NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
January 18, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 3 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Featured Article
Exploring Future Investment Strategies: NCI Advisory Board Retreat

Director's Update
Despite Challenges, A Commitment to Excellence

New NCI Clinical Trial Program Benefits People and Pets

Cancer Research Highlights
FDA Approves Abraxane for Breast Cancer

Androgen Deprivation Therapy Increases Fracture Risk

Deficient DNA Repair Capacity Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Diabetes and Cancer Risk Link Not Tied to Obesity

Study Demonstrates Gene Expression Microarrays are Comparable and Reproducible

HHS News
HHS/USDA Release Updated Dietary Guidelines

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Combination Chemotherapy for Adrenocortical Cancer

New Members Appointed to DCLG

NCI Scientists to Speak at Gordon Conference

NCI Launches Nanotechnology Seminar Series

CCR Grand Rounds

Guest Commentary
Make Real Resolutions: Healthy Eating and Active Living

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Funding Opportunities

The NIH Roadmap for Medical Research Funding provides a framework of the priorities NIH must address to optimize its research portfolio. Newly released Roadmap funding opportunities are listed below.

NIH Director's Pioneer Award Program
In September 2005, NIH expects to make 5 to 10 new Pioneer Awards to provide individual scientists with up to $500,000 in direct costs per year for 5 years. Nominations may be submitted between March 1 and April 1 at See for the complete Pioneer Award announcement. Additional information about the High-Risk Research component of the NIH Roadmap is available at

Multidisciplinary Clinical Research Career Development Programs
This RFA will support the early career development of clinical researchers who would be expected to achieve excellence in their ability to design and oversee research in multidisciplinary team settings, and who have a high potential to become leaders of various fields of clinical research. The NIH Roadmap plans to provide approximately $4 million for this initiative in FY 2005. The complete RFA is available at For more information on clinical research workforce training and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise, go to

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