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Biological Assessment on Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Rogue River Basin Project and Effects on Essential Fish Habitat under the Magnuson-Stevens Act


scenic view of Rogue RiverThe Biological Assessment, developed in compliance with the requirements of the Endangered Species Act, describes and evaluates the potential effects of Rogue River Basin Project operations on threatened and endangered species. In addition, it provides information required under the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

The Rogue River Basin Project — Talent Division was first authorized by Congress on August 20, 1954. The purpose of the Project is to supply irrigation water to agricultural lands in the Rogue River basin near Medford, Oregon. Features include instream and offstream storage facilities, transbasin diversions, instream diversion structures, and irrigation canals.

To request a printed copy or CD-ROM of the report, contact Sue Tholen at stholen@pn.usbr.gov or call (208) 378-5276.

Biological Assessment

Rogue Biological Assessment PDF 13.35 mb

Cover, Table of Contents PDF 2.64 mb
Chapter 1 PDF 3.42 mb
Chapter 2 PDF 443 kb
Chapter 3 PDF 310 kb
Chapter 4 PDF 1.93 mb
Chapter 5 PDF 236 kb
Chapter 6 PDF 3.82 mb
Chapter 7 PDF 141 kb
Chapter 8 PDF 162 kb
Chapter 9 PDF 170 kb
Appendices A and B PDF 2.2 mb


Last Update: February 6, 2007 9:41 AM