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Biological Assessment on Continued Operation and Maintenance of the Deschutes River Basin Projects and Effects on Essential Fish Habitat under the Magnuson-Stevens Act


Deschutes RiverThe Biological Assessment evaluates and describes the potential effects of Deschutes River basin project operations on threatened and endangered species, including the bald eagle, bull trout, steelhead, Canada lynx, and northern spotted owl.

Deschutes River basin project features include instream and offstream storage facilities, instream and offstream diversion structures, and irrigation canals. The primary purpose of these Reclamation projects is to supply irrigation water to lands authorized by Congress within the Deschutes River basin.

For more information, contact Ellen Berggren at eberggren@pn.usbr.gov or (208) 378-5090.

Biological Assessment

Amendment Letter PDF 45 kb
Errata Sheet PDF 85 kb

Cover/Acronyms/TOC PDF 1.06 mb
Chapter 1 PDF 2.1 mb
Chapter 2 PDF 9.67 mb
Chapter 3 PDF 503 kb
Chapter 4 PDF 28.41 mb
Chapter 5 PDF 2.41 mb
Chapter 6 PDF 1 mb
Chapter 7 PDF 145 kb
Chapter 8 PDF 135 kb
Chapter 9 PDF 11.16 kb
Chapter 10 PDF 127 kb

Appendix A PDF 906 kb
Appendix B PDF 603 kb
Appendix C PDF 292 kb
Appendix D PDF 182 kb


Last Update: October 15, 2007 12:33 PM