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Rep. Diana DeGette

Chief Deputy Whip
Rep. Diana DeGette
DeGette is a fourth generation Coloradoan, educated at Denver's South High School and Colorado College. Read More...

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Clyburn on Veto of Iraq Accountability Act

Tuesday, May 2, 2007

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Contact: Kristie Greco : (202) 226-3210

WASHINGTON, DC—Below are remarks from House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn on the president’s veto of the Iraq Accountability Act.

“Today marks the four-year anniversary of the president’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln.

“We also mark another solemn milestone today—the deadliest six-month period since the war began.

“Yet tonight the president vetoed legislation that would end an open-ended commitment for this war, holds the Iraqi government accountable and provide the administration with the exit strategy it lacks.  Furthermore, the Iraq Accountability Act provides funding for our troops beyond the president’s request, honors the promises to our veterans and creates a new direction in Iraq.  The president had an opportunity to chart a new course in Iraq, and I am disappointed that he rejected that option.

“The Democrats in Congress will once again invite the president to discuss a compromise on this emergency spending bill.  We hope for a constructive conversation with the president tomorrow.”