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Rep. Diana DeGette

Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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Congress Sends President Stem Cell Research Bill

Clyburn: I Hope the President will reconsider his veto

Thursday, June 7, 2007

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WASHINGTON, DC—House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn today commented on the passage of S. 5, the Stem Cell Enhancement Act, legislation which greatly expands the number of embryonic stem cell lines eligible to be used for federally-funded research.  The legislation only authorizes funding for stem cell lines generated from embryos that would otherwise be discarded by fertility clinics.

“I applaud broad bipartisan passage in both the House and Senate of this critical legislation, part of our ‘Six for ‘06’ agenda,” said Clyburn.  “Over 70 percent of Americans support stem cell research, and this legislation creates a strong ethical framework in which to conduct that research.  Psalm 72 calls for us to ‘defend the afflicted among the people.’  This legislation will bring hope to millions of suffering Americans who deal daily with disease and affliction, such as diabetes, sickle cell anemia, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and cancer.  Understanding the concerns of many in our communities, we have put in place safeguards to ensure that this research helps people rather than harms life.  I hope the president will reconsider his veto for legislation.”

The Senate-passed bill was approved by the House today with a strong bipartisan vote of 247 to 146.  It was promptly enrolled by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and sent to the President for consideration.  Unfortunately, President Bush has promised to veto the bill.