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Rep. Diana DeGette

Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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House Approves Troop Redeployment Oversight Bill

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

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Washington, D.C. – House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn released the following statement regarding passage of H.R. 3087, legislation sponsored by Representatives Tanner and Abercrombie that is designed to provide Congressional oversight of the Pentagon’s planning for troop redeployment from Iraq:

“The House passed legislation today that better ensures that the Bush Administration and Pentagon implement sensible and conscientious measures regarding the redeployment of U.S. Armed Forces personnel serving in Iraq.

“H.R. 3087, the Contingency Planning for Redeployment from Iraq bill, goes a long way toward ensuring that our troops’ redeployment from Iraq is handled in a manner that respects and honors the countless sacrifices made by our brave men and women serving in harm’s way.  This legislation requires the Department of Defense to submit periodic reports to Congress on the status and progress of all redeployment efforts from Iraq.  Furthermore, this bill requires that the Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs of Staff do a better job of keeping the Congress abreast of redeployment issues through continual briefings and increased dialogue.

“President Bush has failed our troops on several levels.  This President’s Administration has implemented policies that have arbitrarily and unjustly increased the tours of duties of U.S. Armed Service personnel and turned a blind eye to injured veterans living in substandard rehabilitation facilities.

“This Democratic-led Congress is pushing for a New Direction in Iraq by prioritizing the needs of our troops and holding more than 250 Congressional hearings on Iraq related issues.  Congressional Democrats respect the courageous deeds of our soldiers serving in Iraq and we will continue to honor their patriotism by passing legislation that puts their needs first.”