NCI Cancer Bulletin
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July 22, 2008 • Volume 5 / Number 15 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Melanoma Incidence Among Young Women in the U.S. is Rising

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Nanoparticles Deliver Chemotherapy and Block Cancer's Spread

Fewer Americans Exposed to Secondhand Smoke

Gene Signatures Point to Therapy for Neuroblastoma

Study Suggests Therapeutic Avenue for Transplant-Related Cancers

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The New Face of Head and Neck Cancer Treatment

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Childhood Cancer Bill Cleared for President's Signature

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Treating Relapsed or Refractory B-cell Lymphomas

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Summit Focuses on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities

NCI Hosts Science Writers' Seminar on Public/Private Partnerships

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Logo for 2008 Cancer Health Disparities Summit. Summit Focuses on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities
NCI's Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) held the third annual Cancer Health Disparities Summit July 14-16 in Bethesda, MD. The theme of Summit 2008 was "Eliminating Cancer Health Disparities Through Science, Training, and Community."

"We know that many populations in the United States suffer disproportionately from cancer," said CRCHD Director Dr. Sanya Springfield. "I'm pleased to report that much is being accomplished and much progress is being made to bring new advances in cancer research to our African American, Latino, Native American, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and medically underserved communities."

The Summit attracted over 900 cancer researchers, health professionals, and community health educators involved nationwide in disparities research, training, education, and outreach programs. During the Summit, four ongoing CRCHD initiatives were highlighted: Community Networks Program (CNP), Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE), Minority Institution/Cancer Center Partnership Program (MI/CCP), and the Patient Navigation Research Program (PNRP).

Over the 3 days, participants shared their ideas and their science, discussed successes, as well as problems, learned from each other, and networked.

"It was an exciting couple of days," said Dr. Springfield, "and it was tremendously gratifying to see firsthand the drive and commitment from this phenomenal body of researchers, clinicians, and community members who make a difference in the lives of our cancer patients and our communities.

"The Summit was a tremendous success," she continued. "However, we know we can always do better, and we continue to look to the community to help us in our efforts to reduce and ultimately eliminate cancer health disparities."

NCI Hosts Science Writers' Seminar on Public/Private Partnerships
On July 28, the NCI Office of Media Relations will host a science writers' seminar to discuss public/private partnerships in cancer research. Topics will include working with industry to develop new drugs; cancer vaccine development and business barriers; working with small businesses to develop new technologies to catch cancer in its earliest stages; and intellectual property rights and technology transfer issues related to new genetic tests.

Leading experts from NCI will participate in the seminar, including NCI Director Dr. John E. Niederhuber, Dr. James Doroshow, Dr. Jeffrey Schlom, Mr. Michael Weingarten, Ms. Karen Maurey, and Dr. Jason Cristofaro.

To view a live Webcast of the seminar at 9:00 a.m. on July 28, or to view an archived video at a later date, please go to

Latest Issue of DCEG Newsletter Available Online
The July 2008 issue of Linkage, a newsletter published three times a year by NCI's Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, is available online.

Readers will find articles on DCEG's biennial Molecular Epidemiology Course, Dr. Ola Landgren's research on multiple myeloma, Dr. Amanda Cross' work examining meat intake and cancer risk, scientific highlights by DCEG investigators, and the latest news from the division.

To view the issue, go to

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