NCI Cancer Bulletin
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Special Issue
December 6, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 47 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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NCI Alumni Notes

FARE Recognition for Training Fellows

Update on FY 2006 NCI Budget Status

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NCI Alumni Notes

FARE Recognition for Training Fellows

Each year, the Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE) pays tribute to NIH intramural postdoctoral research fellows who perform outstanding scientific re-search. Applications are accepted in April and recipients get a $1,000 travel stipend to attend the scientific meeting of their choice, as well as the chance to present their research at the awards ceremony. For more information about FARE and a chance to review this year's NCI recipients, go to
The following list represents a handful of NCI trainees who have gone on to become leaders in the cancer community.

Dr. Ahmedin Jemal, who completed his DCEG fellowship in 2001, now works at the American Cancer Society as program director, Cancer Occurrence.

Dr. Linda Nebeling Dr. Linda Nebeling, a DCCPS fellow in 1992, now works as chief of DCCPS' Health Promotion Research Branch at NCI.

Dr. Stephen D. Hursting, who entered CPFP in 1992, is now at the University of Texas as professor and McKean-Love chair in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and professor in the Department of Carcinogenesis at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Dr. Ernest T. Hawk, who entered CPFP in 1993, is now the director of NCI's Office of Centers, Training and Resources.

Dr. Graça M. Dores, who entered CPFP in 1999, now works in NCI's Division of Cancer Prevention as associate director of the Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program.

Dr. Theodore Marcy, who entered CPFP in 2000, returned to the University of Vermont College of Medicine for clinical work and research in smoking cessation. He is now a professor of medicine at the university.

Dr. Arti Patel, who completed CPFP in 2005, is now the director of global health development at Capital Technology Information Services, Inc., in Rockville, Md.

Dr. Melinda Merchant completed her training in 2005 as a clinical fellow in CCR's Pediatric Oncology Branch, Immunology Section. She is now an assistant attending physician in the Department of Pediatrics at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

Dr. A. Valance Washington Dr. A. Valance Washington completed his postdoctoral training in CCR's Laboratory of Experimental Immunology in 2001 and will begin as an assistant professor at the University of Puerto Rico in January 2006.

Dr. Denise Perry Simmons completed her postdoctoral training in CCR's Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion in 2005 and is now the director of clinical cancer research at the Cancer Center at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

Dr. Willie Davis completed his postdoctoral training in CCR's Laboratory of Pathology in 2004 and is now assistant professor of biochemistry at Loma Linda University School of Pharmacy in California.

Dr. Elmer E. Huerta Dr. Elmer E. Huerta, who entered CPFP in 1991, is now the founder and director of the Cancer Preventorium at the Washington Cancer Institute at Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Claudina Stevenson completed her postdoctoral training in CCR's Laboratory of Cell Biology in 2004, and is now manager, Scientific Education and Review, at Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research in Cambridge, Mass.

Craig Lustig, who completed his rotation as a Presidential Management Fellow with the DCCPS' Office of Cancer Survivorship in 2000, is now the executive director of the Children's Cause for Cancer Advocacy.

Update on FY 2006 NCI Budget Status
Congress has yet to approve appropriations legislation that provides updated funding levels for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for FY 2006, which began on October 1, 2005. As a result, NCI continues to operate within the guidelines of a Continuing Resolution (CR) passed by Congress, which keeps all HHS agencies funded at FY 2005 levels and allows NCI to operate at last year's spending level of $4.825 billion. The current CR is set to expire on December 17, 2005.

In the interim, and as discussed at the NIH Director's Advisory Committee meeting on December 1, noncompeting research grant awards will be made at a level of approximately 80 percent of the previously committed level. Upward adjustments to these levels will be considered after the final 2006 budget level is established. Competing renewal awards also are being made at approximately 80 percent of current levels until more definitive budget information is available. NCI leadership has advised that recipients continue to monitor their expenditures carefully during this period.

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