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News Articles for 2005

artist's concept compares a hypothetical  solar system centered around a tiny sun (top) to a known solar system centered around a star, called 55 Cancri, which is about the same size as our sun

November 29, 2005

A Planet With Planets? Spitzer Finds Cosmic Oddball

Planets are everywhere these days. They have been spotted around more than 150 stars, and evidence is growing that they also circle "failed," or miniature, stars called brown dwarfs.

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Artist concept of spacecraft

November 23, 2005

NASA Awards Contract for New Millennium Mission

The next satellite in NASA's New Millennium Program will be designed, developed and built by Orbital Sciences Corporation, Dulles, Va.

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synthetic image of the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover on the flank of

November 21, 2005

Spirit Marks One Martian Year on the Red Planet

Since Spirit landed on January 3, 2004, Mars has completed one orbit around the sun. This anniversary picture is a synthetic image of the rover on the flank of "Husband Hill" produced using JPL technology. The process combines visualization and image-processing tools with Hollywood-style special effects.
+ Anniversary feature from rover site

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artist's concept of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

November 18, 2005

Mars-Bound NASA Craft Tweaks Course, Passes Halfway Point

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter successfully fired six engines for about 20 seconds today to adjust its flight path in advance of its March 10, 2006, arrival at the red planet.

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Einstein rings

November 17, 2005

Astronomers Assemble Fine Collection of 'Einstein Rings'

You can look but you can't touch the new rings discovered by JPLer Dr. Leonidas Moustakas and his colleagues. The team used data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to locate, among other objects, galaxies whose light has been warped into circles called "Einstein rings."

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nebula NGC 1333

November 16, 2005

A View of Chaotic Star Birth

Located 1,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Perseus, a reflection nebula called NGC 1333 epitomizes the beautiful chaos of stars being born. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope can detect the infrared light from these objects, allowing us to peer inside their dusty cradles.

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November 14, 2005

Meet the First Woman to Drive on Mars!

From working with prototype rovers in an Earth-bound sandbox, to controlling the drives of the Mars Exploration Rovers on the red planet, Dr. Ashley Stroupe gets the best of both worlds.

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James Rinaldi

November 12, 2005

Rinaldi Named Information Chief

James Rinaldi has been appointed Chief Information Officer of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

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artist's concept of Pluto and its moon Charon

November 11, 2005

Free Lectures on Exploring Pluto

Two free public programs in Pasadena will offer an overview of the upcoming NASA mission to Pluto.

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false-color image of Rabe Crater, Mars

November 11, 2005

Mars Odyssey Snaps Crater Contours

Rabe Crater lies among hundreds of thousands of other impact craters in the rough-hewn southern highlands of Mars. This false-color view, taken by NASA's Mars Odyssey, uses color to portray the overnight surface temperatures: Bluer colors indicate cold places, red and yellow tints warm ones. This helps scientists understand the composition of the Martian surface.
+ Interactive image and caption

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Dr. Vinton Cerf

November 10, 2005

Presidential Honors

Vinton Cerf, a distinguished visiting scientist at JPL since 1998, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his work in the 1970s that led to the development of the Internet. Cerf is now working to take internet technology into interplanetary space.
+ Ask the White House

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false-color image showing towering pillars of cool gas and dust that are illuminated at their tips with light from warm embryonic stars

November 9, 2005

Spitzer Captures Cosmic Mountains of Creation

A new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope reveals billowing mountains of dust ablaze with the fires of stellar youth.

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Spirit view from atop Husband Hill

November 7, 2005

Spirit's 'Everest' Panorama

It took Spirit three days to acquire all the images combined into this mosaic, called the "Everest Panorama," looking outward in every direction from the summit of "Husband Hill." During that period, the sky changed in color and brightness due to atmospheric dust variations, as shown in contrasting sections of this mosaic.
+ QTVR: 360-spin of Everest Panorama

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November 4, 2005

Bring Mars in Focus This Month

Through November, Mars will look like a blazing, orange-yellow object in the night sky. Mars is usually less obvious. The red planet comes close enough for such exceptional viewing only once or twice every 15 or 17 years.
+ Image details

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radar image of Titan

November 2, 2005

Radar Sees More 'Cat Scratches' and Hones in on Huygens Landing Site

The Cassini spacecraft flew by Saturn's moon Titan on Oct. 28, 2005, capturing new radar views that show the Huygens probe landing site and a series of dunes that extend thousands of kilometers across Titan's surface. These so called "cat scratches," curve around teardrop-shaped bright terrain, giving the impression of a Japanese garden of sand raked around boulders.
+ 'Cat scratches'

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artist concept of Kepler

Kepler Starts Hunt for Earth-Like Worlds

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launch of Herschel/Planck

Herschel and Planck Launch

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Mars Science Lab parachute test

Parachute Test for Mars

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Eyes on Earth interactive

Eyes on the Earth 3D

Interactive feature

artist concept of cool stars

Cool Stars

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