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ICESAT Satellite Image

ICESAT Satellite - NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center


Latest GLAS Images

Latest GLAS Images | Integration & Testing | Assembled on BAP | Road Test | Work In Progress | Thermal Vacuum | Shipping | Accoustics & Vibration

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+Z Deck Blanket, -X +Y corner, +Y foot+Z Deck Blanket -X close-up off -axis view of telescope, GLAS on BAPView of Telescope -Y view of telescope sun shield and GLAS radiator, GLAS on BAPView of Telescope +Z Deck blanketed, SC feet, from -Y view'Deck Blanketed
+Y view, GLAS lowering+Y View '+X +Y view, GLAS lowering'+X -Y View +X -Y view, GLAS lowering+X -Y View -X +Y view, GLAS lowering-X +Y View
GLAS mechanical integration team Mech Int team +X +Y view, GLAS lowering+X +Y View -X -Y view with blue ladder in foreground-X -Y View -X +Y view of telescope with shower cap-X +Y View
-X +Y long shot with wall reflected-X +Y Long Shot Boresight view of telescope with theodolite bracket in foregroundBoresight View Mini Target Set Up, 7/3/02Mini Target Set Up Mini Target Set Up, 7/3/02Mini Target Set Up
Mini Target Set Up, 7/3/02Mini Target Set Up      



The ICESAT mission and the GLAS Instrument completed taking over 1.9 billion measurements while in orbit with the completion of its 2009 spring campaign.

GLAS Laser Shot Counter

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