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Rep. Diana DeGette

Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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House Approves Drought Relief for Farmers

Monday, December 17, 2007

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WASHINGTON, D.C.House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn today released the following statement applauding passage of the FY 2007 Omnibus bill which included critical disaster assistance for farmers in South Carolina and across the country, impacted drought and natural disaster. 

“South Carolina’s farmers have been devastated by record drought conditions this year.  I’m pleased we were able to take an important step forward tonight to provide these farmers with some hope and stability for the future. This legislation extends disaster assistance to farmers hit this year by natural disaster, like the drought in the southeast region of the country.  America’s farmers are the heart of our economy, I hope the Senate will approve this legislation so we can support the people who nourish our families and fuel our country.”