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Pioneer Irrigation District Title Transfer Proposal
Environmental Assessment & FONSI


The Bureau of Reclamation has issued a Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for the proposed transfer of title for about 75 miles of irrigation drains and certain federal facilities to the Pioneer Irrigation District in Canyon County, Idaho.

The title transfer proposal is limited to facilities and related property interests which have traditionally been operated and maintained by PID since their construction by Reclamation in the early 1900s. These facilities represent approximately 35 percent of the total drainage system currently operated and maintained by PID.  PID has fully paid off its repayment obligations for the federally-owned portion of the drainage system; however, title remains with the U.S. Government.

The transfer proposal is in keeping with Reclamation's goal of increasing the cost-effectiveness of its operations. The facilities are drainage channels and associated rights-of-way and easements. The proposal does not include water rights, storage rights, water management agreements, or facilities maintained by other entities.
Authority to transfer title can only be granted to Reclamation by the US Congress. The National Environmental Policy Act requires Reclamation to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from this action.

Reclamation issued a Draft EA for the proposed title transfer on August 13, 2007, for public review. The Final EA and the FONSI address comments received on the Draft EA and were prepared in accordance with the NEPA.

For additional information, or to request a printed or CD-ROM copy of the final EA and FONSI, please contact Gretchen Fitzgerald, Natural Resource Specialist with the Bureau of Reclamation, Snake River Area Office at 230 Collins Road, Boise ID 83702-4520 or at (208) 383-2231. Questions concerning the Final EA or the NEPA process should be directed to Tino Tafoya, Deputy Area Manager at (208) 383-2251.

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Pioneer Irrigation District Proposed Title Transfer EA and FONSI (full document)

PDF 13 mb

  EA and FONSI (without Appendices) PDF 982 kb
Appendix A Reclamation’s Framework for the Transfer of Title PDF 154 kb
Appendix B Reclamation’s Regional Policy on the Discharge of Stormwater Drainage (Water Quality) PDF 510 kb
Appendix C Scoping Letters and Responses PDF 1.46 mb
Appendix D PID Urban Stormwater Management Policy PDF 562 kb
Appendix E ESA-related Correspondence PDF 945 kb
Appendix F Public Comment Letters and Response PDF 8.6 mb


Gretchen Fitzgerald
Bureau of Reclamation
Snake River Area Office
230 Collins Road
Boise, ID 83702-4520

(208) 383-2231


Last Update: March 3, 2008 10:35 AM