a flow-regulator*.


43,for an implement including a flow-regulator, or regulators, for proportioning flow between divergent feeder* portions, of which one portion conducts a liquid vehicle to a concentrate, for admixture therewith, and the other portion bypasses the material.
44+,for an implement including a flow-regulator for one, or each, of a plurality of feeders adapted to receive material independently from separate sources of supply.
133,for an implement having a replaceable supply cartridge and a flow-regulator which is actuated upon assembly of the cartridge with the tool-supporting section of the implement.
136,for an implement including means to regulate the flow of material optionally to the tool or to a work surface.
137+,for an implement including means to regulate the flow of material for discharge directly onto a work surface.
178,for an implement having means for regulating flow through a force-producing piston.
188,for an implement including a pump for adding gas to the reservoir and a flow- regulator.
189,for an implement including means to withdraw gas from the reservoir and a flow-regulator.
190,for an implement including a pressurized reservoir (e.g., Aerosol) and a flow-regulator.
204,and 205+, for an implement, including a flow-regulator, wherein the tool is porous.
219+,for an implement, including a flow-regulator, wherein the tool is a roller other than a ball or is an endless belt.
232+,for an implement, including a flow-regulator, wherein the tool is a bifurcate nib pen.
259+,for an implement, including a flow-regulator, wherein the tool is a stylus.
263,for an implement, including a flow-regulator, wherein the tool is blade-like, pad- like, or apertured.


137Fluid Handling, appropriate subclasses for a flow control system, per se.,  
222Dispensing,   appropriate subclasses for a dispenser disclosed for use with a coating tool and including a flow- regulator, particularly subclasses 576+ for a dispensing inkwell; and see the search notes to subclass 576.
251Valves and Valve Actuation, appropriate subclasses for a valve, per se.,  
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 271]    271Actuated by material supply:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is operated by pressure of the supply material* thereagainst.


143+,for a flow-regulator, responsive to pressure of the supply material, combined with means to generate the pressure in the material.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 272]    272Actuated by telescoping of tool or by pressure of tool on work surface:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is put into operation by the sliding of the tool rectilinearly inwardly or outwardly of means surrounding or surrounded by the tool, or by force generated in the application of the tool to a work surface.


102,234, and 269, for an implement wherein telescopic movement of a tool to regulate flow of material is actuated by the application or removal of a removable cap.
220,for a similar implement wherein the tool is a roller other than a ball.
235,for a similar implement wherein the tool is a bifurcate nib pen.
259+,for a similar implement wherein the tool includes a stylus.
264,for a similar implement wherein the tool is blade-like or pad-like.
277,for an implement wherein axial flow-regulating movement between a tool and structure surrounded by or surrounding the tool occurs by operation of screw thread means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 273]    273Resiliently biased to closed position:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 272.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is biased to flow inhibiting position by an elastic, solid-material member.


206,for a similar implement wherein the tool is porous.
214,for a similar implement wherein the tool is a ball point.
260,for a similar implement wherein the tool is a stylus.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 274]    274Responsive to movement of implement:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is so constructed that it is actuated by a change in the position or inclination of the entire implement.


115,for an implement in which a change in inclination results in the projection or retraction of the tool as well as actuation of a flow-regulator.
272+,for an implement including a brush, broom, or mop wherein a flow-regulator is actuated by movement of the implement against a work surface; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 275]    275Actuated by movable implement handle:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator part is moved by a change of position of the manipulating means for the implement relative to the tool.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 276]    276Vent-regulating means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator admits atmospheric air into the reservoir* for control of movement of coating material through a passage other than that which admits the air.


135,for an implement including rupturable means to establish flow or a sealed- cartridge receiver, which implement includes vent control means.
232+,for an implement including the combination of a bifurcate nib pen and a regulatable vent.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 277]    277Having operating screw:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the flow-regulator is actuated by rotation of a member threaded to the implement.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 278]    278Resiliently biased:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement including elastically deformable means adapted to produce a force upon the flow-regulator to urge it toward a predetermined regulatory condition.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 279]    279Including mechanical-movement actuator:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 278.  Implement including manually movable means which has a law of motion (e.g., linear) different in kind or direction from that of the movable part of the flow regulator (e.g., rotary), and which is effective to deform the elastically deformable means and thereby change the regulatory condition.


277,for a similar implement including screw means to actuate a resiliently biased flow-regulator.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 280]    280Apertured movable part:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 270.  Implement wherein the movable part of the flow-regulator has an opening therethrough alignable with the passage so as to permit flow of material to the tool, or disalignable so as to inhibit flow.


237,for a bifurcate nib pen having a similar flow-regulator with a movable part which has an aperture alignable and disalignable with a feeder* passage.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 281]    281Rotatable or revoluble:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 280.  Implement wherein movement of the movable part is about an axis.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 282]    282Including feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 268.  Implement including a feeder*.
(1) Note. The feeder may be a mere apertured wall between the reservoir and the tool elements.


36,for an implement which includes more than one coating tool and feed means which may be directed to either tool.
41,for an implement having dispersible or soluble solid material in the feeder.
44+,for an implement wherein the feeder receives material from a plurality of parallel supply sources.
196+,for an implement including a feeder and a porous tool.
221+,for a similar combination wherein the tool is a bifurcate nib pen and the feeder is of capillary dimension(s).
258+,for a similar combination wherein the tool includes a stylus.
261+,for a similar combination wherein the tool is blade-like, pad-like, or apertured; particularly subclasses 265+ wherein the feeder extends through the tool.
270+,for an implement including a feeder and means to regulate flow of material to filamentary tool elements; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 283]    283Porous feeder:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement wherein the feeder comprises a liquid-previous body through which the coating material may move to the tool elements by surface tension.
(1) Note. A patent for an implement including porous tool strands, portions of which extend into the reservoir for conveying material to the work contacting portions of the strands, will be placed in this subclass.


23+,for a porous tool combined with a porous feeder.
223,or 224, for a bifurcate-nib implement including a feeder which is either a porous body or is a cluster of elements for conveying material by surface tension only.
268,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type wherein a porous element constitutes the sole material retaining means, which means transfers material by direct contact with the tool, and not through a feeder.
282+,(except the instant subclass), for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type wherein a cluster of merely juxtaposed monofilaments of liquid-impervious material guides coating material to the tool elements by surface tension.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 284]    284Material directed to periphery of tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement wherein the discharge end portion of the feeder either (1) is at or slightly beyond the external lateral confines of the tool* or (2) releases material to a support for the tool elements; which material can then flow to an external lateral surface portion only of the entire plurality of filamentary elements which constitute the tool.


136,for an implement wherein the coating material may, selectively, be fed to the tool or directly to the work surface.
137+,for an implement wherein the coating material is fed directly to the work surface only.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 285]    285Elongated perforated tube transverse of tool elements:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement wherein the feeder includes a conduit, in addition to and distinct from the support for the filamentary tool elements, which conduit extends a substantial distance adjacent, and in a direction substantially perpendicular to, the filamentary elements, and which conduit has a plurality of apertures therealong which are oriented to release coating material among the filamentary elements.
(1) Note. Such a claimed limitation as "apertured", "perforated", or "spray tube", will be construed as defining a plurality of discharge openings along the side wall of a feeder tube when such limitation is coupled with a disclosure of such a tube.


136,for an implement in which a perforated feeder tube extends perpendicular to, but adjacent the periphery of, the tool elements so as to discharge material alternatively to the periphery of the tool elements or to the work surface there adjacent.
137+,for an implement in which a perforated feeder tube extends perpendicular to, but adjacent the periphery of, the tool for discharging material to the work surface there adjacent.
284,for an implement in which a perforated feeder tube extends perpendicular to, but along the periphery of, the tool elements so as to discharge material to said periphery.
291,for an implement of the brush, broom, or mop type including feed perforations in the support located between the bristles or tufts.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 286]    286Feeder terminates among tool elements:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement wherein the feeder end portion, which contains no filamentary elements projects from the support and is surrounded by the filamentary elements.


284,for an implement in which the feed means terminates beyond the lateral confines of the tool, to release material thereagainst.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 287]    287Plural feeder terminals:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Implement including a plurality of mutually spaced feeder discharge portions projecting from the support.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 288]    288Encompassed by confining means for tool elements:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 286.  Implement wherein the discharge end portion of the feeder is surrounded by (1) socket means providing a single, peripheral, tool-element-anchoring groove about said portion, or (2) a band retaining the tool elements about said end portion.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 289]    289Attached or attachable to conduit supply means:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement wherein the feeder includes a flexible hose section, leading to a reservoir* which is not part of the implement, or means for attachment to a pipe or flexible hose leading to such a reservoir.


42+,for an implement couplable to an external source of liquid for dissolving soluble solid material in the implement.
143+,for an implement having, in addition to the structure of this subclass, force-producing means for moving coating material to or through the tool; particularly, subclasses 146+, for an implement wherein material-moving force is applied between the reservoir and the tool; and subclass 188, wherein one-way operative means causes irreversible introduction of material-moving pressurizing gas.
203+,for an implement including a porous tool and conduit supply means.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 290]    290Including specific retaining means for tool:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement including a detail of a joint or connection between (1) the tool*, individual tool elements (e.g., brush , bristles, or mop strands), or a group of tool elements (e.g., a bristle tuft) and (2) that part of the implement which retains the tool or tool elements.
(1) Note. For placement of an original patent in this subclass the detail of the joint or connection must be claimed.


128+,for a device of this class wherein the tool is attached to a supply container closure which is separable from the container for use of the tool as an independent applicator*.
207,for an implement including a detachable porous tool.
249+,for a connection between a bifurcate nib tool and a feeder.
289,for an implement wherein the support for the filamentary tool elements is attached directly to a supply conduit or nozzle; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 291]    291Perforated support:
 This subclass is indented under subclass 282.  Implement in which the common support for the filamentary elements is apertured to constitute or receive the discharge end portion of the feeder.


280+,for a similar implement in which the passage through the support is controlled by a flow-regulator* part having an opening which is alignable or disalignable therewith; and see the search notes thereto.
282,for a support with feed apertures and tool elements in all the apertures.
283,for a porous support which feeds material to the tool elements by capillarity; and see the search notes thereto.
[List of Patents for class 401 subclass 292]    292MISCELLANEOUS:
 This subclass is indented under the class definition.  Implement which does not fall within the definition of any of the preceding subclasses.
(1) Note. A patent to a subcombination of the subject matter of this class, if not provided for in any other class, will be placed in an appropriate subclass above which provides for the combination to which it pertains. See section I under the class definition.

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