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Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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House Democrats Commit to a Partnership for the Future

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

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NEW ORLEANS, LA—Just prior to the second anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Democrats returned to the Gulf Coast to recommit themselves to a Partnership for the Future.   In a congressional delegation trip to the Gulf Coast region this week, led by House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, democratic lawmakers made a new commitment.

"We are not done with our work in this region, because you are not done," said Clyburn.  "We extend our hand in friendship and partnership for the future."

At the conclusion of their tour through the region Democrats outlined their legislative priorities to continue a New Direction for the Gulf Coast .  Those priorities include but are not limited to:

  • A public commitment from Congress to help the region rebuild [HRes 551]
  • Funding for local recovery plans


  • Working with the state to fill the shortfall in the Road Home program
  • Comprehensive housing assistance including aid for rental, public and low-income housing [HR 1227]
  • An estimated $550 million under Federal Housing Reform Act [HR 1427, Pending in House-Senate Conference]
  • Support for mixed-income housing, additional Section 8 vouchers
  • Help address the dangerously high level of homelessness
  • Working with state officials to address unhealthy levels of formaldehyde in FEMA trailers


  • Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act of 2007, which includes a multiple perils provision that provides wind and flood coverage in one policy [HR 3121, Passed Financial Services 7/27/07]


  • Water Resources Development Act [WRDA] which would bolster coastal levees and provide funding for coastal restoration [HR 1495]
  • Funding and regulatory assistance to rebuild child care services, and institutions throughout the region.

Small business

  • Disaster relief assistance for small businesses [HR 1468]
  • Small business assistance under the RECOVER Act [HR 1361]

Health Care

  • Working with state and local leaders and private partners to determine the future of health care in the region
  • Funding for the healthcare safety net,
  • Support for hospitals that are currently serving the uninsured population and need funding,
  • Improving access and funding for mental health services,
  • Helping to increase the number of healthcare professionals
  • Tackling head-on the unacceptable rise in morbidity and mortality rates and health disparities throughout the region.


  • Provide additional resources for K-12 education including passing the remaining parts of the Renewal Act.
  • Add to the No Child Life Behind reauthorization provisions that will hold-harmless the Gulf Coast region school systems and provide targeted assistance to teachers, school administration, and students.

Reform, Cut Bureaucracy

  • Stafford Act reform, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Recovery Facilitation Act [HR 3247, Passed Transportation and Infrastructure 8/2/07]
  • Providing more technical assistance from all federal agencies involved with the recovery.
  • Creating a federal-state coordinating entity for recovery.
  • Establishing a federal-state policy and dispute resolution recovery entity.
  • Removing out-of-date Stafford Act rebuilding requirements.

Rebuilding the Region

  • Enhancing tax incentives currently existing in the region.
  • Reviewing the tax code to find more effective ways of leveraging investment in the region and not penalize residents or business owners in the region.

Including all Communities

  • Continued support for the unique and specialized needs of the Asian, Pacific American, African American and Hispanic communities.

Lawmakers agreed that they would work with the state and local officials to set goals, benchmarks, and timelines in these areas to ensure an expedited recovery.