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John Day River Basin Programmatic Environmental Assessment & FONSI



This programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) was developed in order to implement anadromous fisheries habitat improvement program within three John Day River subbasins. The PEA analyzes the environmental impacts of implementing a 10-year program of improving streamflows and correcting fish passage and screening problems within the North Fork, Middle Fork, and Upper (main stem) subbasins of the John Day River, priority subbasins within the Mid-Columbia River Steelhead Evolutionarily Significant Unit.

The PEA was prepared pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. In addition to the action alternative, the PEA also evaluated a no-action alternative as required by NEPA. The proposed action is discussed and analyzed in general terms, as the PEA describes generic types of projects suitable for wide application throughout the project area and, therefore, does not include any site-specific data or analysis. However, the assessment and its analysis of environmental consequences are based on numerous completed projects within the John Day priority subbasins and address the broad range of implementation measures proposed to comply with Action 149 of NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion issued in December 2000 on continued operation and configuration of the Federal Columbia River Power System (FCRPS).

For more information, contact Mark Croghan, at 541-575-3033 or Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 909, 431 Patterson Bridge Road, John Day, OR 97845.


Download Files

05/2003 FONSI & EA PDF 17.31 mb

Select Individual Sections:

Finding of No Significant Impact PDF 17.31 mb
Table of Contents PDF 305 kb
Chapter 1 PDF 2.59 mb
Chapter 2 PDF 1 mb
Chapter 3 PDF 9.99 mb
Chapter 4
PDF 254 kb
Appendices A-L PDF 1.38 mb
Appendices M-X PDF 5.33 mb


Last Update: May 2, 2007 10:40 AM