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Anderson, G. L., E. S. Delfosse, N. R. Spencer, C. W. Prosser, and R. D. Richard. 2003. Lessons in developing successful invasive weed control programs. Journal of Range Management 56(1): 2-12. (Abstract)

Beck, K. G., and J. R. Sebastian. 2000. Combining mowing and fall-applied herbicides to control Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense). Weed Technology 14:351-56.

Belnap, J., and S. L. Phillips. 2001. Soil biota in an ungrazed grassland: response to annual grass (Bromus tectorum) invasion. Ecological Applications 11(5): 1261-75. (Abstract)

Bias, Harsh P., Ramarao Vepachedu, Simon Gilroy, Ragan M. Callaway, and Jorge M. Vivanco. 2003. Allelopathy and exotic plant invasion: From molecules and genes to species interactions (PDF | 248 KB). Science 301(5):1337-38.

Blackburn, W .H., R. W. Knight, and J. L. Schuster. 1982. Saltcedar influence on sedimentation in the Brazos River. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 37(5): 298-301.

Brooks, Matthew L., et al. 2004. Effects of invasive alien plants on fire regimes (PDF | 511 KB). BioScience 54(7): 677-88.

Burks, K. C. 2001. Noxious weeds: Don't sell your customers a bad bill of goods. Garden Center Magazine, February, 78-84.

Burks, K. C., and D. F. Austin. 2000. Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae), another potential exotic pest in the United States. Aquatics 22(2): 16-18.

Burt, Jennifer W., et. al. 2007. Preventing horticultural introductions of invasive plants: potential efficacy of voluntary initiatives (PDF | 331 KB). Biological Invasions (online first).

Callaway, Ragan M., and Erik T. Aschehoug. 2000. Invasive plants versus their new and old neighbors: a mechanism for exotic invasion (PDF | 88 KB). Science 290:521-23.

Callaway, Ragan M., Thomas H. DeLuca, and Wendy M. Belliveau. 1999. Biological control herbivores may increase competitive ability of the noxious weed Centaurea maculosa. (PDF | 75 KB) Ecology 80(4): 1196-1201.

Clemants, Steven E., and Gerry Moore. 2005. The changing flora of the New York metropolitan region. Birds in the Urban Environment 3(1): 192-210.

Cronin, James T., and Kyle J. Haynes. 2004. An invasive plant promotes unstable host-parasitoid patch dynamics. (PDF | 857 KB) Ecology 85(10): 2772-82.

Corn, Janelle G., Jim M. Story, and Linda J. White. 2006. Impacts of the biological control agent Cyphocleonus achates on spotted knapweed, Centaurea maculosa, in experimental plots. Biological Control 37(1):75-81. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Daehler, Curtis C., and Debbie A. Carino. 2000. Predicting invasive plants: prospects for a general screening system based on current regional models. Biological Invasions 2:93-102. (Abstract; requires subscription)

D'Antonio, C. M., R. F. Hughes, and P. M. Vitousek. 2001. Factors influencing dynamics of two invasive C4 grasses in seasonally dry Hawaiian woodlands. Ecology 82(1): 89-104.

Davis, Mark A., Louise Bier, Ethan Bushelle, Chloe Diegel, Aleta Johnson, and Brianna Kujala. 2005. Non-indigenous grasses impede woody succession (PDF | 369 KB). Plant Ecology 178:249-64.

Davis, Mark A., J. Philip Grime, and Ken Thompson. 2000. Fluctuating resources in plant communities: a general theory of invasibility (PDF | 330 KB). Journal of Ecology 88:528-34.

DiTomaso, J. M., M. L. Brooks, E. B. Allen, R. Minnich, P. M. Rice, and G. B. Kyser. 2006. Control of invasive weeds with prescribed burning. Weed Technology 20:535–548.

Duncan, K. W. 1997. A case study in Tamarix ramosissima control: Spring Lake, New Mexico. In Plant Invasions: Studies from North America and Europe, edited by J.H. Brock, M. Wade, P. Pyšek, and D. Green. The Netherlands: Backhuys Publishers.

Ehrenfeld, J. G., P. Kourtev, and W. Huang. 2001. Changes in soil functions following invasions of exotic understory plants in deciduous forests. Ecological Applications 11(5): 1287-1300.

Ellis, L. M., M. C. Molles, Jr., C. S. Crawford, and F. Heinzelmann. 2000. Surface-active arthropod communities in native and exotic vegetation in the middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 45(4): 456-71. (Abstract; scroll to bottom)

Ellstrand, Norman C., and Kristina A. Schierenbeck. 2000. Hybridization as a stimulus for the evolution of invasiveness in plants? (PDF | 108 KB). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97(13): 7043-50.

Evans, R. D., R. Rimer, L. Sperry, and J. Belnap. 2001. Exotic plant invasion alters nitrogen dynamics in an arid grassland. Ecological Applications 11(5): 1301-10. (Abstract)

Everitt, Benjamin L. 1998. Chronology of the spread of tamarisk in the central Rio Grande. Wetlands 18(4): 658-68. (Abstract)

Fellows, David P., and Wesley E. Newton. 1999. Prescribed fire effects on biological control of leafy spurge (PDF | 33 KB). Journal of Range Management 52:489-93.

Foxcroft, Llewellyn C. 2004. An Adaptive Management Framework for Linking Science and Management of Invasive Alien Plants (Abstract). Weed Technology 18:1275-1277.

Funk, J.L. and P.M. Vitousek. Resource-use efficiency and plant invasion in low-resource systems. 2007. Nature 46:1079-1081. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Gordon, D. R. 1998. Effects of invasive, non-indigenous plant species on ecosystem processes: Lessons from Florida. Ecological Applications 8(4): 975-89.

Gould, A. M. A., and D. L. Gorchov. 2000. Effects of the exotic invasive shrub Lonicera maackii on the survival and fecundity of three species of native annuals. American Midland Naturalist 144:36-50.

Gould, Stephen Jay. 1997. An evolutionary perspective on strengths, fallacies, and confusions in the concept of native plants (PDF | 51 KB). In Nature and Ideology: Natural Garden Design in the Twentieth Century, edited by Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn. Washington: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.

Graff, W. L. 1978. Fluvial adjustments to the spread of tamarisk in the Colorado Plateau region. Geological Society of America Bulletin 89:1491-1501.

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Haney, R. L., S. A. Senseman, F. M. Hons, and D. A. Zuberer. 2000. Effect of glyphosate on soil microbial activity and biomass. Weed Science 48:89-93. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Heckman, C. W. 1999. The encroachment of exotic herbaceous plants into the Olympic National Forest. Northwest Science 73:264-76.

Hiebert, Ron. 2001. Prioritizing weeds: The alien plant ranking system. Conservation In Practice 2(1).

Hierro, José L., John L. Maron, and Ragan M. Callaway. 2005. A biogeographical approach to plant invasions: the importance of studying exotics in their introduced and native range (PDF | 143 KB). Journal of Ecology 93:5-15.

Hobbs, Richard J., and Stella E. Humphries. 1995. An integrated approach to the ecology and management of plant invasions (PDF | 852 KB). Conservation Biology 9(4): 761-70.

Horvitz, Carol C., John B. Pascarella, Stephen McMann, Andrea Freedman, and Ronald H. Hofstetter. 1998. Functional roles of invasive non-indigenous plants in hurricane-affected subtropical hardwood forests (PDF | 4.0 MB). Ecological Applications 8(4): 947-74.

Hutchinson, Todd F., and John L. Vankat. 1997. Invasibility and effects of Amur honeysuckle in southwestern Ohio (PDF | 855 KB). Conservation Biology 11(5): 1117-24.

James, Dan. 1995. The threat of exotic grasses to the biodiversity of semiarid ecosystems. The Arid Lands Newsletter no. 37.

Keller, M., J. Kollmann, and P. J. Edwards. 2000. Genetic introgression from distant provenances reduces fitness in local weed populations (PDF | 473 KB). Journal of Applied Ecology 37(4): 647-59.

Knapp, L. B., and C. D. Canham. 2000. Invasion of an old-growth forest in New York by Ailanthus altissima: Sapling growth and recruitment in canopy gaps. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 127(4): 307-15.

Koschnick, T.J. , W.T. Haller, and M.D. Netherland. 2006. Aquatic Plant Resistance to Herbicides (PDF | 833 KB). Aquatics 28(1), reprinted with permission.

Larson, Diane L., Patrick J. Anderson, and Wesley Newton. 2001. Alien plant invasion in mixed-grass prairie: Effects of vegetation type and anthropogenic disturbance. Ecological Applications 11(1): 128-41.

Lesica, Peter, and Scott Miles. 1999. Russian olive invasion into cottonwood forests along a regulated river in north-central Montana (PDF | 104 KB). Canadian Journal of Botany 77:1077-83.

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Leslie, A. J., and J. R. Spotila. 2001. Alien plant threatens Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) breeding in Lake St. Lucia, South Africa. Biological Conservation 98:347-55. (Abstract) (PDF | 407 KB) (USDA access through DigiTop)

Lonsdale, W. M. 1999. Global patterns of plant invasions and the concept of invasibility. Ecology 80(5): 1522-36.

Luken, J. O., and M. Shea. 2000. Repeated prescribed burning at Dinsmore Woods State Nature Preserve (Kentucky, USA): responses of the understory community. Natural Areas Journal 20:150-58.

Lym, R. G., and J. A. Nelson. 2000. Biological control of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) with Aphthona spp. along railroad right-of-ways. Weed Technology 14:642-46.

Mack, M. C., C. M. D'Antonio, and R. E. Ley. 2001. Alteration of ecosystem nitrogen dynamics by exotic plants: a case study of C4 grasses in Hawaii. Ecological Applications 11(5): 1323-35.

Mack, R. N., and W. M. Lonsdale. 2001. Humans as global plant dispersers: Getting more than we bargained for. Bioscience 51(2): 95-102.

Marler, Marilyn J., Catherine A. Zabinski, and Ragan M. Callaway. 1999. Mycorrhizae indirectly enhance competitive effects of an invasive forb on a native bunchgrass (PDF | 84 KB). Ecology 80(4): 1180-86.

Marris, E. Invasive species: Shoot to kill. Nature 438: 272-273. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Mazia, C. N., E. J. Chaneton, R. J. C. Leon, and C. M. Ghersa. 1996. Tree species colonization in Pampean grassland and forest plant communities. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 77(3) suppl.: 290.

Mealor, Brian A., and Ann L. Hild. 2006. Potential selection in native grass populations by exotic invasion. Molecular Ecology 15(8):2291-2300. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Meekins, J. Forrest, and Brian C. McCarthy. 2000. Responses of the biennial forest herb Alliaria petiolata to variation in population density, nutrient addition and light availability (PDF | 956 KB). Journal of Ecology 88:447-63.

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Montaldo, N. H. 1993. Avian dispersal and reproductive success of two species of Ligustrum (Oleaceae) in a sub-tropical forest relict in Argentina. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 66(1): 75-85.

Noble, Ian R. 1989. Attributes of invaders and the invading process: Terrestrial and vascular plants (PDF | 2.77 MB). In Biological Invasions: A Global Perspective, edited by J. A. Drake, H. A. Mooney, F. di Castri, R. H. Groves, F. J. Kruger, M. Rejmanek, and M. Williamson. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Oliver, J. D. 1992. Carrotwood: An invasive plant new to Florida. Aquatics 14(3): 4-9.

Parker, John D., Deron E. Burkepile, and Mary E. Hay. 2006. Opposing effects of native and exotic herbivores on plant invasions (PDF | 193 KB). Science 311:1459-61.

Pauchard, Aníbal, Lohengrin A. Cavieres, and Ramiro O. Bustamante. 2004. Comparing alien plant invasions among regions with similar climates: where to from here? (PDF | 110 KB) Diversity and Distributions 10:371-75.

Pauchard, Aníbal, and Katriona Shea. 2006. Integrating the study of non-native plant invasions across spatial scales (PDF | 265 KB). Biological Invasions 8:399-413.

Pearson, D. E., K. S. McKelvey, and L. F. Ruggiero. 2000. Non-target effects of an introduced biological control agent on deer mouse ecology. Oecologia 122:121-28. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Pennisi, Elizabeth. 2006. Parasitic Weed Uses Chemical Cues to Find Host Plant. Science Magazine 313:1867. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Peterson, A. Townsend, Monica Papes, and Daniel A. Kluza. 2003. Predicting the potential invasive distributions of four alien plant species in North America. Weed Science 51(6): 863–68. Note: Abstract available, full-text requires subscription.

Piper, Gary L. 2002. Hopping on a bad weed: Insect biological control of Dalmatian toadflax in Washington. Agrichemical and Environmental News, no. 196.

Planty-Tabacchi, Anne-Marie, Eric Tabacchi, Robert J. Naiman, Collette Deferrari, and Henri Décamps. 1995. Invasibility of species-rich communities in riparian zones. Conservation Biology 10:598-607. (USDA access through DigiTop) (PDF | 799 KB)

Possessky, S. L, C. E. Williams, and M. J. Moriarity. 2000. Glossy buckthorn, Rhamnus frangula L.: A threat to riparian plant communities of the northern Allegheny plateau (USA). Natural Areas Journal 20(3): 290-92.

Pyšek, Petr, Vojtech Jarošík, Milan Chytrý, Zdenek Kropác, Lubomír Tichý, and Jan Wild. 2005. Alien plants in temperate weed communities: Prehistoric and recent invaders occupy different habitats (PDF | 87 KB). Ecology 86(3): 772-85.

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Raghu, S., R. C. Anderson, C.C. Daehler, A.S. Davis, R.N. Wiedenmann, D. Simberloff, and R.N. Mack. 2006. Adding Biofuels to the Invasive Species Fire? Science Magazine 313:1742. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Regan, Tracey J., McCarthy, Michael A., Baxter, Peter W. J., Dane Panetta, F. & Possingham, Hugh P. 2006. Optimal eradication: when to stop looking for an invasive plant. Ecology Letters 9(7):759-766. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Rejmánek, Marcel, and David D. Richardson. 1996. What attributes make some plant species more invasive? Ecology 77(6): 1655-60.

Rejmánek, Marcel. 1989. Invasibility of plant communities (PDF | 3.53 MB). In Biological Invasions: A Global Perspective, edited by J. A. Drake, H. A. Mooney, F. di Castri, R. H. Groves, F. J. Kruger, M. Rejmanek, and M. Williamson. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Reichard, Sarah Hayden, and Peter White. 2001. Horticulture as a pathway of invasive plant introductions in the United States (PDF | 236 KB). BioScience 51(2): 103-13.

Richardson, David M., Petr Pyšek, Marcel Rejmánek, Michael G. Barbour, F. Dane Panetta, and Carol J. West. 2000. Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: Concepts and definitions (PDF | 553 KB). Diversity and Distributions 6:93-107.

Rossman, Amy Y. 2001. A special issue on global movement of invasive plants and fungi. BioScience 51(2): 93-94. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Schardt, J. 1990. Exotic plant control: A look back, a look ahead. Aquatics 12(1): 4-20.

Schmidt, Kenneth A., and Christopher J. Whelan. 1999. Effects of exotic Lonicera and Rhamnus on songbird nest predation (PDF |572 KB). Conservation Biology 13:1502-6.

Schulz, K., and C. Thelen. 2000. Impact and Control of Vinca minor L. in an Illinois Forest Preserve (USA). Natural Areas Journal 20:189-96.

Sher, A. A., D. L. Marshall, and S. A. Gilbert. 2000. Competition between native Populus deltoides and invasive Tamarix ramosissima and the implications for reestablishing flooding disturbance. Conservation Biology 14(6): 1744-54.

Smith, Stanley D., Travis E. Huxman, Stephen F. Zitzer, Therese N. Charlet, David C. Housman, James S. Coleman, Lynn K. Fenstermaker, Jeffery R. Seemann, and Robert S. Nowak. 2000. Elevated CO2 increases productivity and invasive species success in an arid ecosystem. Nature 408(2): 79-81. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Snow, Kathleen. 2002. Working with the horticultural industry to limit invasive species introductions (PDF | 117 KB). Conservation in Practice 3(1): 2-5.

Stinson, Kristina A., et al. 2006. Invasive plant suppresses the growth of native tree seedlings by disrupting belowground mutualisms. PLoS Biology 4(5).

Stohlgren, Thomas J., et al. 1999. Exotic plant species invade hot spots of native plant diversity (PDF | 3.78 MB). Ecological Monographs 69(1): 25-46.

Stohlgren, Thomas J., David T. Barnett, and John T. Kartesz. 2003. The rich get richer: Patterns of plant invasions in the United States (PDF | 2.19 MB). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1(1): 11-14.

Story, J. M., N. W. Callan, J. G. Corn, and L. J. White. 2006. Decline of spotted knapweed density at two sites in western Montana with large populations of the introduced root weevil, Cyphocleonus achates (Fahraeus). Biological Control 38(2): 227-232. (USDA access through DigiTop)

Suszkiw, Jan. 2004. Fungus unleashed to combat yellow starthistle (PDF | 1.29 MB). Agricultural Research 52(8): 20-22.

Taylor, Brad W., and Rebecca E. Irwin. 2004. Linking economic activities to the distribution of exotic plants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101(51): 17725-30. (Abstract) (USDA access through DigiTop) (PDF | 336 KB)

Thompson, K., J. G. Hodgson, and T. C. G. Rich. 1995. Native and alien invasive plants: more of the same? Ecography 18:390-402.

VanGessel, M. J. 2001. Glyphosate-resistant horseweed from Delaware. Weed Science 49:703-5. (Abstract)

Whaley, Dale K., and Gary L. Piper. 2002. Defusing diffuse knapweed: Biological control of an explosive weed. Agrichemical and Environmental News, no. 194.

Williams, David G., and Zdravko Baruch. 2000. African grass invasion in the Americas: Ecosystem consequences and the role of ecophysiology (PDF | 138 KB). Biological Invasions 2:123-40.

Williams, Scott C. and Jeffrey S. Ward. 2006. Exotic seed dispersal by white-tailed deer in southern Connecticut (PDF | 135 KB). Natural Areas Journal 26:383-390.

Wilson, J. Bastow, John B. Steel, Mike E. Dodd, Barbara J. Anderson, Isolde Ullmann, and Peter Bannister. 2000. A test of community reassembly using the exotic communities of New Zealand roadsides in comparison to British roadsides. Journal of Ecology 88:757-64. (USDA access through DigiTop) (PDF | 191 KB)

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