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MERRA Meteorological Data Now Available from the GES DISC
Image of cloud top temperature from the MATMNXSLV monthly product for December 1979 generated using the Giovanni MERRA 2D monthly instance The Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) data production is underway. Multi-year segments of the meteorological analyses from each of the 3 production streams are now available online at the GES DISC.
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Giovanni Air Quality Instance now available
Fine Particulate Matter for August 25, 2007 over New EnglandA new Giovanni instance dedicated to air quality related data is now available.  The instance includes global aerosol and cloud data from MODIS, global aerosol data from OMI, and the AIRNow Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) ground-based monitoring product for the continental United States.
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Hydrology DISC supports GLDAS data product
Sample GLDAS soil moistureThe new Hydrology DISC (HDISC) portal provides access and support for the Global Land Data Assimilation Systems (GLDAS).
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Message Alert Notification The Mirador data search service was unavailable between 4:00PM and 5:00PM ESTon Monday, May 11th. You may experience intermittent availability over the next 24 hours period. We apologize for any inconvenience.


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Giovanni Online Visualization and Analysis Mirador Data Access Made Simple NASA Imagery in Virtual Globes


05.01.09 - Remote sensing training in Italy
GES DISC scientist Dr. Ana Prados will be providing instruction in satellite remote sensing techniques and data analysis at the 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, taking place in Stresa, Italy, on the shore of Lago Maggiore, May 4-8.
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04.28.09 - April 2009 issue of the Giovanni News is now available
The newest issue of The Giovanni News is now available as a PDF document under the "Newsletters" link on the Giovanni home page. This issue features Release 3.0.8; articles about MERRA data, using alternate color palettes, and using TRMM data to look at rainfall trends in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic ...
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04.15.09 - Enhanced parameters grouping in Giovanni NEESPI monthly instance
In Giovanni NEESPI monthly instance, there are three measurements groups, Atmosphere, Land surface, and Cryosphere, each containing many parameters. For each of the measurement group, parameters are now subgrouped by sensors for easy selections. Spatial resolutions are indicated together with s...
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04.14.09 - False Color Merged IR Visualization now available!
With a web browser and few mouse clicks, users can produce visualizations for all 8 years and 4.5 TB of Merged IR Brightness Temperature data and generate False Color IR imagery and animation without downloading any software and data.
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04.10.09 - Model data are added in Giovanni NEESPI
The first set of model products is available in Giovanni NEESPI monthly instance. They are tropospheric aerosols simulated by the NASA Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport (GOCART) model, including black carbon column optical depth, dust aerosol column optical depth, sulfate aeroso...
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  • Last updated: April 03, 2009 06:57:15 UTC