Teaching American History Grant Program

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Nebraska 2005 Grant Abstract

Grantee Name:Omaha Public Schools, Omaha, NE
Project Name:Teaching American History: Omaha Public Schools and the OMAHA (Omaha Metropolitan American History Association) Project
Project Director:Susan Toohey (402) 557-2436
Number of Teachers Served:60
Number of School Districts Served:1
Number of Students Served:No Information Available

In response to the need to improve American history teaching, Omaha Public Schools is partnering with all of the area's 60 Catholic primary and secondary schools and the University of Nebraska to create OMAHA. Other collaborators include the Nebraska State Historical Society and Brown University's Choices Program. Since Omaha schools serve nearly one-quarter of Nebraska's students, the project hopes to have a substantial impact on history education. Building on a previous TAH grant, this project offers graduate courses each summer to K-12 American history teachers on Expansion (Year 1), Conflict (Year 2), and Resolution and New Obstacles (Year 3). Complementary courses focus on international, national, and regional perspectives in U.S. history. Technology training and classroom observations continue during the school year. Sample Year 1 topics are the following: U.S. Alliances during the Revolutionary War; Relations with Britain and the War of 1812; the Monroe Doctrine and the concept of Manifest Destiny; the 1837 Caroline Incident; Slavery and U.S. Foreign Policy; and Commercial Expansion into Asia and the Pacific.

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Last Modified: 09/27/2005