Teaching American History

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Colorado 2003 Grant Abstract
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Grantee: Durango School District 9-R, Durango, CO
Project Name: Improving Student Achievement Through Great Ideas, Events and People in American History
Project Director: Judy Michalski (970) 247-5411
Funding: $535,018
Number of Teachers Served: 90
Number of School Districts Served: 1
Number of Students Served: No information available

Located in a rural southwestern corner of Colorado, the district and partner Fort Lewis College provide teachers in grades 6-12 with intensive professional development, stressing increased student achievement through effective instruction. The program's technology-rich component complements nine 1-week summer institutes and provides a forum for interaction between, teachers and college faculty in the four-corners region of Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona. Formative evaluation will continually strengthen the project through highly successful National Science Foundation leadership model for curriculum implementation and professional development, CSSI/CONNECT, used previously in the district. Institute topics cover: Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, Ratification Debates, Bill of Rights, and Revolutionary, New Nation, Civil War, Industrial, Modern and Post-Modern Eras.

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Last Modified: 02/15/2008

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