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Lake Cascade Campground Proposal


The Bureau of Reclamation, in cooperation with Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, is seeking public comment on a proposed new campground to be constructed at the northwest end of Lake Cascade. The new campground is proposed for the site formerly leased by the YMCA, immediately east of Tamarack Falls Bridge.

The proposal would allow Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation to convert Poison Creek Campground at Lake Cascade to a day use facility and develop a new campground to replace campsites lost at Poison Creek. Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation operates recreation sites on Reclamation lands at Lake Cascade as part of Lake Cascade State Park under a lease agreement with Reclamation.


Open House

A public open house providing information about the proposal was held at the Ashley Inn in Cascade, Idaho on August 29, 2006 from 6 to 9 p.m.

Reference Material

08/14/2006 Scoping Letter and Maps PDF 714 kb


Steve Dunn

Bureau of Reclamation
Snake River Area Office
230 Collins Road
Boise, Idaho 83702-4520



Last Update: February 23, 2007 3:31 PM