NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
March 22, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 12 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Brain Cancer Study Suggests New Standard of Treatment

Director's Update
New Tools in the Fight Against Brain Tumors

Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Trying to Improve Upon a Cure

Cancer Research Highlights
PLCO Trial Publishes Baseline Findings

Maternal Smoking's Effects Found in Amniotic Fluid

Breast Cancer Survivors More Likely to Get Fractures

New Tumor Suppressor Gene Discovered in Drosophila

CCR Grand Rounds

Funding Opportunities

Legislative Update

Featured Clinical Trial
More Effective Treatment for Colorectal Metastases to Liver

caBIG Annual Meeting Set for April

FDA Cautions Doctors on Eczema Drugs and Cancer Risk

OCCAM TA Workshop Set for June Gets High Marks Again

Community Update
Proteomics Research Center Honors Biomarker Pioneer

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Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunities

The NIH Roadmap for Medical Research Funding provides a framework of the priorities NIH must address to optimize its research portfolio. It identifies the most compelling opportunities in three main areas: new pathways to discovery, research teams of the future, and re-engineering the clinical research enterprise. For complete information on Roadmap funding opportunities, go to Newly released Roadmap funding opportunities are listed below:

2005 NIH Director's Pioneer Award
NIH is accepting nominations for the 2005 NIH Director's Pioneer Award. This program, a High-Risk Research Initiative of Research Teams of the Future, is meant to complement NIH's traditional, investigator-initiated grant programs by supporting individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose pioneering approaches to major contemporary challenges in biomedical research. Self-nominations should be submitted online at and will be accepted through April 1, 2005.

Meeting on Structural Analysis of Large Macromolecular Assemblies
June 2-3, 2005, William H. Natcher Conference Center, NIH, Bethesda, Md.
Despite the advances in structural biology in the past decade, significant challenges remain. One critical area is large macromolecular assemblies. Large assemblies accomplish many of the core functions of the cell. To understand their mechanism of function, we must understand their structure. To help focus the structural biology community's thinking in this area, we invite you to attend this meeting where eminent scientists will present their research and share their views regarding the major challenges ahead. Meeting sponsors include the NIH, the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Energy. For more information and to register, please go to

Following are newly released NCI research funding opportunities:

Collaborations with National Centers for Biomedical Computing
Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Apr. 19 and Dec. 19, 2005;
Apr. 19 and Dec. 19, 2006;
Apr. 19 and Dec. 19, 2007;
Apr. 19 and Dec. 19, 2008

Application Receipt Dates: May 17, 2005; Jan. 17 and May 17, 2006; Jan. 17 and May 17, 2007; Jan. 17, 2008

This funding opportunity will use the R01 award mechanism. For more information see Inquiries: Dr. Jennifer Couch -

Cancer Education (R25E) Grants Program
Application Receipt Dates: May 10 and Sept. 10, 2005;
Jan. 10, May 10, and Sep. 10, 2006;
Jan. 10, May 10, and Sept. 10, 2007;
Jan. 10, 2008

This funding opportunity will use the R25 award mechanism. For more information see Inquiries: Dr. Mary C. Blehar -

For comprehensive information about NCI funding priorities and opportunities, go to

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